Chapter 11. Regular expressions and regexp-based string operations

This chapter covers

  • Regular expression syntax
  • Pattern-matching operations
  • The MatchData class
  • Built-in methods based on pattern matching

In this chapter, we’ll explore Ruby’s facilities for pattern matching and text processing, centering around the use of regular expressions. A regular expression in Ruby serves the same purposes it does in other languages: it specifies a pattern of characters, a pattern that may or may not correctly predict (that is, match) a given string. Pattern-match operations are used for conditional branching (match/no match), pinpointing substrings (parts of a string that match parts of the pattern), and various text-filtering techniques.

Regular expressions in Ruby are objects, specifically instances of the Regexp class. Like all other objects in Ruby, you send messages to a regular expression.

We’ll start with an overview of regular expressions. From there, we’ll move on to the details of how to write them and, of course, how to use them. In the latter category, we’ll look at using regular expressions both in simple match operations and in methods where they play a role in a larger process, such as filtering a collection or repeatedly scanning a string.

11.1. What are regular expressions?

Regular expressions appear in many programming languages, with minor differences among the incarnations. Their purpose is to specify character patterns that subsequently are determined to match (or not match) strings. Pattern matching, in turn, serves as the basis for operations like parsing log files, testing keyboard input for validity, and isolating substrings—operations, in other words, of frequent and considerable use to anyone who has to process strings and text.

Regular expressions have a weird reputation. Using them is a powerful, concentrated technique; they burn through a large subset of text-processing problems like acid through a padlock. They’re also, in the view of many people (including people who understand them well), difficult to use, difficult to read, opaque, unmaintainable, and ultimately counterproductive.

You have to judge for yourself. The one thing you should not do is shy away from learning at least the basics of how regular expressions work and how to use the Ruby methods that utilize them. Even if you decide you aren’t a “regular expression person,” you need a reading knowledge of them. And you’ll by no means be alone if you end up using them in your own programs more than you anticipated.

A number of Ruby built-in methods take regular expressions as arguments and perform selection or modification on one or more string objects. Regular expressions are used, for example, to scan a string for multiple occurrences of a pattern, to substitute a replacement string for a substring, and to split a string into multiple substrings based on a matching separator.

If you’re familiar with regular expressions from Perl, sed, vi, Emacs, or any other source, you may want to skim or skip the expository material here and pick up in section 11.5, where we talk about Ruby methods that use regular expressions. But note that Ruby regular expressions aren’t identical to those in any other language. You’ll almost certainly be able to read them, but you may need to study the differences (such as whether parentheses are special by default or special when escaped) if you get into writing them.

Let’s turn now to writing some regular expressions.

11.2. Writing regular expressions

Regular expressions are written with familiar characters—of course—but you have to learn to read and write them as things unto themselves. They’re not strings, and their meaning isn’t always as obvious as that of strings. They’re representations of patterns.

11.2.1. Seeing patterns

A regular expression (regexp or regex) specifies a pattern. For every such pattern, every string in the world either matches the pattern or doesn’t match it. The Ruby methods that use regular expressions use them either to determine whether a given string matches a given pattern or to make that determination and also take some action based on the answer.

Patterns of the kind specified by regular expressions are most easily understood, initially, in plain language. Here are several examples of patterns expressed this way:

  • The letter a, followed by a digit
  • Any uppercase letter, followed by at least one lowercase letter
  • Three digits, followed by a hyphen, followed by four digits

A pattern can also include components and constraints related to positioning inside the string:

  • The beginning of a line, followed by one or more whitespace characters
  • The character . (period) at the end of a string
  • An uppercase letter at the beginning of a word

Pattern components like “the beginning of a line,” which match a condition rather than a character in a string, are nonetheless expressed with characters or sequences of characters in the regexp.

Regular expressions provide a language for expressing patterns. Learning to write them consists principally of learning how various things are expressed inside a regexp. The most commonly applied rules of regexp construction are fairly easy to learn. You just have to remember that a regexp, although it contains characters, isn’t a string. It’s a special notation for expressing a pattern that may or may not correctly describe some or all of any given string.

11.2.2. Simple matching with literal regular expressions

Regular expressions are instances of the Regexp class, which is one of the Ruby classes that has a literal constructor for easy instantiation. The regexp literal constructor is a pair of forward slashes:


As odd as this may look, it really is a regexp, if a skeletal one. You can verify that it gives you an instance of the Regexp class in irb:

>> //.class
=> Regexp

Another common way of representing regular expressions is with %r{}:

>> %r{}.class
=> Regexp

The specifics of the regexp go between the slashes or curly braces. We’ll start to construct a few simple regular expressions as we look at the basics of the matching process.

Any pattern-matching operation has two main players: a regexp and a string. The regexp expresses predictions about the string. Either the string fulfills those predictions (matches the pattern) or it doesn’t.

The simplest way to find out whether there’s a match between a pattern and a string is with the match method or its sibling, match?. You can do this in either direction—regexp objects and string objects both respond to match and match?, and both of these return true:

/abc/.match?("The alphabet starts with abc.")
"The alphabet starts with abc.".match?(/abc/)

The string version of match? (the second line of the two) differs from the regexp version in that it converts a string argument to a regexp. (We’ll return to that a little later.) In the example, the argument is already a regexp (/abc/), so no conversion is necessary.

Ruby also features a pattern-matching operator, =~ (equal sign and tilde). =~ goes between a string and a regexp:

puts "Match!" if /abc/ =~ "The alphabet starts with abc."
puts "Match!" if "The alphabet starts with abc." =~ /abc/

As you might guess, this pattern-matching operator is an instance method of both the String and Regexp classes. It’s one of the many Ruby methods that provide the syntactic sugar of an infix-operator usage style.

The match? method is useful when you’re after a simple Boolean answer to the question of whether there’s a match between a string and a pattern. match, by contrast, returns a MatchData object or nil if there is no match:

>> /abc/.match("The alphabet starts with abc.")
=> #<MatchData "abc">
>> /abc/.match("def")
=> nil

The creation of a MatchData object means that a match was found. Finally, no match is found in the string "def" for the Regexp /abc/, so the command returns nil. We’ll examine the powerful MatchData object shortly.

=~ returns the numerical index of the character in the string where the match started:

>> "The alphabet starts with abc" =~ /abc/
=> 25

This example finds a match in position 25 of the string. For the moment, we’ll be concerned mainly with getting a yes/no answer to an attempted match, so we’ll make more use of the Regexp#match? method. Then we’ll turn our attention to MatchData objects using the Regexp#match method. =~ remains useful, but most of our examples will use match or match?. Because much of working with regular expressions deals with handling the data captured by a match, you’ll likely make heavier use of match than either match? or =~.

Regular expressions are often built with a combination of letters and symbols. Table 11.1 offers an overview of some of the most-often-used symbols in Ruby regular expressions.

Table 11.1. Symbols in Ruby regular expressions



//, %r{} Instances of Regexp class
=~ Determines if a match exists
. Matches any character except
Escape character; tells Ruby to treat the next character as a literal
[ ] Surrounds a character class; matches either character between [ and ]
  1. Negates a character or character class; matches anything except what follows ^
  2. Matches the expression at the start of a line
d Matches any digit
D Matches anything except a digit
w Matches any digit, alphabetical character, or underscore
W Matches anything except a digit, alphabetical character, or underscore
s Matches any whitespace character (space, tab, newline)
S Matches anything except a whitespace character (space, tab, newline)
{ } Matches a character or character class a specific number of times
$ Matches the expression at the end of a line
+ Matches one or more occurrences of the character or character class
* Matches zero or more occurrences of the character or character class

Now, let’s look in more detail at the composition of a regexp.

