Part 6
People Who Share, People Who Dare
It’s been rumored that at the end of every rainbow there’s a pot of gold. Well, it’s no different as you approach Part 6. As your last stop in the book, it’s only fitting that I give you maps to some potential pots of gold.
In the following chapters, you’ll learn about financial grants you may qualify for from the federal government. If you don’t qualify for or need such financing, you may be able to benefit from access to Uncle Sam’s extensive patent portfolio or collaborative R&D opportunities.
One of the last frontiers for the inventor is the toy industry, and you’ll learn all about what it offers here, too. Cabbage Patch Kids, Candyland, Furby, G.I. Joe, Mr. Potato Head, Monopoly, Nerf, Tickle Me Elmo!, Trivial Pursuit, Twister, and UNO are just a few of the products created by independent inventors.
It’s only appropriate that the final treasure in this book be the friendship of other inventors. To help you meet men and women who share your passion for invention, the last chapter opens the world of inventor organizations and associations—local, regional, and national.
I hope you’ve enjoyed the journey and found it worthwhile, at times entertaining, and even inspirational. Most importantly, I hope you now see that the success you so dearly crave is the by-product of seemingly endless radical factors that must all coalesce within a certain time frame, and with method. There’s no easy answer, no easy way. But if you combine what you’ve learned in the book with a truly innovative concept and add a dash of your own individuality, you’ll position yourself for cashing in on your inventions.
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