Plant-Based Cookbook is an easy-to-use eBook, featuring 200 clean and satisfying new recipes that enable you to transition to a meat-free diet easily and deliciously.

To navigate through the eBook, use the built-in links on the contents page. These will take you to the relevant chapter or recipe list. You can also use the recipe lists at the end of the eBook to navigate to the recipes under each chapter and select the dish you want to cook. Throughout the recipes you will find feature pages that focus on key plant-based ingredients and how to use them, and include links to recipes that showcase the ingredient.

The recipes are divided into categories – Basics; Sauces, Dressings, Dips, and Spreads; Breakfasts; Sandwiches, Burgers, and Wraps; Soups and Stews; Salads; Vegetables; Casseroles and One-Pot Meals; Seeds, Grains, and Pasta; Tofu, Tempeh, and Seitan; Breads, Pizzas, and Savory Tarts; and Desserts – so you can easily choose what you want to eat and learn as you cook. The eBook also contains chapters – like Transition Strategies, Plant-Based Cooking Techniques, and Meal Plans – to help you retool your kitchen and your diet for a plant-based lifestyle.

Many recipes have a photograph of the finished dish to inspire you and show you exactly what you are aiming for. The image appears both as a thumbnail next to the recipe name and as a full-page image at the end of the recipes. All of the pictures in this eBook will enlarge if you double tap on them. All charts and tables also enlarge for easier reading when you double tap on them. To continue reading, simply close the image using the “X” in the top corner.

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We suggest that this eBook looks best on most devices with the following settings:

  • White background
  • Serif font (e.g., Georgia)
  • Scrolling view off
  • Justified text alignment (if your eBook reader has this feature)
  • Smallest point size (particularly when scanning through the eBook)
  • Publisher default setting to be switched on (if your eBook reader has this feature)
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