
Figure 2.1: Breakdown of responses per focus area.

Figure 3.1: Yu’s TaaS architecture.

Figure 3.2: RTaaS architecture.

Figure 3.3: WS-TaaS architecture.

Figure 3.4: PathCrawler method.

Figure 3.5: Local vs. remote invocation times.

Figure 3.6: Runtime with increasing lines of code.

Figure 3.7: Runtime with increasing number of conditional branches.

Figure 3.8: RTS cost across project iterations.

Figure 3.9: Safety of RTaaS.

Figure 3.10: ART comparison with increasing load.

Figure 3.11: Error ratio over increasing loads.

Figure 3.12: CTOMS implementation.

Figure 3.13: Structure of CKMS Repository.

Figure 4.1: Sauce Labs pricing.

Figure 4.2: BlazeMeter pricing.

Figure 4.3: To Do application.

Figure 4.4: Sauce Labs dashboard.

Figure 4.5: Selenium Builder tool.

Figure 4.6: Selenium Builder recording in progress.

Figure 4.7: Running tests from Selenium Builder.

Figure 4.8: Sauce Labs test table.

Figure 4.9: Sauce Labs test results.

Figure 4.10: CloudTest Lite in VMware Player.

Figure 4.11: CloudTest Lite dashboard.

Figure 4.12: CloudTest Lite Performance Test steps.

Figure 4.13: CloudTest Lite recording.

Figure 4.14: CloudTest Lite test clip.

Figure 4.15: CloudTest Lite test composition.

Figure 4.16: CloudTest Lite test results.

Figure 4.17: CloudTest Lite load test summary.

Figure 4.18: GAE Request Graph—CloudTest Lite.

Figure 4.19: BlazeMeter Chrome extension.

Figure 4.20: BlazeMeter script editor.

Figure 4.21: BlazeMeter JMeter test configuration.

Figure 4.22: BlazeMeter test.

Figure 4.23: BlazeMeter reports—load results.

Figure 4.24: BlazeMeter reports—monitoring.

Figure 4.25: BlazeMeter reports—errors.

Figure 4.26: GAE Request Graph—BlazeMeter.

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