12 Continuous integration and continuous delivery

This chapter covers

  • Continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD)
  • Reasons to adopt CI and CD
  • The role of tests in building a CI/CD pipeline
  • Version-control checks
  • The advantages of adopting version-control checks

Louis always tells his staff not to bake different parts of a recipe without talking to each other. Pastry chefs who make an éclair’s choux pastry are frequently talking to others making its pastry cream and to those making its chocolate glazing.

When pastry chefs don’t talk to each other, they try to be more efficient by making all the pastry cream they possibly can or baking the bare minimum they need. The problem with this lack of communication is that, often, they’ll waste ingredients by making either too much cream or too little. If they make too much, the surplus gets thrown away because Louis doesn’t sell anything that isn’t fresh. If they make too little, it’s the choux pastry that gets thrown out, because there’s not enough cream to fill every éclair.

On the other hand, when his staff works together, they agree on how many éclairs they’ll bake and what should be their glazing’s flavor. They bake one batch at a time and continuously put together each one’s work to make fresh éclairs.

Combining their work early and frequently reduces waste because it guarantees that the pastry’s flavor goes well with the cream and that the glazing has the ideal level of sweetness to complement the rest.

When developers write code in their own branch for a long time without integrating their work with others’ work, the consequences are similar.

Developers who remain siloed for too long build on unstable foundations. If they work in isolation for too long, by the time they try to merge their work to the project’s main branch, the code upon which they’ve built might have already changed.

Because the siloed developer took too long to integrate their work, they end up having to do a lot of rework and solve too many conflicts all at once, which is costly, risky, and frustrating.

By continually integrating their work, developers reduce the amount of rework they have to do because they’re constantly making sure that the assumptions upon which they’re building are reliable. If anything changes, they can correct course earlier, avoid unnecessary work, and, therefore, reduce costs.

Another important part of making both bakers and software producers more efficient is to reduce the time it takes from someone coming up with a recipe to it being on a customer’s plate.

By delivering earlier and delivering often, pastry chefs can adapt their recipes so that they become successful. When it comes to building software, early and frequent releases lead to less rework because it allows teams to get customer feedback sooner and, therefore, learn more about what to build next.

In this chapter, you’ll learn more about these two practices: continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD), which depends on the first.

I’ll start the chapter by explaining continuous integration, continuous delivery, and how these two practices relate to each other. Besides understanding what they are, I’ll talk about their advantages and how to apply them.

Once you’ve learned about these two practices, I’ll explain the crucial role that tests have in building a CI/CD pipeline and how combining tests with these practices helps you produce better software faster, with less frustration, for less money.

Finally, in this chapter’s third section, I’ll talk about how to integrate checks into your version-control system and how they can complement the practices about which you’ve learned.

Throughout these sections, you’ll learn by understanding how I’d solve hypothetical situations faced by this book’s beloved pastry chef as he was building the online branch of his business.

NOTE Continuous integration and continuous delivery are extensive topics. This chapter covers only the essential information you need to get started and understand the role of tests when adopting these two practices.

To see these two topics explored in-depth, I’d recommend the books Continuous Integration: Improving Software Quality and Reducing Risk by Paul M. Duvall, Steve Matyas, and Andrew Glover (Addison-Wesley Professional, 2007); and Continuous Delivery: Reliable Software Releases through Build, Test, and Deployment Automation by Jez Humble and David Farley (Addison-Wesley Professional, 2010).

12.1 What are continuous integration and continuous delivery?

Successful businesses delight customers by communicating frequently, iterating quickly, delivering early, listening to feedback, and acting on it. These businesses focus on delivering delightful finished products rather than constantly working on mediocre new features.

At the very core of these successful behaviors are two practices: continuous delivery and continuous integration.

Doing continuous integration means frequently integrating your work with others’ work. Continuous delivery means delivering products to your customers early and often.

In this section, you’ll understand how these two practices help make a business successful and how to apply them.

12.1.1 Continuous integration

Louis’s cakes never fail to amuse a customer. The flavor of their filling, icing, and batter are always harmonic. Even though a separate pastry chef makes each part, these chefs frequently talk to each other and experiment combining their work as early as possible to ensure that ingredients go well together.