11.3. Building a pattern in a regular expression

When you write a regexp, you put the definition of your pattern between the forward slashes. Remember that what you’re putting there isn’t a string but a set of predictions and constraints that you want to look for in a string.

The possible components of a regexp include the following:

  • Literal characters, meaning “match this character”
  • The dot wildcard character (.), meaning “match any character” (except , the newline character)
  • Character classes, meaning “match one of these characters”

We’ll discuss each of these in turn. We’ll then use that knowledge to look more deeply at match operations.

11.3.1. Literal characters in patterns

Any literal character you put in a regexp matches itself in the string. Thus the regexp


matches any string containing the letter a.

Some non-alphanumeric characters have special meanings to the regexp parser (as you’ll see in detail shortly). When you want to match one of these special characters as itself, you have to escape it with a backslash (). For example, to match the character ? (question mark), you have to write this:


The backslash means “don’t treat the next non-alphanumeric character as special; treat it as itself.”

Notably, when using the %r{} syntax, you don’t need to escape the / character. Thus, the following two expressions are equivalent:


The special characters include the following:

^ $ ? . /  [ ] { } ( ) + *

Among them, as you can see, is the dot, which is a special character in regular expressions.

11.3.2. The dot wildcard character (.)

Sometimes you’ll want to match any character at some point in your pattern. You do this with the special dot wildcard character (.). A dot matches any character with the exception of a newline. (There’s a way to make it match newlines too, which you’ll see a little later.)

The pattern in this regexp matches both “dejected” and “rejected”:


It also matches "%ejected" and "8ejected":

>> /.ejected/.match?("%ejected")
=> true

The wildcard dot is handy, but sometimes it gives you more matches than you want. You can impose constraints on matches while still allowing for multiple possible strings, using character classes.

11.3.3. Character classes

A character class is an explicit list of characters placed inside the regexp in square brackets:


This means “match either d or r, followed by ejected.” This new pattern matches either “dejected” or “rejected” but not “&ejected.” A character class is a kind of partial or constrained wildcard: it allows for multiple possible characters, but only a limited number of them.

Inside a character class, you can also insert a range of characters. A common case is this, for lowercase letters:


To match a hexadecimal digit, you might use several ranges inside a character class:


This matches any character a through f (upper- or lowercase) or any digit.

Character classes are longer than what they match

Even a short character class like [a] takes up more than one space in a regexp. But remember, each character class matches one character in the string. When you look at a character class like /[dr]/, it may look like it’s going to match the substring dr. But it isn’t: it’s going to match either d or r.

Sometimes you need to match any character except those on a special list. You may, for example, be looking for the first character in a string that is not a valid hexadecimal digit.

You perform this kind of negative search by negating a character class. To do so, you put a caret (^) at the beginning of the class. For example, here’s a character class that matches any character except a valid hexadecimal digit:


And here’s how you might find the index of the first occurrence of a non-hex character in a string:

>> string = "ABC3934 is a hex number."
=> "ABC3934 is a hex number."
>> string =~ %r{[^A-Fa-f0-9]}
=> 7
>> string[7..-1]
=> " is a hex number."
>> string[0...7]
=> "ABC3934"

Here we can index our string to return what’s matched by the regexp and what isn’t. Ruby provides more-elegant methods for doing this, which we’ll examine in section 11.4.

A character class, positive or negative, can contain any characters. Some character classes are so common that they have special abbreviations.

Special escape sequences for common character classes

To match any digit, you can do this:


You can also accomplish the same thing more concisely with the special escape sequence d:


Notice that there are no square brackets here; it’s just d. Two other useful escape sequences for predefined character classes are these:

  • w matches any digit, alphabetical character, or underscore (_).
  • s matches any whitespace character (space, tab, newline).

Each of these predefined character classes also has a negated form. You can match any character that isn’t a digit by doing this:


Similarly, W matches any character other than an alphanumeric character or underscore, and S matches any non-whitespace character.

A successful call to match returns a MatchData object. Let’s look at MatchData objects and their capabilities up close.

11.4. Matching, substring captures, and MatchData

So far, we’ve looked at basic match operations:


These are essentially true/false tests: either there’s a match or there isn’t. Now we’ll examine what happens on successful and unsuccessful matches and what a match operation can do for you beyond the yes/no answer.

11.4.1. Capturing submatches with parentheses

One of the most important techniques of regexp construction is the use of parentheses to specify captures.

The idea is this. When you test for a match between a string—say, a line from a file—and a pattern, it’s usually because you want to do something with the string or, more commonly, with part of the string. The capture notation allows you to isolate and save substrings of the string that match particular subpatterns.

For example, let’s say we have a string containing information about a person:

Peel,Emma,Mrs.,talented amateur

From this string, we need to harvest the person’s last name and title. We know the fields are comma separated, and we know what order they come in: last name, first name, title, occupation.

To construct a pattern that matches such a string, we might think in English along the following lines:

  • First some alphabetical characters
  • then a comma
  • then some alphabetical characters
  • then a comma
  • then either “Mr.” or “Mrs.”

We’re keeping it simple: restricted to Mr. or Mrs., no leaving off the final period (which would be done in British usage), and no hyphenated names. The regexp, then, might look like this:


(The question mark after the s means match zero or one s. Expressing it that way lets us match either “Mr.” and “Mrs.” concisely.) Instead of simply testing for a match using match, we’ll use the match method and return a MatchData object. The pattern matches the string, as irb attests:

>> /[A-Za-z]+,[A-Za-z]+,Mrs?./.match("Peel,Emma,Mrs.,talented amateur")
=> #<MatchData "Peel,Emma,Mrs.">

We got a MatchData object rather than nil; there was a match.

But now what? How do we isolate the substrings we’re interested in ("Peel" and "Mrs.")?

This is where parenthetical groupings come in. We want two such groupings: one around the subpattern that matches the last name, and one around the subpattern that matches the title:


Now, when we perform the match,

/([A-Za-z]+),[A-Za-z]+,(Mrs?.)/.match("Peel,Emma,Mrs.,talented amateur")

two things happen:

  • We get a MatchData object that gives us access to the submatches (discussed in a moment).
  • Ruby automatically populates a series of variables for us, which also give us access to those submatches.

The variables that Ruby populates are global variables, and their names are based on numbers: $1, $2, and so forth. $1 contains the substring matched by the subpattern inside the first set of parentheses from the left in the regexp. Examining $1 after the previous match (for example, with puts $1) displays Peel. $2 contains the substring matched by the second subpattern; and so forth. In general, the rule is this: after a successful match operation, the variable $n (where n is a number) contains the substring matched by the subpattern inside the nth set of parentheses from the left in the regexp.


If you’ve used Perl, you may have seen the variable $0, which represents not a specific captured subpattern but the entire substring that has been successfully matched. Ruby uses $0 for something else: it contains the name of the Ruby program file from which the current program or script was initially started up. To get the matched substring from a match, you can use the syntax m[0], where m is a MatchData object. You’ll see this technique used in listing 11.1.

