Chapter 3 
Explore Cross Sections of Responses across Each Factor
The Prediction Profiler, or simply, Profiler, gives you a wealth of information about your model. Use the Prediction Profiler to:
See how your prediction model changes as you change settings of individual factors.
Set desirability goals for your response or responses, and find optimal settings for your factors.
Gauge your model’s sensitivity to changes in the factors, where sensitivity is based on your predictive model.
Assess the importance of your factors relative to model predictions, in a way that is independent of the model.
Simulate your response distribution based on specified distributions for both factors and responses, and control various aspects of the appearance of the profiler.
Figure 3.1 Profiler for Four Responses with Simulator and Importance Coloring
Profiler for Four Responses with Simulator and Importance Coloring
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