By frequently updating others on what they’re baking, pastry chefs can ensure they’re baking the right quantities, of the right thing, at the right time. They won’t, for example, bake a chocolate frosting and have to throw it away because their partner was baking a vanilla cheesecake. Otherwise, that would be a weird cheesecake.

Furthermore, by tasting the cake’s parts together, pastry chefs can figure out whether the icing needs to be less sugary to harmonize with the extra-sweet filling or vice versa.

Combining ingredients early reduces waste and rework. If different parts of a cake don’t go well together, a pastry chef will have spent less time before finding that out and won’t have to throw away a large amount of his work.

This practice—continuous integration—translates easily to the software world and yields similar benefits.

Imagine you’re implementing a feature that allows customers to apply discount coupons to their orders. To implement this feature, you’ve split off of the project’s main branch and started committing to your own feature branch.

As you work on your discount coupons mechanism, another developer is working on automatically discounting bulk orders. This developer’s work interferes with yours because it changes a few fundamentals of how discounts work.

If your team practices continuous integration, you’ll avoid having to do a significant amount rework to integrate these two changes.

Continuous integration makes work less frustrating and more predictable because you will have fewer surprises when the time comes to merge the branch with your implementation of discount coupons.

Instead of doing a week’s worth of work only to figure out that what you’ve done on day two is no longer valid, you’ll frequently integrate your work with the project’s main branch, and so will your coworker. Therefore, you will constantly correct course as you develop your feature.

In software engineering, constantly integrating your work with the project’s main branch is the equivalent of communicating the changes you’re doing, so that everyone is always working on top of a working version of your software.

One major caveat is that the longer it takes to integrate work, the longer it takes to detect problems. Additionally, if integrating work is time-consuming, this practice won’t be as efficient, and developers won’t integrate work as often.

Therefore, to make it as quick and painless as possible to integrate work, you should automate whatever you can to make it easier to validate the software whenever there are changes. Among the tasks you should automate are executing static analysis, enforcing code style, running tests, and building the project, as shown in the pipeline in figure 12.1.

TIP In addition to these automated checks, I recommend teams to adopt a code-review process before they merge code to the project’s main branch.

Once these tasks are automated, it takes only a few seconds for a developer to know whether their work is valid when combined with the changes in the project’s main branch. Instead of delegating quality control to another team, you incorporate it into your build process so that you can tighten your feedback loop.

Figure 12.1 When performing continuous integration, your CI server will automatically analyze, build, and test every change you submit.

After automating your quality control processes and incorporating them into your build process, whenever a developer pushes work to the project’s repository, a continuous integration server should execute these automated tasks to continually monitor whether the software works as it should.

In addition to checking if the code submitted passes the tests and other automated validations, running these tasks in a separate environment helps to eliminate any possible inconsistencies among different developers’ machines. Additionally, it excludes the possibility of having bugs or inconsistent code due to developers forgetting to run tests or use static analysis tools.

Warning Adopting a continuous integration tool does not necessarily mean you’re practicing continuous integration.

Teams that perform continuous integration frequently merge their work with the project’s main branch. Automating builds and validations and having a continuous integration server is a way to make those frequent integrations safer and quicker.

If you use a continuous integration tool, but you integrate your work with the project’s main branch only once a month, you’re not doing continuous integration.

After you’ve adopted a continuous integration tool, you should then ensure that the build process of the project’s main branch is always working. If it breaks, you and your team must either fix it as soon as possible or rollback the changes that caused the failure. Otherwise, others will work on top of broken software.

Additionally, if you have a broken build, you will forbid others from merging new code because, if they do, you won’t know whether their code has failures, too, given that the build is already broken. Furthermore, it will be more challenging to find the problem’s root cause because you’ll have more changes to investigate.

Important Your continuous integration builds should always be working.

Besides having quality control checks incorporated into builds that always pass on a continuous integration server, you should make sure that those builds happen quickly.

Like what happens with tests, the more time it takes for a build to run, the longer it takes for developers to notice they’ve made mistakes. Additionally, slow builds can impact the team’s delivery rhythm because it will take time for everyone to get their changes merged and validated.