We can combine these techniques with string interpolation to generate a salutation for a letter, based on performing the match and grabbing the $1 and $2 variables:

>> /([A-Za-z]+),[A-Za-z]+,(Mrs?.)/.match("Peel,Emma,Mrs.,talented amateur")
=> #<MatchData "Peel,Emma,Mrs." 1:"Peel" 2:"Mrs.">
>> puts "Dear #{$2} #{$1},"
=> Dear Mrs. Peel,

The $n-style variables are handy for grabbing submatches. But you can accomplish the same thing in a more structured, programmatic way by querying the MatchData object returned by your match operation.

11.4.2. Match success and failure

Every match operation either succeeds or fails. Let’s start with the simpler case: failure. When you try to match a string to a pattern and the string doesn’t match, the result is always nil:

>> %r{a}.match("b")
=> nil

The MatchData object returned by a successful match has a Boolean value of true. Beyond this, it also stores information about the match, which you can pry out with the appropriate methods: where the match began (at what character in the string), how much of the string it covered, what was captured in the parenthetical groups, and so forth.

To use the MatchData object, you must first save it. Consider an example where you want to pluck a phone number from a string and save the various parts of it (area code, exchange, number) in groupings. The following listing shows how you might do this. It’s also written as a clinic on how to use some of MatchData’s more common methods. To follow along, create a file called matching_examples.rb and enter the data in the following listing.

Listing 11.1. Matching a phone number and querying the resulting MatchData object
string = "My phone number is (123) 555-1234."
phone_re = %r{((d{3}))s+(d{3})-(d{4})}
m = phone_re.match(string)
unless m
  puts "There was no match—sorry."
  exit                                                 1
print "The whole string we started with: "
puts m.string                                          2
print "The entire part of the string that matched: "
puts m[0]                                              3
puts "The three captures: "
3.times do |index|                                     4
  puts "Capture ##{index + 1}: #{m.captures[index]}"
puts "Here's another way to get at the first capture:"
print "Capture #1: "
puts m[1]                                              5

  • 1 Terminates program

In this code, we’ve used the string method of MatchData 2, which returns the entire string on which the match operation was performed. To get the part of the string that matched our pattern, we address the MatchData object with square brackets, with an index of 0 3. We also use the nifty times method 4 to iterate exactly three times through a code block and print out the submatches (the parenthetical captures) in succession. Inside that code block, a method called captures fishes out the substrings that matched the parenthesized parts of the pattern. Finally, we take another look at the first capture, this time through a different technique 5: indexing the MatchData object directly with square brackets and positive integers, each integer corresponding to a capture. Run matching_examples.rb to produce the following output:

The whole string we started with: My phone number is (123) 555-1234.
The entire part of the string that matched: (123) 555-1234
The three captures:
Capture #1: 123
Capture #2: 555
Capture #3: 1234
Here's another way to get at the first capture:
Capture #1: 123

This gives you a taste of the kinds of match data you can extract from a MatchData object. You can see that there are two ways of retrieving captures. Let’s zoom in on those techniques.

11.4.3. Two ways of getting the captures

One way to get the parenthetical captures from a MatchData object is by directly indexing the object, array-style:


The first line will show the first capture (the first set of parentheses from the left), the second line will show the second capture, and so on.

As listing 11.1 shows, an index of 0 gives you the entire string that was matched. From 1 onward, an index of n gives you the nth capture, based on counting opening parentheses from the left. (And n, where n > 0, always corresponds to the number in the global variable $n.)

The other technique for getting the parenthetical captures from a MatchData object is the captures method, which returns all the captured substrings in a single array. Because this is a regular array, the first item in it—essentially, the same as the global variable $1—is item 0, not item 1. In other words, the following equivalencies apply:

m[1] == m.captures[0]
m[2] == m.captures[1]

and so forth.

A word about this recurrent “counting parentheses from the left” thing. Some regular expressions can be confusing as to their capture parentheses if you don’t know the rule. Take this one, for example:


What will be in the various captures? Well, just count opening parentheses from the left. For each opening parenthesis, find its counterpart on the right. Everything inside that pair will be capture number n, for whatever n you’ve gotten up to.

That means the first capture will be "abc", because that’s the part of the string that matches the pattern between the outermost parentheses. The next parentheses surround "a"; that will be the second capture. Next comes "bc", followed by "b". And that’s the last of the opening parentheses.

The string representation of the MatchData object you get from this match will obligingly show you the captures:

>> /((a)((b)c))/.match("abc")
=> #<MatchData "abc" 1:"abc" 2:"a" 3:"bc" 4:"b">

Sure enough, they correspond rigorously to what was matched between the pairs of parentheses counted off from the left.

Named captures

Capturing subexpressions indexed by number is certainly handy, but there’s another, sometimes more reader-friendly way, that you can label subexpressions: named captures.

Here’s an example. This regular expression will match a name of the form “David A. Black”:

>> re = %r{(?<first>w+)s+((?<middle>w.)s+)(?<last>w+)}

What are the words first, middle, and last doing there? They’re providing named captures: parenthetical captures (hence the () around the expressions) that you can recover from the MatchData object using words instead of numbers. The ? tells Ruby to match each group zero or one times.

If you perform a match using this regular expression, you’ll see evidence of the named captures in the screen output representing the MatchData object:

>> m = re.match("David A. Black")
=> #<MatchData "David A. Black" first:"David" middle:"A." last:"Black">

Now you can query the object for its named captures:

>> m[:first]
=> "David"

MatchData comes with a handy named_captures method that returns a hash of your named captures:

>> m.named_captures
=> {"first"=>"David", "middle"=>"A.", "last"=>"Black"}

You can also use ? to specify optional captures. The following regular expression will match “Joe Leo III,” “Joe Leo, Jr.,” or “Joe Leo”:

>> re = /(?<first>w{3})s+((?<last>w{3}),?s?)(?<suffix>w+.?)?)/
=> /(?<first>w{3})s+((?<last>w{3}),?s?)(?<suffix>w+.?)?)/
>> re.match "Joe Leo III"
=> #<MatchData "Joe Leo III", first:"Joe" last:"Leo" suffix:"III">
>> m = re.match "Joe Leo, Jr."
=> #<MatchData "Joe Leo, Jr.", first:"Joe" last:"Leo" suffix:"Jr.">
>> m.named_captures
=> {"first"=>"Joe", "last"=>"Leo", "suffix"=>"Jr."}
>> m = re.match "Joe Leo"
=> #<MatchData "Joe Leo", first:"Joe" last:"Leo" suffix:nil>
>> m[:suffix]
=> nil

The ? character is a quantifier that gives our regexp more flexibility, matching multiple representations of “Joe Leo.” When a ? follows a named capture, that capture will either contain the matching substring or nil, as appropriate. You’ll learn more about quantifiers in the next section.

Named captures can bulk up your regular expressions, but with the payback that the semantics of retrieving captures from the match become word-based rather than number-based, and therefore potentially clearer and more self documenting. You also don’t have to count pairs of parentheses to derive a reference to your captured substrings.

MatchData objects provide information beyond the parenthetical captures, information you can use if you need it.


  1. Create a Regexp that matches your own name. Choose names for your substring captures. How do they differ from the previous examples?
  2. Try to modify your Regexp to make it match both your proper name as well as a short name or nickname of yours.

