Chapter 9
Narrowing Your Prospects
In This Chapter
• Determining funder interest through published materials and grant lists
• When a past gift is not an indication of foundation interest
• Addressing funder interests and avoiding common mistakes
Sending off a grant proposal without tying it to a funder’s interests wastes everyone’s time. Yet many grant writers make this mistake, even though they think that by reading the funder’s mission statement, they’ve done their homework.
Just because a funder supports K–12 education does not mean it will necessarily support technology education for K–12 or an artist in the schools, for example. Support of libraries could include book purchases, technology upgrades, or programs for the public. Each funder will have its niche interest, and it’s up to you to find it.
In this chapter, you learn how to avoid common pitfalls, find the information that will help you focus your proposals, and thoughtfully address the funder’s interests.
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