
Accommodating approach, 123124

Adams, Douglas, 71

Adaptability, 80

Anger, 12, 15

Anxiety, 15

Apple company, 5657

Appreciative inquiry (AI) model, 154

Attachment theory, 14

Attraction–Selection–Attrition (ASA) model, 9899

Attribution, 78

    optimistic versus pessimistic, 7879

Autonomy, 42

Avoidant conflict behavior, 122123


Bandura, Albert, 55, 73

Bass, Bernard, 149

Behavior, 6

    patterns, 1011

Behavioral mimicry, 105

Bias–perception conflict spiral, 133

Bingham, Liz, 54

Bluhm, Dustin, 49

Bonding, 12, 1314

Bradley-Geist, Jill, 93

Branson, Richard, 5759

“Broaden and build” approach, goal of, 20

Buffer (social media marketing company), 6263

Build–Measure–Learn feedback loop, 174, 175

Burns, James MacGregor, 149


CallWest company, 120121, 123124

Cameron, Kim, 100, 147

CEO and top-level leaders roles, in building positive organization, 144, 145

Change process, designing and managing, 151156

Character strengths, virtues and, 79, 20

CHOSE acronym, 6, 7281

Citizenship behaviors, of organizations, 83

Clinical psychology, 4

Cognitive consistency, 32

Cognitive dissonance, 32

Collaboration, defined, 172

Collaborative behavior, in conflict, 127

Collaborative Learning Design (CLD)

    case studies, 178182

    identifying problems, 176

    identifying SME and designing programs, 176

    launching training program, 177178

    loop, 175176

    obtaining employee feedback, 177

    for positive organization, 164, 171182

    research MVP with employees, 176177

    revise/pivot, 177

    training (case studies)

        in financial industry, 181182

        in nonprofit organization, 179180

Collins, Jim, 49


    from CEO and top-level leaders, 144, 145

    organizational, 34

Competitive style in conflict, 124125

Compromise, 125126

Confidence/self-efficacy, 6, 7375


    concept of, 119120

    positive and negative, 121

    positive conflict and communication, 128136

        framing, 128130

        language choice and conflict spirals, 130133

        positive communication and positive affect, 133134

        procedural justice and voice, 134136

    styles, 121127

        accommodating, 123124

        avoiding, 122123

        collaborating, 127

        competing, 124125

        compromising, 125126

Contagion, 96, 101

Cooperrider, David, 154

Coproduction of services, 73

Core self-evaluations, 36

Corporate citizenship, 83

Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly, 4

Culture and well-being, 82

Customer service, 7475

Czaplewski, Andrew, 71


Damasio, Antonio, 21

Decision-making process, model of, 167

Deming, W. Edwards, 2

Depression, 10

Deviancy, in workplace, 5

Disagreement, 134

Downton, J.V., 149

D’s (four) approach, 4

Duening, Thomas, 1

Duluth Pack, 4142


Efficacy, 5456

Elliot, Jane, 75

Emotional contagion, 96, 102, 104

Emotional intelligence (EI), 6, 8081

Emotional labor, 102

Emotional/motivational (E/M) systems, 3, 1011

    negative systems, 1516

    positive systems, 1315

    summary, 16

Emotions, 135

Empathy, 80


    behaviors, 6

    building individual talent, 17

    deviancy typology, 5

    OBSE and quality of job performance, 3233

    in positive organizations, 27, 35, 43

    positive practices, 8182

    trust, 40

    See also Organization-based self-esteem (OBSE)