11.4.4. Other MatchData information

The code in the following listing gives some quick examples of several further MatchData methods. Open your matching_examples.rb file from listing 11.1 and add this code.

Listing 11.2. Supplemental code for phone number–matching operations
print "The part of the string before the part that matched was: "
puts m.pre_match
print "The part of the string after the part that matched was: "
puts m.post_match
print "The second capture began at character "
puts m.begin(2)
print "The third capture ended at character "
puts m.end(3)

The output from this supplemental code is as follows:

The string up to the part that matched was: My phone number is
The string after the part that matched was: .
The second capture began at character 25
The third capture ended at character 33

The pre_match and post_match methods you see in this listing depend on the fact that when you successfully match a string, the string can then be thought of as being made up of three parts: the part before the part that matched the pattern; the part that matched the pattern; and the part after the part that matched the pattern. Any or all of these can be an empty string. In this listing, they’re not: the pre_match and post_match strings both contain characters (albeit only one character in the case of post_match).

You can also see the begin and end methods in this listing. These methods tell you where the various parenthetical captures, if any, begin and end. To get the information for capture n, you provide n as the argument to begin and/or end.

The MatchData object is a kind of clearinghouse for information about what happened when the pattern met the string. With that knowledge in place, let’s continue looking at techniques you can use to build and use regular expressions. We’ll start with a fistful of important regexp components: quantifiers, anchors, and modifiers. Learning about these components will help you both with writing your own regular expressions and with your regexp literacy. If matching /abc/ makes sense to you now, matching /^x?[yz]{2}.*z/i will make sense to you shortly.

The global MatchData object $~

Whenever you perform a successful match operation, using either match or =~, Ruby sets the global variable $~ to a MatchData object representing the match. On an unsuccessful match, $~ gets set to nil. Thus you can always get at a MatchData object, for analytical purposes, even if you use =~.

11.5. Fine-tuning regular expressions with quantifiers, anchors, and modifiers

One reason regular expressions are so powerful is that they cover an incredible depth of use cases. For example, you can test whether something matches once or many times, determine where a match must occur, and specify parameters like case-insensitive matching. These tasks are accomplished using quantifiers, anchors, and modifiers.

Quantifiers let you specify how many times in a row you want something to match. Anchors let you stipulate that the match occur at a certain structural point in a string (beginning of string, end of line, at a word boundary, and so on). Modifiers are like switches you can flip to change the behavior of the regexp engine; for example, by making it case insensitive or altering how it handles whitespace.

We’ll look at quantifiers, anchors, and modifiers here, in that order.

11.5.1. Constraining matches with quantifiers

Regexp syntax gives you ways to specify not only what you want but also how many: exactly one of a particular character, 5–10 repetitions of a subpattern, and so forth.

All the quantifiers operate either on a single character (which may be represented by a character class) or on a parenthetical group. When you specify that you want to match, say, three consecutive occurrences of a particular subpattern, that subpattern can thus be just one character, or it can be a longer subpattern placed inside parentheses.

Zero or one

You’ve already seen a zero-or-one quantifier example. Let’s review it and go a little more deeply into it.

You want to match either “Mr” or “Mrs” and, just to make it more interesting, you want to accommodate both the American versions, which end with periods, and the British versions, which don’t. You might describe the pattern as follows:

  • The character M, followed by the character r, followed by
  • Zero or one of the character s, followed by
  • Zero or one of the character “.

Regexp notation has a special character to represent the zero-or-one situation: the question mark (?). The pattern just described would be expressed in regexp notation as follows:


The question mark after the s means that a string with an s in that position will match the pattern, and so will a string without an s. The same principle applies to the literal period (note the backslash, indicating that this is an actual period, not a special wildcard dot) followed by a question mark. The whole pattern, then, will match “Mr,” “Mrs,” “Mr.,” or “Mrs.” (It will also match “ABCMr.” and “Mrs!,” but you’ll see how to delimit a match more precisely when we look at anchors in section 11.5.3.)

The question mark is often used with character classes to indicate zero or one of any of a number of characters. If you’re looking for either one or two digits in a row, for example, you might express that part of your pattern like this:


This sequence will match “1,” “55,” “03,” and so forth.

Along with the zero-or-one, there’s a zero-or-more quantifier.

Zero or more

A fairly common case is one in which a string you want to match contains whitespace, but you’re not sure how much. Let’s say you’re trying to match closing </poem> tags in an XML document. Such a tag may or may not contain whitespace. All of these are equivalent:

< /poem>
</    poem>

In order to match the tag, you have to allow for unpredictable amounts of whitespace in your pattern—including none.

This is a case for the zero-or-more quantifier—the asterisk or star (*):


Each time it appears, the sequence s* means the string being matched is allowed to contain zero or more whitespace characters at this point in the match. (Note the necessity of escaping the forward slash in the pattern with a backslash. Otherwise, it would be interpreted as the slash signaling the end of the regexp.)

Regular expressions, it should be noted, can’t do everything. In particular, it’s a commonplace and correct observation that you can’t parse arbitrary XML with regular expressions, for reasons having to do with the nesting of elements and the ways in which character data is represented. Still, if you’re scanning a document because you want to get a rough count of how many poems are in it, and you match and count poem tags, the likelihood that you’ll get the information you’re looking for is high.

Next among the quantifiers is one or more.

One or more

The one-or-more quantifier is the plus sign (+) placed after the character or parenthetical grouping you wish to match one or more of. The match succeeds if the string contains at least one occurrence of the specified subpattern at the appropriate point. For example, the pattern


matches any sequence of one or more consecutive digits:

>> /d+/.match?("There's a digit here somewh3re...")
=> true
>> /d+/.match?("No digits here. Move along.")
=> false
>> /d+/.match?("Digits-R-Us 2345")
=> true

Of course, if you throw in parentheses, you can find out what got matched:

>> /(d+)/.match("Digits-R-Us 2345")[1]
=> "2345"

Here’s a question, though. The job of the pattern d+ is to match one or more digits. That means as soon as the regexp engine (the part of the interpreter that’s doing all this pattern matching) sees that the string has the digit 2 in it, it has enough information to conclude that yes, there’s a match. Yet it clearly keeps going; it doesn’t stop matching the string until it gets all the way to the 5. You can deduce this from the value of $1: the fact that $1 is 2345 means that the subexpression d+, which is what’s in the first set of parentheses, is considered to have matched that substring of four digits.

But why match four digits when all you need to prove you’re right is one digit? The answer, as it so often is in life as well as regexp analysis, is greed.

11.5.2. Greedy (and non-greedy) quantifiers

The * (zero-or-more) and + (one-or-more) quantifiers are greedy. This means they match as many characters as possible, consistent with allowing the rest of the pattern to match.

Look at what .+ matches in this snippet:

>> string = "abc!def!ghi!"
=> "abc!def!ghi!"
>> /.+!/.match(string)[0]
=> "abc!def!ghi!"

We’ve asked for one or more characters (using the wildcard dot) followed by an exclamation point. You might expect to get back the substring "abc!", which fits that description.

Instead, we get "abc!def!ghi!". The + quantifier greedily eats up as much of the string as it can and only stops at the last exclamation point, not the first.

We can make + as well as * into non-greedy quantifiers by putting a question mark after them. Watch what happens when we do that with the last example:

>> /.+?!/.match(string)[0]
=> "abc!"