Continuous integration services

Since I’ve been working in tech, I’ve tried a wide array of continuous integration tools, from on-premises software to cloud services.

Unless you work at Big Co. or have strict requirements that enforce you to build code in your own servers, I’d highly recommend you to use on-premise third-party CI software, such as Drone, JetBrains’ TeamCity, or Jenkins.

Otherwise, I’d opt for a cloud-based service. When I’m building software, I want to focus on building software, not on fixing the machine on which my continuous integration is running.

If you opt for a cloud offering, my particular favorite is CircleCI. Besides being easy to set up, the service is reliable, and has extensive documentation. Additionally, CircleCI makes it easy for you to debug failing builds by allowing you to SSH into the servers on which the builds run. This feature will enable you to update configurations manually in the server itself as you retry builds to understand what’s causing those builds to fail.

Other excellent options are TravisCI, which I’ve used extensively in open source projects, JetBrains’ managed TeamCity service, and GitLab CI.

The most important factors I’d consider when choosing one of these tools are their flexibility, security, and debuggability. Additionally, as you’ll see in this chapter’s final section, I consider it essential to be able to integrate those tools with your version-control system (VCS) provider.

Regardless of the tool you choose, remember that it’s more important to practice continuous integrating your work with the project’s mainline than it is to select a fantastic continuous integration service.

I’ve previously seen the same continuous integration service fail in some projects but succeed in others. The tool’s features were identical in both kinds of projects—what made the most difference was how disciplined developers were when it came to integrating their work.

NOTE You can find more about each of these tools at the following sites:

12.1.2 Continuous delivery

One of the most valuable lessons you’ve learned from Louis’s pastry chefs is that delivering early and often helps businesses succeed.

When developing new desserts, for example, it’s risky to bake a large batch at once and try to sell all of it, because the pastry chefs don’t yet know whether customers will like it.

If the bakery’s staff bakes a large batch of a dessert that the clientele thinks is sour, for example, they’ll have wasted a significant amount of time and resources. Instead, they bake a small batch, sell it to a few customers, and listen to their feedback. Then they iteratively improve the dessert and, therefore, waste fewer resources in the process.

As chefs try out these new recipes, they are also reluctant to present customers with terribly sour desserts, which would cause them not to come back. To avoid scaring customers with an experimental recipe, the bakery’s staff tastes the new desserts first and only then gradually sells the novel dessert to smaller cohorts of more receptive carbohydrate lovers.

If their customers don’t like the new offering, the staff quickly stops the taste-testing and gets back to the kitchen to improve the recipe. Otherwise, they start selling a recipe to a larger and larger number of customers.

Continuously testing their desserts with customers keeps the bakery’s staff focused on making desserts successful instead of always trying to develop brand-new ones that don’t sell well enough.

Additionally, by baking fewer desserts at a time, pastry chefs are less likely to get the cooking time wrong as they get used to the new recipe.

Finally, because they have to deliver new desserts frequently, they optimize the layout of their kitchen in favor of throughput and put in place the necessary metrics and processes for them to be able to determine whether a dessert is performing well.

If you apply this same practice—continuous delivery—to the software world, you’ll see analogous advantages.

As teams that practice continuous delivery complete their changes, instead of merely merging their work to the project’s main branch, they produce artifacts that they can immediately put into the hands of customers.

To be able to deploy an up-to-date version of their software at any point in time, these teams perform continuous integration to ensure that each commit to the project’s main branch takes the software from one valid working state to another.

Important As illustrated in figure 12.2, continuous integration is a prerequisite to being able to perform continuous deployment.

As developers write code, to avoid delivering features that customers may not like or that may have bugs that haven’t yet been caught by automated tests, they roll out changes to a small cohort of more receptive users first.

Figure 12.2 You must already perform continuous integration before implementing continuous delivery. When practicing continuous delivery, each change you integrate must be releasable so that you can deploy an up-to-date version of your software whenever you want.