Employee assistance programs (EAP), 166

Enactive mastery experience, 77

Evolution, 11

Exploration, 3, 12, 17


Fairness, 1415

Fear, 12, 15

Feedback, 42

Financial organization, training in, 169170

Flow, 13

Folk psychology, 10

Foote, Nelson, 14

Fortune Magazine, 147

Four D’s approach, 4

Four P’s of Marketing, 72

Framing, 128130


Gardner, Donald G., 27

Germ theory, 96

Glanz, Barbara, 74

Global self-esteem, 29

Goal creation, 78

Good to Great to Gone (book), 81

Google, 100

Grameen Bank, in 1977, 5253

Grant, Adam, 108

Gratitude, expressing, 110111

Grief, 12, 1516, 1718

Groupthink, 123


Happiness. See Subjective well-being (SWB)

Heffernan, Margaret, 121

HERO acronym, 5159

High-impact team, 146147

Holocaust, 106

Hope, 6, 52, 7778

Hucksterism, 5

Human emotions/motivations, evolutionary basis of, 1016

Human flourishing, 3, 7, 20



    and conflict, 135

    theory, 14

Imposter syndrome, 55

IMVU company, 172173

Inspirational motivation, 150

Intangible asset, 4950

Integration, between personal and professional life, 80

Intellectual capital, 49

Intellectual stimulation, 150

Interests statements, 131


Job characteristics, 42

Job satisfaction, 34

Jobs, Steve, 5657

Joy, 10


Key, Thomas Martin, 71



    in building positive organization, 144, 145

    creating high OBSE workforce, 45

    organizational, 44

    trustworthiness, 3940

Leadership (book), 149

Lean manufacturing technique, 173

Lean Startup methodology, 164, 172175, 179

Learning design, 167171

Learning programs, 164, 165

Lewin, Kurt, 154

Lust, 12

Luthans, Fred, 4, 5


Management behaviors

    building employee trust, 40

Managing change, 151156

    classic model for, 154

    principles for, 153

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, 9, 165, 166

Microloan pathway, 5253

Milgram experiment, 106107

Minimal viable products (MVPs), 164, 173, 175

    research conducted with employees, 176177

    revise/pivot, 177

Mirror neurons, 105

Modeling, 75

Moods, 7


Needs, Maslow’s hierarchy of, 9, 165, 166

Neocortex, 11


Office of Professional & Executive Development (OPED), 178

Optimism, 6, 5759, 7879

Organization-based self-esteem (OBSE)