This version says, “Give me one or more wildcard characters, but only as many as you see up to the first exclamation point, which should also be included.” Sure enough, this time we get "abc!".

If we add the question mark to the quantifier in the digits example, it will stop after it sees the 2:

>> /(d+?)/.match("Digits-R-Us 2345")[1]
=> "2"

What does it mean to say that greedy quantifiers give you as many characters as they can, “consistent with allowing the rest of the pattern to match”?

Consider this match:

/d+5/.match("Digits-R-Us 2345")

If the one-or-more quantifier’s greediness were absolute, the d+ would match all four digits—and then the 5 in the pattern wouldn’t match anything, so the whole match would fail. But greediness always subordinates itself to ensuring a successful match. What happens, in this case, is that after the match fails, the regexp engine backtracks: it unmatches the 5 and tries the pattern again. This time, it succeeds: it has satisfied both the d+ requirement (with 234) and the requirement that 5 follow the digits that d+ matched.

Once again, you can get an informative X-ray of the proceedings by capturing parts of the matched string and examining what you’ve captured. Let’s let irb and the MatchData object show us the relevant captures:

>> /(d+)(5)/.match("Digits-R-Us 2345")
=> #<MatchData "2345" 1:"234" 2:"5">

The first capture is "234", and the second is "5". The one-or-more quantifier, although greedy, has settled for getting only three digits, instead of four, in the interest of allowing the regexp engine to find a way to make the whole pattern match the string. The non-greedy version does the same thing in reverse, matching as few characters as possible to make the whole pattern match the string:

>> /(d)(5)/.match("Digits-R-Us 2345")
=> #<MatchData "45" 1:"4" 2:"5">

In addition to using the zero-/one-or-more-style modifiers, you can also require an exact number or number range of repetitions of a given subpattern.

Specific numbers of repetitions

To specify exactly how many repetitions of a part of your pattern you want matched, put the number in curly braces ({}) right after the relevant subexpression, as this example shows:


This example matches exactly three digits, a hyphen, and then four digits: 555-1212 and other phone number–like sequences.

You can also specify a range inside the braces:


This example matches any string containing 1–10 consecutive digits. A single number followed by a comma is interpreted as a minimum (n or more repetitions). You can therefore match “three or more digits” like this:


Ruby’s regexp engine is smart enough to let you know if your range is impossible; you’ll get a fatal error if you try to match, say, {10,2} (at least 10 but no more than 2) occurrences of a subpattern.

In regular expression matching, an atom is one part of your pattern. Atoms include subpatterns wrapped in parentheses, character classes, and individual characters. You can specify that a repetition count not only for single characters or character classes but also for any regexp atom. Thus you can do this to match five consecutive uppercase letters:

/([A-Z]){5}/.match("David BLACK")

But there’s an important potential pitfall to be aware of in cases like this.

The limitation on parentheses

If you run that last line of code and look at what the MatchData object tells you about the first capture, you may expect to see "BLACK". But you don’t:

>> /([A-Z]){5}/.match("David BLACK")
=> #<MatchData "BLACK" 1:"K">

It’s just "K". Why isn’t "BLACK" captured in its entirety?

The reason is that the parentheses don’t “know” that they’re being repeated five times. They just know that they’re the first parentheses from the left (in this particular case) and that what they’ve captured should be stashed in the first capture slot ($1, or captures[1] of the MatchData object). The expression inside the parentheses, [A-Z], can only match one character. If it matches one character five times in a row, it’s still only matched one at a time—and it will only “remember” the last one. In other words, matching one character five times isn’t the same as matching five characters one time.

If you want to capture all five characters, you need to move the parentheses so they enclose the entire five-part match:

>> /([A-Z]{5})/.match("David BLACK")
=> #<MatchData "BLACK" 1:"BLACK">

Be careful and literal-minded when it comes to figuring out what will be captured.

We’ll look next at ways in which you can specify conditions under which you want matches to occur, rather than the content you expect the string to have.

11.5.3. Regular expression anchors and assertions

Assertions and anchors are different types of creatures from characters. When you match a character (even based on a character class or wildcard), you’re said to be consuming a character in the string you’re matching. An assertion or an anchor, on the other hand, doesn’t consume any characters. Instead, it expresses a constraint: a condition that must be met before the matching of characters is allowed to proceed.

The most common anchors are beginning of line (^) and end of line ($). You might use the beginning-of-line anchor for a task like removing all the comment lines from a Ruby program file. You’d accomplish this by going through all the lines in the file and printing out only those that did not start with a hash mark (#) or with whitespace followed by a hash mark. To determine which lines are comment lines, you can use this regexp:


The ^ (caret) in this pattern anchors the match at the beginning of a line. If the rest of the pattern matches, but not at the beginning of the line, that doesn’t count—as you can see with a couple of tests:

>> comment_regexp = /^s*#/
=> /^s*#/
>> comment_regexp.match("  # Pure comment!")
=> #<MatchData "  #">
>> comment_regexp.match("  x = 1  # Code plus comment!")
=> nil

Only the line that starts with some whitespace and the hash character is a match for the comment pattern. The other line doesn’t match the pattern and therefore wouldn’t be deleted if you used this regexp to filter comments out of a file.

Table 11.2 shows a number of anchors, including beginning and end of line, and beginning and end of string.

Table 11.2. Regular expression anchors




Sample matching string

^ Beginning of line /^s*#/ " # A Ruby comment line with leading spaces"
$ End of line /.$/ "one two three. four"
A Beginning of string /AFour score/ "Four score"
z End of string /from the earth.z/ "from the earth."
 End of string, excluding a final newline character, if any /from the earth./ "from the earth. "
 Word boundary /w+/ "!!!word***" (matches “word”)

Note that z matches the absolute end of the string, whereas  matches the end of the string except for an optional trailing newline.  is useful in cases where you’re not sure whether your string has a newline character at the end—perhaps the last line read out of a text file—and you don’t want to have to worry about it.

Hand in hand with anchors go assertions, which, similarly, tell the regexp processor that you want a match to count only under certain conditions.

Lookahead assertions

Let’s say you want to match a sequence of numbers only if it ends with a period. But you don’t want the period itself to count as part of the match.

One way to do this is with a lookahead assertion—or, to be complete, a zero-width, positive lookahead assertion. Here, followed by further explanation, is how you do it:

str = "123 456. 789"
m = /d+(?=.)/.match(str)

At this point, m[0] (representing the entire stretch of the string that the pattern matched) contains 456—the one sequence of numbers that’s followed by a period.

Here’s a little more commentary on some of the terminology:

  • Zero-width means it doesn’t consume any characters in the string. The presence of the period is noted, but you can still match the period if your pattern continues.
  • Positive means you want to stipulate that the period be present. There are also negative lookaheads; they use (?!...) rather than (?=...).
  • Lookahead assertion means you want to know that you’re specifying what would be next, without matching it.

When you use a lookahead assertion, the parentheses in which you place the look-ahead part of the match don’t count; $1 won’t be set by the match operation in the example. And the dot after the 6 won’t be consumed by the match. (Keep this last point in mind if you’re ever puzzled by lookahead behavior; the puzzlement often comes from forgetting that looking ahead isn’t the same as moving ahead.)