If anything goes wrong as they gradually roll out changes, teams that practice continuous delivery should have put in place mechanisms that allow them to quickly roll back changes and deploy a previous version of their software.

To illustrate the benefits of practicing continuous deployment on a software project, consider that you’re making major changes to the bakery’s backend service so that it can display a customer’s order status and, if an order has been dispatched, its location.

Imagine what would happen if, for example, you tried to deploy this feature all at once, and its deployment failed because of one of the many lengthy database migrations you added. In that case, it would be hard to discover what part of which migration caused problems because there are more lines of code to investigate.

Had you been able to deploy your feature more frequently, and in smaller increments, you’d be able to find bugs and fix them more quickly because you’d have fewer lines of code to investigate as soon as the first failing migration ran.

Additionally, deploying your order-tracking system more frequently and in smaller increments helps you tailor it to suit your customers’ needs. Instead of spending a lot of time on developing a detailed order-tracking system your customers may not need, you can build small parts at a time, listen to your customers’ feedback, and deliver the exact product they want.

TIP Feature flags are a useful technique to enable teams to perform continuous deployment.

By deploying new features behind feature flags, developers can send to production code that doesn’t yet impact users or that is available only for a small percentage of them.

Besides allowing developers to ship code more often, feature flags reduce communication overhead because they separate the process of making features available from the process of deploying them.

Additionally, you can use feature flags to hide certain parts of the application that aren’t yet ready for users to see, such as screens whose UI is incomplete.

If you’d like to learn more about feature flags, I’d highly recommend Pete Hodgson’s post on this subject on Martin Fowler’s website at https://martinfowler.com/articles/feature-toggles.html.

Imagine, for example, how disastrous it would be to spend three months building a detailed order-tracking system only to find out that customers care only about whether their order has been placed successfully.

By splitting the order-tracking system into smaller deliverables, you would have reduced the risk of the project by getting early feedback. This early feedback would’ve helped you understand what matters to your customers and, therefore, avoid writing unnecessary code. In this case, for example, instead of writing an entire order-tracking system, you could’ve built a small piece of software that, once an order has been accepted, sends an SMS or email to the customers.

Important Delivering early and frequently shifts your focus from writing as much code as possible to providing as much value as possible.

Code that sits on your version-control system doesn’t deliver any value to your customers. The earlier you put your software into the hands of customers, the earlier it starts delivering value.

Finally, if you and your team have to deploy changes frequently, you’d have a stronger reason to automate as much of the deployment process as you can. Otherwise, these slow deployments would significantly slow down the feedback loop, thus diminishing the benefits of performing continuous delivery and reducing the whole team’s throughput.

As I’ve illustrated, teams that perform continuous delivery reduce their deployments’ risks and usually spend less time on deployments due to the automation they’ve put in place. These teams get earlier feedback to build the product their customers want, not the product they think customers want.

Warning Continuous delivery is different from continuous deployment. When you perform continuous delivery, your team can deploy your project’s main branch to production at any point in time. Ideally, these deployments should be as automated as possible. Yet, a human still needs to decide to “push the button.” Continuous deployment takes continuous delivery a step further.

Teams that practice continuous deployment have their code automatically deployed to production whenever a new successful build happens on the project’s main branch.

Because there is no need for a human to press the “deployment” button, changes get to production even faster.

When performing continuous deployment, every release is sent to production automatically, as shown in figure 12.3.


Figure 12.3 When performing con-tinuous deployment, every release is sent to production automatically.

As you move from continuous integration to continuous delivery, and then toward continuous deployment, the pace of releases becomes quicker, forcing you to implement more sophisticated deployment techniques and put in place more automation, better monitoring, and more reliable quality guarantees.

12.2 The role of automated tests in a CI/CD pipeline

Tasting a sample of a dessert before selling the whole batch to customers is an essential activity in Louis’s bakery. It helps ensure that whatever chefs deliver to customers will be up to Louis’s rigorous quality standards.

Similarly, testing your software before delivering it to your customers helps you prevent shipping bugs.

Testing your software is time-consuming. Therefore, the more often you have to do it, the more expensive your tests become.

Considering that continuous delivery will enforce your team to deliver software more frequently, it can quickly ramp up your costs if you don’t have efficient automated tests.

