Appendix E. References and resources

E.1. Source code and listings

The source code used in this book is available from the Manning website. It also provides a forum to get in touch with the authors. Feel free to post questions there.

E.2. OASIS CMIS references

The OASIS CMIS Technical Committee (TC) is responsible for the CMIS specification. If you have any questions about the specification or the specification process, or if you want to join the TC, visit the TC’s website or send a question or comment to the mailing list.

The CMIS specification documents are hosted on the official OASIS server. The CMIS 1.0 and CMIS 1.1 specification documents are available as a PDF document and as an HTML document. Both renditions contain exactly the same content. Each specification also provides schema files and examples.

E.3. Apache Chemistry–related resources

The Apache Chemistry website is the best source for the latest information on the project. It provides links to the subprojects, documentation, and download pages. If you have any question about Apache Chemistry, please send an email to the Apache Chemistry mailing list. If you found a bug or want to suggest an improvement, please open an ticket in the Apache Chemistry bug tracker.

The Apache Chemistry source code is managed on the Apache SVN servers. There you’ll find the most current and unreleased source code as well as the source code of all released versions. Keep in mind that the unreleased source code is a work in progress and might not always work as expected.

The OpenCMIS and DotCMIS session parameters are documented here.

E.4. Other libraries used in this book

The Blend makes use of a few other libraries besides OpenCMIS. Here are the links to project sites of these libraries.

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