Lookbehind assertions

The lookahead assertions have lookbehind equivalents. Here’s a regexp that matches the string BLACK only when it’s preceded by “David “:

re = /(?<=David )BLACK/

Conversely, here’s one that matches it only when it isn’t preceded by “David”:

re = /(?<!David )BLACK/

Once again, keep in mind that these are zero-width assertions. They represent constraints on the string (“David” has to be before it, or this “BLACK” doesn’t count as a match), but they don’t match or consume any characters.

Non-capturing parentheses

If you want to match something—not just assert that it’s next, but actually match it—using parentheses, but you don’t want it to count as one of the numbered parenthetical captures resulting from the match, use the (?:...) construct. Anything inside a (?:) grouping will be matched based on the grouping, but not saved to a capture. Note that the MatchData object resulting from the following match only has two captures; the def grouping doesn’t count, because of the ?: notation:

>> str = "abc def ghi"
=> "abc def ghi"
>> m = /(abc) (?:def) (ghi)/.match(str)
=> #<MatchData "abc def ghi" 1:"abc" 2:"ghi">

Unlike a zero-width assertion, a (?:) group does consume characters. It just doesn’t save them as a capture.

There’s also such a thing as a conditional match.

Conditional matches

While it probably won’t be among your everyday regular expression practices, it’s interesting to note the existence of conditional matches in Ruby’s regular expression engine (project name Onigmo). A conditional match tests for a particular capture (by number or name), and matches one of two subexpressions based on whether or not the capture was found.

Here’s a simple example. The conditional expression (?(1)b|c) matches b if capture number 1 is matched; otherwise it matches c:

>> re = /(a)?(?(1)b|c)/
=> /(a)?(?(1)b|c)/
>> re.match("ab")
=> #<MatchData "ab" 1:"a">      1
>> re.match("b")
=> nil                          2
>> re.match("c")
=> #<MatchData "c" 1:nil>       3

The regular expression re matches the string "ab" 1, with "a" as the first parenthetical capture and the conditional subexpression matching "a". However, re doesn’t match the string "b" 2. Because there’s no first parenthetical capture, the conditional subexpression tries to match "c", and fails 3. That’s also why re does match the string "c": the condition (?(1)...) isn’t met, so the expression tries to match the “else” part of itself, which is the subexpression /c/.

You can also write conditional regular expressions using named captures. The preceding example would look like this:


And the results of the various matches would be the same.

Anchors, assertions, and conditional matches add richness and granularity to the pattern language with which you express the matches you’re looking for. Also in the language-enrichment category are regexp modifiers.

11.5.4. Modifiers

A regexp modifier is a letter placed after the final, closing forward slash of the regex literal:


The i modifier shown here causes match operations involving this regexp to be case insensitive. The other most common modifier is m. The m (multiline) modifier has the effect that the wildcard dot character, which normally matches any character except newline, will match any character, including newline. This is useful when you want to capture everything that lies between, say, an opening parenthesis and a closing one, and you don’t know (or care) whether they’re on the same line.

Here’s an example; note the embedded newline characters ( ) in the string:

str = "This (including
what's in parens
) takes up three lines."
m = /(.*?)/m.match(str)

The non-greedy wildcard subpattern .*? matches:

what's in parens

Without the m modifier, the dot in the subpattern wouldn’t match the newline characters. The match operation would hit the first newline and, not finding a ) character by that point, would fail.

Another often-used regexp modifier is x. The x modifier changes the way the regexp parser treats whitespace. Instead of including it literally in the pattern, it ignores it unless it’s escaped with a backslash. The point of the x modifier is to let you add comments to your regular expressions:

 ((d{3}))  # 3 digits inside literal parens (area code)
   s         # One space character
 (d{3})      # 3 digits (exchange)
    -         # Hyphen
 (d{4})      # 4 digits (second part of number

The previous regexp is exactly the same as this one but with expanded syntax and comments:


Be careful with the x modifier. When you first discover it, it’s tempting to bust all your patterns wide open:

/  (?<=   David )    BLACK  /x

(Note the backslash-escaped literal space character, the only such character that will be considered part of the pattern.) But remember that a lot of programmers have trained themselves to understand regular expressions without a lot of ostensibly user-friendly extra whitespace thrown in. It’s not easy to un-x a regexp as you read it, if you’re used to the standard syntax.

For the most part, the x modifier is best saved for cases where you want to break the regexp out onto multiple lines for the sake of adding comments, as in the phone number example. Don’t assume that whitespace automatically makes regular expressions more readable.

We’ll look next at techniques for converting back and forth between two different but closely connected classes: String and Regexp.


Use the following text to complete these exercises. You can enter it all into a variable at the command line or create a file called collections.txt and use the File#read method to consume the text:

Collections Report: 04/15/2018

Initech owes us $34,500. They will remit payment on 5/15.

U-North owes $96,000 and has not responded to our notice.

Weyland-Utani Corp has a balance of $25,000 dating back to 1979.

  1. Use a regular expression anchor to return the three company names that begin each line.
  2. Use a lookbehind assertion to capture all the numbers in the text and convert them to integers.
  3. Create a hash that maps company name to amount owed:
    { Initech: 34,500,
      U-North: $96,000,
      Weland-Utani Corp: $25,000 }

11.6. Converting strings and regular expressions to each other

The fact that regular expressions aren’t strings is easy to absorb at a glance in the case of regular expressions like this:


With its special-character class and repetition syntax, this pattern doesn’t look much like any of the strings it matches ("aaa", "aab", "aac", and so forth).

It gets a little harder not to see a direct link between a regexp and a string when faced with a regexp like this:


This regexp isn’t the string "abc". Moreover, it matches not only "abc" but any string with the substring "abc" somewhere inside it (like “Now I know my abcs.”). There’s no unique relationship between a string and a similar-looking regexp.

Still, although the visual resemblance between some strings and some regular expressions doesn’t mean they’re the same thing, regular expressions and strings do interact in important ways. Let’s look at some flow in the string-to-regexp direction and then some going the opposite way.

11.6.1. String-to-regexp idioms

To begin with, you can perform string (or string-style) interpolation inside a regexp. You do so with the familiar #{...} interpolation technique:

>> str = "def"
=> "def"
>> /abc#{str}/
=> /abcdef/

The value of str is dropped into the regexp and made part of it, just as it would be if you were using the same technique to interpolate it into a string.

The interpolation technique becomes more complicated when the string you’re interpolating contains regexp special characters. For example, consider a string containing a period (.). As you know, the period or dot has a special meaning in regular expressions: it matches any single character except newline. In a string, it’s just a dot. When it comes to interpolating strings into regular expressions, this has the potential to cause confusion:

>> str = "a.c"
=> "a.c"
>> re = /#{str}/
=> /a.c/
>> re.match("a.c")
=> #<MatchData "a.c">
>> re.match("abc")
=> #<MatchData "abc">

Both matches succeed; they return MatchData objects rather than nil. The dot in the pattern matches a dot in the string "a.c". But it also matches the b in "abc". The dot, which started life as just a dot inside str, takes on special meaning when it becomes part of the regexp.

But you can escape the special characters inside a string before you drop the string into a regexp. You don’t have to do this manually: the Regexp class provides a Regexp.escape class method that does it for you. You can see what this method does by running it on a couple of strings in isolation:

>> Regexp.escape("a.c")
=> "a\.c"
>> Regexp.escape("^abc")
=> "\^abc"

(irb doubles the backslashes because it’s outputting double-quoted strings. If you wish, you can puts the expressions, and you’ll see them in their real form with single backslashes.)