By having automated tests, you reduce deployments’ costs because machines can validate your software way more rigorously than a human could, much more quickly, for virtually zero cost.

Automated testing is the most crucial technique to enable a team to perform continuous delivery because it allows you to increase your delivery frequency without significantly increasing your costs.

These tests are integrated into what’s usually called a CI/CD pipeline, which runs in your continuous integration service and is responsible for automatically validating your software and preparing any artifacts necessary for a release.

Warning Setting up a continuous integration routine is different from implementing a CI/CD pipeline.

When performing continuous integration, your team will validate its software every time someone pushes code to the project’s main branch. This validation process may include trying to build the application, running tests, and performing static analysis.

A CI/CD pipeline, besides validating your software, prepares any artifacts necessary for releases so that you can deploy them by “pushing a button.”

If you are writing a Node.js application, for example, your CI/CD pipeline can validate it, build the necessary containers, and push them to a container repository.

After your pipeline runs, you will be able to quickly deploy your software by pushing a button because you won’t have to build containers again. Instead, you’ll simply pull what’s already built.

Additionally, to test the deployment process itself, you should have a separate production-like environment to which you deploy your software.

As you increase the frequency of deployments, you’ll have to increase the number of automatic validations your CI/CD pipeline performs. These validations should give you quick and precise feedback so that you can detect mistakes earlier. Otherwise, you’re more likely to ship bugs.

To make these validations as valuable as possible, besides your standard unit and integration tests, your CI/CD pipeline must include end-to-end tests and, if possible, acceptance tests similar to the ones you saw in chapter 10.

End-to-end and acceptance tests are especially important in the context of a CI/CD pipeline because they’re the tests that most resemble your users’ behavior, and, therefore, are the ones more likely to prevent you from shipping bugs.

Important When building your CI/CD pipeline, make sure to include not only unit and integration tests but also end-to-end and acceptance tests.

Besides making deployments quicker and cheaper, effective tests incentivize your team to deploy more often because they reduce the amount of work necessary for code to get to production. Like tests, the quicker your deployment is, the more often it will happen.

Despite tests’ potential for detecting mistakes, they can’t always guarantee your application is bug-free. Therefore, they don’t eliminate the need for manual verification. If you have a QA team, its professionals will still be valuable when it comes to performing manual and exploratory testing, as I explained in chapter 2.

Yet, to make the entire validation process quicker, despite the need for manual verification, you can take advantage of mechanisms that allow you to detect bugs earlier and minimize their impact. Such mechanisms include having monitoring in place and using feature flags to gradually roll out changes.

12.3 Version-control checks

At Louis’s bakery, no one ever covers a giant cake with chocolate frosting before tasting the frosting itself. Otherwise, if the frosting is not sweet enough, instead of going to a customer’s mouth, the whole cake goes into the trash.

Trying individual parts of a recipe before combining them allows a pastry chef to avoid mixing an inedible filling with an otherwise sublime dough.

Version-control checks, shown in the pipeline in figure 12.4, have a similar role in the process of developing software. By automatically validating the code developers push before they can merge it, version-control checks guarantee that a team won’t add broken code to an otherwise healthy codebase.

Figure 12.4 Version-control checks can prevent your team from producing invalid releases.

These checks can happen either locally as you commit code or before you push it or once your changes get to a remote repository.

In the first case, these local checks usually happen through Git hooks. These hooks allow you to execute programs as a developer performs specific actions in a repository.

You can, for example, configure a precommit hook that lints your code, executes tests, and prevents developers from committing code that doesn’t pass these validations.

To configure such an automatic validation, you can use the package husky, whose documentation you can find at https://github.com/typicode/husky.

After installing husky, creating hooks is as easy as adding a husky property to your package.json file, which contains the commands you want to run when different kinds of actions happen in your version-control system.

