Part 1
Getting Started
It’s always good to get the lay of the land before beginning any endeavor. In Part 1, you discover your hidden grant-writing skills. You also learn just what grant writing entails, including what knowledge, skills, and disposition you need to bring to the practice of grant writing. A week-by-week timeline gives you a heads-up on how much time you need to allow for the often lengthy grant process.
Although everyone would like to receive a grant, institutions that make grants operate within a relatively narrow compass, usually making grants only to nonprofits. You’ll learn how to you can sometimes get around that restriction.
Funders are also selective about what kinds of projects they will support, so I take you through the different types of fundable projects.
Finally, I give you a quick look at what the funder wants to see when he opens your application and how to avoid getting rejected right off the bat.
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