As a result of this kind of escaping, you can constrain your regular expressions to match exactly the strings you interpolate into them:

>> str = "a.c"
=> "a.c"
>> re = /#{Regexp.escape(str)}/
=> /a.c/
>> re.match("a.c")
=> #<MatchData "a.c">
>> re.match("abc")
=> nil

This time, the attempt to use the dot as a wildcard match character fails; "abc" isn’t a match for the escaped, interpolated string.

It’s also possible to instantiate a regexp from a string by passing the string to

=> /(.*)s+Black/

The usual character-escaping and/or regexp-escaping logic applies:

>>'Mr. David Black')
=> /Mr. David Black/
>>"Mr. David Black"))
=> /Mr. David Black/

Notice that the literal space characters have been escaped with backslashes—not strictly necessary unless you’re using the x modifier, but not detrimental either.

You can also pass a literal regexp to, in which case you get back a new, identical regexp. Because you can always just use the literal regexp in the first place, is more commonly used to convert strings to regexps.

The use of single-quoted strings makes it unnecessary to double up on the back-slashes. If you use double quotes (which you may have to, depending on what sorts of interpolation you need to do), remember that you need to write Mr\. so the back-slash is part of the string passed to the regexp constructor. Otherwise, it will only have the effect of placing a literal dot in the string—which was going to happen anyway—and that dot will make it into the regexp without a slash and will therefore be interpreted as a wildcard dot.

Now let’s look at some conversion techniques in the other direction: regexp to string. This is something you’ll do mostly for debugging and analysis purposes.

11.6.2. Going from a regular expression to a string

Like all Ruby objects, regular expressions can represent themselves in string form. The way they do this may look odd at first:

>> puts /abc/
=> nil

This is an alternate regexp notation—one that rarely sees the light of day except when generated by the to_s instance method of regexp objects. What looks like mix is a list of modifiers (m, i, and x) with a minus sign in front indicating that the modifiers are all switched off.

You can play with putsing regular expressions in irb, and you’ll see more about how this notation works. We won’t pursue it here, in part because there’s another way to get a string representation of a regexp that looks more like what you probably typed—by calling inspect or p (which in turn calls inspect):

>> /abc/.inspect
=> "/abc/"

Going from regular expressions to strings is useful primarily when you’re studying and/or troubleshooting regular expressions. It’s a good way to make sure your regular expressions are what you think they are.

At this point, we’ll bring regular expressions full circle by examining the roles they play in some important methods of other classes. We’ve gotten this far using the match method almost exclusively; but match is just the beginning.

11.7. Common methods that use regular expressions

The payoff for gaining facility with regular expressions in Ruby is the ability to use the methods that take regular expressions as arguments and do something with them.

To begin with, you can always use a match operation as a test in, say, a find or find_all operation on a collection. For example, to find all strings longer than 10 characters and containing at least 1 digit, from an array of strings called array, you can do this:

array.find_all {|e| e.size > 10 and /d/.match(e) }

But a number of methods, mostly pertaining to strings, are based more directly on the use of regular expressions. We’ll look at several of them in this section.

11.7.1. String#scan

The scan method goes from left to right through a string, testing repeatedly for a match with the pattern you specify. The results are returned in an array.

For example, if you want to harvest all the digits in a string, you can do this:

>> "testing 1 2 3 testing 4 5 6".scan(/d/)
=> ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6"]

Note that scan jumps over things that don’t match its pattern and looks for a match later in the string. This behavior is different from that of match, which stops for good when it finishes matching the pattern completely once.

If you use parenthetical groupings in the regexp you give to scan, the operation returns an array of arrays. Each inner array contains the results of one scan through the string:

>> str = "Leopold Auer was the teacher of Jascha Heifetz."
=> "Leopold Auer was the teacher of Jascha Heifetz."
>> violinists = str.scan(/([A-Z]w+)s+([A-Z]w+)/)
=> [["Leopold", "Auer"], ["Jascha", "Heifetz"]]

This example nets you an array of arrays, where each inner array contains the first name and the last name of a person. Having each complete name stored in its own array makes it easy to iterate over the whole list of names, which we’ve conveniently stashed in the variable violinists:

violinists.each do |fname,lname|
  puts "#{lname}'s first name was #{fname}."

The output from this snippet is as follows:

Auer's first name was Leopold.
Heifetz's first name was Jascha.

The regexp used for names in this example is, of course, overly simple: it neglects hyphens, middle names, and so forth. But it’s a good illustration of how to use captures with scan.

String#scan can also take a code block—and that technique can, at times, save you a step. scan yields its results to the block, and the details of the yielding depend on whether you’re using parenthetical captures. Here’s a scan-block-based rewrite of the previous code:

str.scan(/([A-Z]w+)s+([A-Z]w+)/) do |fname, lname|
  puts "#{lname}'s first name was #{fname}."

Each time through the string, the block receives the captures in an array. If you’re not doing any capturing, the block receives the matched substrings successively. Scanning for clumps of w characters (w is the character class consisting of letters, numbers, and underscore) might look like this

"one two three".scan(/w+/) {|n| puts "Next number: #{n}" }

which would produce this output:

Next number: one
Next number: two
Next number: three

Note that if you provide a block, scan doesn’t store the results in an array and return them; it sends each result to the block and then discards it. That way, you can scan through long strings, doing something with the results along the way, and avoid taking up memory with the substrings you’ve already seen and used.

Even more string scanning with the StringScanner class

The standard library includes an extension called strscan, which provides the StringScanner class. StringScanner objects extend the available toolkit for scanning and examining strings. A StringScanner object maintains a pointer into the string, allowing for back-and-forth movement through the string, using position and pointer semantics.

Here are some examples of the methods in StringScanner:

>> require 'strscan'                                       1
=> true
>> ss ="Testing string scanning"        2
=> #<StringScanner 0/23 @ "Testi...">
>> ss.scan_until(/ing/)                                    3
=> "Testing"
>> ss.pos                                                  4
=> 7
>> ss.peek(7)                                              5
=> " string"
>> ss.unscan                                               6
=> #<StringScanner 0/23 @ "Testi...">
>> ss.pos
=> 0
>> ss.skip(/Test/)                                         7
=> 4
>>                                                 8
=> "ing string scanning"

  • 1 Loads scanner library
  • 2 Creates scanner
  • 3 Scans string until regexp matches
  • 4 Examines new pointer position
  • 5 Looks at next 7 bytes (but doesn’t advance pointer)
  • 6 Undoes previous scan
  • 7 Moves pointer past regexp
  • 8 Examines part of string to right of pointer

Using the notion of a pointer into the string, StringScanner lets you traverse across the string as well as examine what’s already been matched and what remains. String-Scanner is a useful complement to the built-in string-scanning facilities.

Another common regexp-based string operation is split.

11.7.2. String#split

In keeping with its name, split splits a string into multiple substrings, returning those substrings as an array. split can take either a regexp or a plain string as the separator for the split operation. It’s commonly used to get an array consisting of all the characters in a string. To do this, you use an empty regexp:

>> "Ruby".split(//)
=> ["R", "u", "b", "y"]

split is often used in the course of converting flat, text-based configuration files to Ruby data structures. Typically, this involves going through a file line by line and converting each line. A single-line conversion might look like this:

line = "first_name=david;last_name=black;country=usa"
record = line.split(/=|;/)

This leaves record containing an array:

["first_name", "david", "last_name", "black", "country", "usa"]

With a little more work, you can populate a hash with entries of this kind:

data = []
record = Hash[*line.split(/=|;/)]      1

  • 1 Uses * to turn array into bare list to feed to Hash[ ]

If you do this for every line in a file, you’ll have an array of hashes representing all the records. That array of hashes, in turn, can be used as the pivot point to a further operation—perhaps embedding the information in a report or feeding it to a library routine that can save it to a database table as a sequence of column/value pairs.