Listing 12.1  package.json

  "name": "git_hooks_example",
  "scripts": {
    "test": "jest",                        
    "lint": "eslint"                       
  "devDependencies": {
    "husky": "4.3.0"
  "husky": {
    "hooks": {
      "pre-commit": "npm run lint",        
      "pre-push": "npm run test",          

Automatically lints the code before consolidating a commit

Automatically runs tests before pushing the code

The downside of running these kinds of validations as users perform actions locally is that they can slow a developer’s workflow. Even though developers can append a --no-verify option to their Git commands to prevent these hooks from running, using this option defeats the purpose of having these hooks in the first place.

Personally, I limit my Git hooks to actions that terminate quickly. I do not run linting or testing before each commit, for example. Instead, I run code-formatting tools, such as Prettier.

Then, to make sure that my team will review and merge only valid code, I configure my version-control provider to trigger a continuous integration pipeline. This pipeline then runs slower validations like linting and testing. If these validations fail, my version-control provider disallows the rest of my team from merging my code until I’ve fixed it.

Besides linting and testing, you can also configure other kinds validations. You can, for example, validate that each pull request never decreases the percentage of code covered by tests.

Thanks to these automatic validations, you don’t need to rely on humans to remember they must execute any commands. Instead, you let humans be creative and delegate to the machines the work at which they’re better: flawlessly performing repetitive tasks.


  • Teams that practice continuous integration frequently integrate their code instead of working on long-lived feature branches that only get merged when the entire set of changes is complete.

  • In case a continuous integration build fails, the developer who broke it must either fix the build as soon as possible or roll back their changes. Otherwise, these failing builds can cause others to work on top of broken software. Additionally, when a build is already failing, you won’t know whether new changes have problems, too, and it will be more challenging to find the failure’s root cause.

  • Continuous integration facilitates communication among developers because it leads them to integrate their work more often. Therefore, they’re more frequently updated in regard to what’s happening in the codebase.

  • When teams practice continuous integration, they decrease the amount of rework they need to do because they’ll have a tighter feedback loop. This tight feedback loop helps developers correct course as they implement changes instead of forcing them to spend a significant amount of time fixing conflicts or rewriting code because the underlying software changed.

  • To expedite the process of integrating a developer’s changes, teams that practice continuous integration use a CI server that automatically builds, analyzes, and tests the submitted code.

  • Performing these validations on a CI server assists developers in eliminating inconsistencies between their own development environments and others’ environments. This practice helps a team prevent merging code that works in one way on a developer’s machine and in another once it’s deployed.

  • The faster your builds are, the earlier developers will be able to detect and correct mistakes. Additionally, fast builds will accelerate the speed with which developers integrate their code because they will quickly know whether they’ve submitted valid code.

  • Teams that practice continuous delivery can release the latest version of their software at any point in time.

  • To be able to release software whenever they want, these teams must practice continuous integration to validate that each change in the project’s main branch takes the code from one working state to another.

  • Being able to deliver code more frequently helps developers take smaller, iterative steps and validate their software as they build it instead of performing unnecessary work upfront.

  • Delivering code earlier causes developers to focus on delivering value sooner instead of writing the largest number of lines of code they can. Pieces of software that sit in a version-control system do not deliver value. Software delivers value only when it’s in the hands of customers.

  • Continuous delivery incentivizes teams to automate tasks as much as they can so that releasing doesn’t become a significant burden. Besides implementing deployment processes that can happen “at the push of a button,” they put in place the necessary mechanisms to monitor their software after deploying it.

  • Tests are crucial for practicing continuous integration and continuous delivery because both of these practices take an iterative approach to software development. Consequently, the more iterations you need, the more important tests become, because the more often they run, the more they save you time, and, therefore, the more value they deliver.

  • To prevent developers from accidentally merging inadequate code, you can implement checks tied to your version-control system. Such checks can happen either locally, through the use of hooks, or remotely, by triggering actions in your VCS provider.

  • Local hooks should be fast so as not to hinder a developer’s progress. As developers commit code, these hooks will trigger actions that quickly validate and adjust code, such as executing code formatters.

  • The checks that happen on your VCS may include blocking merges if the build process fails on the continuous integration tool you use or if the new changes decrease the percentage of code covered.

  • Implementing such checks frees humans to be creative and delegates to a machine the tedious and repetitive tasks in which it excels.

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