    adequate resources, 43

    benefits of, 3335

    building OBSE at work, 3844

    concept of, 2930

    defined, 29

    developments, 3637

    enriched work, 4142

    importance of, 3031

    leader trustworthiness, 3940

    and organizational citizenship behaviors (OCBs), 34

    organizational structure, 39

    organizational support and respect, 4041

    reasons for affecting performance, 3233

    scale, 31

    self-esteem, 2837

    self-managed teams, 4243

    withdrawal behaviors, 34

Organization development, 152

Organizational behavior, negative versus positive, 57

Organizational citizenship behaviors (OCBs), 34, 83

Organizational climate, 95105

    Attraction–Selection–Attrition (ASA) model, 9899

    automatic subconscious contagion processes, 103105

    contagious nature of climate, 101102

    controlled conscious contagion processes, 102103

    defined, 9596

    Milgram experiment, 106107

    positive organizational climate, 9698

    representation of, 95

Organizational commitment, 34

Organizational homogeneity, process model of, 99

Organizational structure, 39

Organizational support and respect, 4041

Organizational theory, 12


Performance, 31, 3233

Performance-driven curriculum, 179

Pessimism, 7879

Phony conflict, 121

Pierce, Jon L., 27

Play, 12, 1415, 1819

Political deviance, 5

Positive emotions, 163

Positive leadership

    skills, 148

    and transformational leadership, 151

    understanding, 147148

Positive Leadership (book), 147

Positive organizational behavior (POB), 2, 43

    benefits, 8183

    CHOSE (five core constructs), 72

        emotional intelligence (EI), 8081

        hope, 7778

        optimism, 7879

        self-efficacy, 7377

        subjective well-being, 7980

    coproduction of services, 73

    role in building world-class service organization, 7186

    services marketing and management, 7281

Positive organizational climate, 9698

Positive organizational conflict and communication, 119138

Positive organizations

    appointing high-impact team, 146147

    building, 143159

    Collaborative Learning Design (CLD), 164, 171182

    commitment, importance of, 144

    developing, 163184

    leaders in, 144, 145

    managing change, 151156

    organization-wide learning, 164167

    positive leadership and, 147148, 151

    resources on, 147

    traditional learning design, 167171

    transforming organizations, 156157

Positive psychology (PP), 4

    Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, 9

    negative versus positive organizational behavior, 57

    overview of, 49

    purpose of, 45

    traditional psychology and, 4

    virtues and character strengths, 79

Positive thinking, 4

Positivity, 50

Poverty eradication, microloan solution to, 5253

Power of Positive Thinking, The (book), 50

Power statements, 130, 132

Practice mindfulness, 109

Practicing Positive Leadership (book), 147

Prisoner’s Dilemma, 129130

Product, 72

Production deviance, 5

Property deviance, 5

Prosocial aggression, 5

Prosocial culture, 166

Prospect theory, 107

P’s (four), of marketing, 72

Psychological and affective states, 76

Psychological capital (PsyCap)

    components of, 5059

    defined, 50

    in leadership development, 62

    questionnaire sample items, 61

    synergistic PsyCap, 6064

    training and development of, 6364

Psychological ingredients, of virtues, 8

Psychological states, 78

Psychological traits, 7


Real conflict, 121

Reis, Eric, 172174

Resilience, 5657

Responsiveness, 80

Ries, Eric, 164

Rights statements, 131

Rogers, Shawna, 163

Role clarity, 7778

Rometty, Ginni, 5455


Sandberg, Sheryl, 54

Schneider, Benjamin, 98

Schutz, Will, 46

Scotter II, James Van, 71

Sculley, John, 56

Self-actualization, 9, 165, 166

Self-awareness, 80

Self-belief, 30, 32, 34

Self-efficacy, 6

    concept of, 7374

    enhancing, 7577

    power of, 7475

    prophesy, 7576


    defined, 28

    See also Organization-based self-esteem (OBSE)

Self-evaluations, 36

Self-handicapping, 33

Self-improvement, 6263

Self-managed teams, 4243

Self-monitoring, 80

Self-protection motive, 33

Seligman, Martin, 4


    coproduction of, 73

    defined, 72

    marketing, 71

Shoestack, Lynn, 71

Skill variety, 42

Social capital, 49

Social contagion, 101

Srivastva, Suresh, 154

Stress, 129

Subject matter experts (SMEs), 176

Subjective well-being (SWB), 6, 35, 7980

Sutton, Bob, 100

Synergistic PsyCap, 6064


Task identity, 42

Task mastery, 77

Task significance, 42

Thomas, Dan, 71

Tomlin, Kathleen, 119

Total quality management, 2

Toyota Production System (TPS), 173

Traditional learning design, 167171

    case studies, 168171

Training design, 172

Traits, 78

Transactional leadership, 149

Transformational change models, 156157

Transformational leadership

    four dimensions of, 150

    positive leadership and, 151

    understanding, 149151

Transforming organizations, 156157

Trust, 3940


Unstable attribution, 79


Values and well-being, 8283

Values in Action (VIA) classification of strengths, 8

Verbal persuasion, 75

Vicarious experience, 75

Virgin Galactic, 58

Virtues and character strengths, 79, 20


Walton, Sam, 38

Warrick, Don, 143


    culture and, 82

    values and, 8283

    See also Subjective well-being (SWB)

What Went Well (WWW) reflection journal, 110

Withdrawal behaviors, 34


    forms of, 13

    and play, 14, 1819

Work–life integration, 80

Workplace efficacy, 54

Workplace safety, 108

Wozniak, Steve, 56

Wurtzel, Alan, 81


Yunus, Muhammad, 5253


Zero-sum mindset, 120

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