You can provide a second argument to split; this argument limits the number of items returned. In this example,

>> "a,b,c,d,e".split(/,/,3)
=> ["a", "b", "c,d,e"]

split stops splitting once it has three elements to return and puts everything that’s left (commas and all) in the third string.

In addition to breaking a string into parts by scanning and splitting, you can also change parts of a string with substitution operations, as you’ll see next.

11.7.3. sub/sub! and gsub/gsub!

sub and gsub (along with their bang, in-place equivalents) are the most common tools for changing the contents of strings in Ruby. The difference between them is that gsub (global substitution) makes changes throughout a string, whereas sub makes at most one substitution.

Single substitutions with sub

sub takes two arguments: a regexp (or string) and a replacement string. Whatever part of the string matches the regexp, if any, is removed from the string and replaced with the replacement string:

>> "typigraphical error".sub(/i/,"o")
=> "typographical error"

You can use a code block instead of the replacement-string argument. The block is called (yielded to) if there’s a match. The call passes in the string being replaced as an argument:

>> "capitalize the first vowel".sub(/[aeiou]/) {|s| s.upcase }
=> "cApitalize the first vowel"

If you’ve done any parenthetical grouping, the global $n variables are set and available for use inside the block.

Global substitutions with gsub

gsub is like sub, except it keeps substituting as long as the pattern matches anywhere in the string. For example, here’s how you can replace the first letter of every word in a string with the corresponding capital letter:

>> "capitalize every word".gsub(/w/) {|s| s.upcase }
=> "Capitalize Every Word"

As with sub, gsub gives you access to the $n parenthetical-capture variables in the code block.

Using the captures in a replacement string

You can access the parenthetical captures by using a special notation consisting of backslash-escaped numbers. For example, you can correct an occurrence of a lowercase letter followed by an uppercase letter (assuming you’re dealing with a situation where this is a mistake) like this:

>> "aDvid".sub(/([a-z])([A-Z])/, '21')
=> "David"

Note the use of single quotation marks for the replacement string. With double quotes, you’d have to double the backslashes to escape the backslash character.

To double every word in a string, you can do something similar, but using gsub:

>> "double every word".gsub(/(w+)/, '1 1')
=> "double double every every word word"

We’ll conclude our look at regexp-based tools with two techniques having in common their dependence on the case-equality operator (===): case statements (which aren’t method calls but which do incorporate calls to the threequal operator) and Enumerable #grep.

A global-capture-variable pitfall

Beware: You can use the global capture variables ($1, etc.) in your substitution string, but they may not do what you think they will. Consider this example:

>> /(abc)/.match("abc")
=> #<MatchData "abc" 1:"abc">
>> "aDvid".sub(/([a-z])([A-Z])/, "#{$2}#{$1}")
=> "abcvid"

Here, $1 from the previous match ("abc") ended up infiltrating the substitution string in the second match. In general, sticking to the 1-style references to your captures is safer than using the global capture variables in sub and gsub substitution strings.

11.7.4. Case equality and grep

As you know, all Ruby objects understand the === message. If it hasn’t been overridden in a given class or for a given object, it’s a synonym for ==. If it has been overridden, it’s whatever the new version makes it be.

Case equality for regular expressions is a match test: for any given regexp and string, regexp === string is true if string matches regexp. You can use === explicitly as a match test:

puts "Match!" if re.match(string)
puts "Match!" if string =~ re
puts "Match!" if re === string

And, of course, you have to use whichever test will give you what you need: nil or MatchData object for match; nil or integer offset for =~; true or false for === or match?.

In case statements, === is used implicitly. To test for various pattern matches in a case statement, proceed along the following lines:

print "Continue? (y/n) "
answer = gets
case answer
when /^y/i
  puts "Great!"
when /^n/i
  puts "Bye!"
  puts "Huh?"

Each when clause is a call to ===: /^y/i === answer, and so forth.

The other technique you’ve seen that uses the === method/operator, also implicitly, is Enumerable#grep. You can refer back to section 10.3.3. Here, we’ll put the spotlight on a couple of aspects of how it handles strings and regular expressions.

grep does a filtering operation from an enumerable object based on the case-equality operator (===), returning all the elements in the enumerable that return a true value when threequaled against grep’s argument. Thus if the argument to grep is a regexp, the selection is based on pattern matches, as per the behavior of Regexp#===:

>> ["USA", "UK", "France", "Germany"].grep(/[a-z]/)
=> ["France", "Germany"]

You can accomplish the same thing with select, but it’s a bit wordier:

["USA", "UK", "France", "Germany"].select {|c| /[a-z]/ === c }

grep uses the generalized threequal technique to make specialized select operations, including but not limited to those involving strings, concise and convenient.

You can also supply a code block to grep, in which case you get a combined select/map operation: the results of the filtering operation are yielded one at a time to the block, and the return value of the whole grep call is the cumulative result of those yields. For example, to select countries and then collect them in uppercase, you can do this:

>> ["USA", "UK", "France", "Germany"].grep(/[a-z]/) {|c| c.upcase }

Keep in mind that grep selects based on the case-equality operator (===), so it won’t select anything other than strings when you give it a regexp as an argument—and there’s no automatic conversion between numbers and strings. Thus if you try this,


you get back an empty array; the array has no string element that matches the regexp /1/, no element for which it’s true that /1/ === element.

This brings us to the end of our survey of regular expressions and some of the methods that use them. There’s more to learn; pattern matching is a sprawling subject. But this chapter has introduced you to much of what you’re likely to need and see as you proceed with your study and use of Ruby.


In this chapter, you’ve seen

  • The underlying principles behind regular expression pattern matching
  • The match and =~ techniques
  • Character classes
  • Parenthetical captures
  • Quantifiers
  • Modifiers
  • Anchors
  • MatchData objects
  • String/regexp interpolation and conversion
  • Ruby methods that use regexps: scan, split, grep, sub, gsub

This chapter has introduced you to the fundamentals of regular expressions in Ruby, including character classes, parenthetical captures, and anchors. You’ve seen that regular expressions are objects—specifically, objects of the Regexp class—and that they respond to messages (such as "match"). We looked at the MatchData class, instances of which hold information about the results of a match operation. You’ve also learned how to interpolate strings into regular expressions (escaped or unescaped, depending on whether you want the special characters in the string to be treated as special in the regexp), how to instantiate a regexp from a string, and how to generate a string representation of a regexp.

Methods like String#scan, String#split, Enumerable#grep, and the “sub” family of String methods use regular expressions and pattern matching as a way of determining how their actions should be applied. Gaining knowledge about regular expressions gives you access not only to relatively simple matching methods but also to a suite of string-handling tools that otherwise wouldn’t be usable.

As we continue our investigation of Ruby’s built-in facilities, we’ll move in chapter 12 to the subject of I/O operations in general and file handling in particular.

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