

acceptance tests

component-level 317-328

end-to-end tests vs. 44-45

act step 27, 40, 259, 429


application actions 425-429

sequencing 413-417

addons property 321, 324, 326

afterAll hook 35, 42, 63, 151


backend application testing 152-160

end-to-end testing of HTTP APIs 39-43

frontend application testing of browser APIs 217-234

History API integrations 221-234

localStorage integrations 217-221

stubbing API requests 437-440

app.close 42

app.listen 41

application actions 425-429

arrange step 27, 40, 259, 428-429

assert library 25, 28

assert module 28

assert step 25, 27, 40, 259, 429

assert.deepStrictEqual 26

assertions 25

asserting on the DOM 194-207

finding elements 201-203

writing better assertions 204-207

turning into preconditions 182-183

writing 73-85

circular assertions 83-85

custom matchers 81-83

error handling 73-76

loose assertions 76-81

asymmetric matchers 80

atomicity 71-73

automated testing

choosing what to test 100-105, 110

integration tests 104-105

mocking 102-104

third-party software 101-102

CI/CD pipeline 464-466

code coverage 105-111

automated coverage reports 107

coverage types 107-108

good and bad 108-109

cost and revenue 47-53

defined 4-9

end-to-end tests 37-45

acceptance tests vs. 44-45

testing GUIs 43-44

testing HTTP APIs 39-43

exploratory testing 45-47

importance of 9-16

collaboration 13-15

predictability 10-11

reproducibility 12-13

speed 15-16

integration tests 31-37

organizing test suites 60-73, 109-110

atomicity 71-73

breaking down tests 65-68

global hooks 70-71

parallelism 68-70

test doubles 85-100, 110

testing pyramid 19-23

automated testing (continued)

unit tests 23-30

writing good assertions 73-85, 110

circular assertions 83-85

custom matchers 81-83

error handling 73-76

loose assertions 76-81


@babel/preset-react package 253

babel-loader 253

babelify package 253-254, 258

backend application testing

eliminating nondeterminism 162-176

dealing with time 167-176

parallelism and shared resources 163-167

external dependencies 140-160

API integration 152-160

database integration 140-152

reducing costs while preserving quality 176-183

creating transitive guarantees 181-182

reducing overlap between tests 177-181

turning assertions into preconditions 182-183

structuring testing environment 113-126

end-to-end testing 115-118

integration testing 119-124

unit testing 124-126

testing HTTP endpoints 126-140

basic access authentication 136

before hook 151

beforeAll hook 35, 63-64, 92

beforeEach hook 35, 63, 71-72, 92, 95, 138, 150-151, 200, 220, 225, 228, 239, 275, 407, 412, 435, 439

behavior-driven development (BDD) 375-377

bike-shedding 477

black box tests 38

bottom-up testing approach 355-364

deciding which approach to take 362-364

defined 356-357

impact on workflow 357-359

pros and cons 359-364

costs 360-361

coverage 361-362

reliability 360

branch coverage 107

brittle selectors 403

browserify 193, 252


frontend application testing 217-234

History API integrations 221-234

localStorage integrations 217-221

UI-based end-to-end testing on multiple 445-448

running 447-448

using testing frameworks 446-447

bubbles property 215


carts 32, 66, 120, 122

CI/CD (continuous integration and continuous delivery)

