Part 4
Strategies for Success
No grant proposal is an island. It exists in a busy world where funders are overwhelmed with proposals, nearly all of which deserve a grant. You can tip the odds in your favor by building bridges to funders before asking for their money. In Part 4, you learn how to do just that.
The funder courtship is as fraught with possibilities for false steps and detours as any personal relationship. This part examines how to introduce your charity to a funder through newsletters, formal letters of inquiry, and informal phone calls, all the while cultivating the beginnings of a relationship to move you toward success.
With all the information you’ve accumulated by this point, you’ll be wondering what to do with it all. I help you organize your prospect files and put all the information you have gathered into a plan that makes sure that each funder will be approached in the best way and at the right time.
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