This modified push-up builds upper-body and core strength using the muscles of the chest, back, shoulders, triceps, abs, and even the legs. It’s a great way to develop the strength required to tackle a full push-up, as well as an excellent substitute for those with compromised wrists or shoulders.


  LEVEL 1: Kneeling Push-Up
  LEVEL 2: Push-Up
  LEVEL 3: Plyo Push-Up


To speed your progression to regular push-ups, hold the pause at the deepest part of your push-up. This will help develop strength in your shoulders, chest, and back.


Both kneeling and traditional push-ups engage the rotator cuff, posterior deltoids, rhomboids, abs, and the serratus anterior. Traditional push-ups with straight legs work more muscles in your lower body, involving your glutes and quadriceps as stabilizers throughout the movement. If you modify traditional push-ups by kneeling, add squats or T-stands to your workout to target the lower body.


Begin on all fours with your shoulders directly over your wrists. Tilt your pelvis and lower your hips until your body forms a straight line from knees to shoulders.


Bend your elbows, bringing your chest toward the floor. When your elbows are bent slightly beyond 90 degrees, hold for one to two seconds.


Push up through your palms, extending the arms to return to the starting position.


This targeted exercise is specifically designed to strengthen and define your triceps. The triceps run along the humerus (the main bone in your upper arm) between the shoulder and elbow. Along with the biceps, they aid in extension and retraction of the forearm and in the stabilization of the shoulder joint.


  LEVEL 1: Triceps Dip
  LEVEL 2: Military Push-Up
  LEVEL 3: Sphinx

Sit with your feet flat on the floor in front of you and knees slightly bent. Lean back slightly and place your hands on the floor behind your hips, fingers pointing toward your toes. Elevate the hips by engaging the core, hamstrings, and glutes.


Bend your elbows, lowering your hips until they’re just above the floor.


Extend your arms, bringing your hips back up to the starting position. Repeat.


For a deeper movement, you can do triceps dips with your hands on a stable, elevated surface, such as a bench.

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