continuous integration services 459-460

defined 457-463

continuous delivery 460-463

continuous integration 457-460

role of automated tests in pipeline 463-464

version-control checks 464-466

circular assertions 83-85

classname property 309

clearMocks property 92, 95

code coverage 105-109

automated coverage reports 107

coverage types 107-108

good and bad 108-109

test-driven development 361-362

code reviews 474-476

container property 296

continuous integration and continuous delivery. See CI/CD

core-js package 274


automated testing and 47-53

reducing while preserving quality 176-183

creating transitive guarantees 181-182

reducing overlap between tests 177-181

turning assertions into preconditions 182-183

test-driven development 342, 364-369

coverage directory 107

css-in-js library 311


overview 393-394

when to choose 394-395


data property 295

database integration 140-152

maintaining pristine state 148-152

setting up tests 141-145

using separate database instances 145-148

deepStrictEqual function 25, 28

deleting redundant tests 368-369

describe block 61-62, 64-65, 71, 228

design system 325

deterministic tests 162

devDependency 29, 33


quality 479-480

writing 326-328


asserting on 194-207

finding elements 201-203

writing better assertions 204-207

React rendering components and 259-264

dom-testing-library 202-204, 207, 216, 261-263, 265-268


@emotion/core package 311

emotion library 311-312, 314-316

end-to-end testing

acceptance tests vs. 44-45

overview 37-45

structuring testing environment for backend application testing 115-118

testing GUIs 43-44

testing HTTP APIs 39-43


terminology 386-387

tools 387-395

where each type of test fits 383-387

Enzyme 277-278

error handling, assertions and 73-76

event handling, in frontend application testing 207-217

exploratory testing 45-47

external dependencies 140-160

API integration 152-160

database integration 140-152

maintaining pristine state 148-152

setting up tests 141-145

using separate database instances 145-148


f(x) notation 6

fetch 155, 235-237, 239, 270, 274, 411, 432

fetch-mock package 323

fixtures 151

flaky tests 398

formatters 476-478

frontend application testing

asserting on the DOM 194-207

finding elements 201-203

writing better assertions 204-207

browser APIs 217-234

History API integrations 221-234

localStorage integrations 217-221

event handling 207-217

HTTP requests 234-240

JSDOM 187-194

WebSockets 234-235, 240-247

function coverage 107


generatedAt property 80-81

GET request 389, 431-432, 437

global hooks 70-71

globalTeardown hook 70

green testing 367

GUIs, end-to-end testing of 43-44


History API integrations, testing 221-234


end-to-end testing of APIs 39-43

requests 234-247

sending 411-413

tests involving 235-240

waiting for 431-433

testing endpoints 126-140

husky package 465, 478


integration testing

as best of both worlds 104-105

backend application testing 119-124

overview 31-37

inventory 66, 120, 122

IoT (Internet-of-Things) devices 163

isomorphic-fetch 39, 126, 153, 160, 236, 270

items property 30, 293


jest-dom library 263

jest-emotion 313, 315-316

jest-extended library 204

jest-puppeteer package 393

jest-when 157, 183

jest.config.js file 27

jest.fn 92

jest.spyOn 87

JSDOM 187-194


knex package 31, 405

knexfile.js file 31

koa-body-parser package 128

koa-router 39-40


line coverage 108

linters 476-478

localStorage integrations, testing 217-221

lolex package 171

loose assertions 76-81


maintenance costs 361

major version 29

manual mock 99

manual testing 9

matcher functions 28

matchers, custom 81-83

message property 295

middleware, testing 131-140

migrations 32

mocks 85-100

mocking imports 96-100

too much mocking 103-104

whether to mock or not 102-104

monitoring systems 478-479


NaN (not a number) 77, 165, 338

nock package 158, 160, 183, 236-239, 271, 275, 322

nondeterminism, eliminating 162-176

dealing with time 167-176

parallelism and shared resources 163-167


organizing test suites 60-73

atomicity 71-73

breaking down tests 65-68

global hooks 70-71

parallelism 68-70


package.json 27, 29-30, 140, 189, 251-253, 255-256, 274, 292, 319, 345, 399, 450, 465, 477

page objects 417-425


organizing test suites 68-70

shared resources and 163-167

PATH environment variable 30

pino library 86-87

plugins directory 449

POST 245, 285, 323, 389

pow function 50

preset-env package 256, 258, 274


overview 392-393

when to choose 392-393



code reviews 474-476

good documentation 479-480

linters and formatters 476-478

monitoring systems 478-479

preserving while reducing costs 176-183

creating transitive guarantees 181-182

reducing overlap between tests 177-181

turning assertions into preconditions 182-183

type systems 469-474

value of QA 45-47

quantity property 242


React application testing

component-level acceptance tests and component stories 317-328

writing documentation 326-328

writing stories 318-326

snapshot testing 295-307

serializers 307

utilities 305-307

testing component integration 282-295

testing styles 307-317

react library 251, 261

React testing ecosystem

setting up 250-258

React application 250-255

testing environment 255-258

testing libraries 258-279

Enzyme 277-278

react-testing-library 264-277

rendering components and the DOM 259-264

test renderer 278-279

react-dom package 251, 259, 261-262, 264-265, 279

react-is package 326

react-native application 279

react-spring library 291, 293-294

react-test-renderer 279

react-testing-library 250, 258, 264-278, 287, 295, 298, 384-385

interacting with components 267-272

rendering components and finding elements 265-267

waiting for events 272-277

refactoring tests 367

request package 160

resetMocks 95

restoreMocks 95

retrying tests 443-445


Selenium 387-391

function of 388-390

using Webdriver interfaces without 390

when to choose 391

selenium-webdriver package 390

serializers 307

server directory 283

setupFilesAfterEnv hook 151

setupFilesAfterEnv property 236

shallow rendering 277

sinonjs/fake-timers package 171, 176

snapshot testing 295-307

serializers 307

utilities 305-307


automated testing 15-16

test-driven development 364-369

spies 85-86, 95-100

spy.mock.calls array 91

spy.mock.instances array 91

sqlite database 33

sqlite3 package 31, 405

statement coverage 107

stories 317-328

writing 318-326

writing documentation 326-328

stories property 326

@storybook/addon-actions package 324

@storybook/addon-knobs package 321


overview 85-100

stubbing API requests 437-440

stubbing components 291-295

stubbing functions 440-443

style property 205

style.color property 206

supertest package 127, 130, 138

support directory 448


TDD (test-driven development)

adjusting iteration size 339-341

balancing maintenance costs, delivery speed, and brittleness 364-369

implementation 364-367

maintenance 367-369

defined 332-339

philosophy behind 332-345

reasons to adopt 342-344

better-designed code 343-344

cost reduction 342

development process guidance 344

fear and anxiety reduction 342-343

more thorough testing 344

setting up environment 369-375

keeping distinct lanes 371-373

pairing 373-374

supplementary testing 374-375

teamwide adoption 370-371

specifications 375-377

top-down vs. bottom-up 355-364

deciding which approach to take 362-364

defined 356-357

impact on workflow 357-359

pros and cons 359-364

validations 375-377

when not to apply 344-345

writing JavaScript modules using 345-355

test doubles 85-100

testing-library 216

textContent property 260

third-party software, testing 101-102

time property 295

toBe assertion 28, 80

toBeBefore assertion 83

toBeGreaterThan assertion 78

toEqual assertion 28, 80

top-down testing approach 355-364

deciding which approach to take 362-364

defined 356-357

impact on workflow 357-359

pros and cons 359-364

costs 360-361

coverage 361-362

reliability 360

toThrow 76

transitive guarantees 53, 181-182

truncate statements 35

type systems 469-474


UI tests 385-386

UI-based end-to-end testing

best practices for 417-429

application actions 425-429

page objects 417-425

flakiness 429-445

avoiding waiting for fixed amounts of time 430-433

retrying tests 443-445

stubbing uncontrollable factors 433-443

on multiple browsers 445-448

running 447-448

using testing frameworks 446-447

terminology 386-387

tools 387-395

Cypress 393-394

Puppeteer 392-393

Selenium 387-391

visual regression tests 448-451

where each type of test fits 383-387

pure end-to-end tests 384-385

pure UI tests 385-386

UI-based end-to-end tests 383-384

writing 399-417

sending HTTP requests 411-413

sequencing actions 413-417

unit testing

overview 23-30

structuring testing environment for backend application testing 124-126

useEffect hook 274

user-event library 216


validation of software 463

version-control checks 464-466

visual regression tests 448-451


Webdrivers 390

WebSockets 234-235, 240-247

white box tests 38

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