
Advanced time-series techniques

ARCH model, 5051

ARMA models, 5253

cointegration (see Cointegration)

GARCH model, 5152

nonstationarity, 3942

VAR model, 4647

VEC model, 4750

Augmented Dickey–Fuller test, 4445

Autoregressive conditional heteroskedastic (ARCH) model, 5051

Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) model, 3941

Autoregressive moving average (ARMA) models, 5253

Blundell-Bond System, 72

Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), 72, 105

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), 106

Checking for balance, 67, 7577

Choice models, 29

Chow test, 24

Cobb-Douglas production function, 6

Cointegration data analysis, 5558

error term, 42

unit-root test augmented, 45

critical values, 46

error term, 45

OLS procedure, 46

Constant Returns to Scale (CRTS), 6

Cross sectional dummies, 2223

Cumulative distribution function, 30

Data issue data processing, 106107

data sources, 105106

missing observations, 107108

Data scaling effect, 5

Dickey–Fuller test, 43

augmented, 4445

constant term, 43

LM test, 44

Tau-statistics, 4344

Differences-in-differences (DD) approach

data analyses, 9496

relaxing DD assumptions, 92

Tohoku earthquake, 8991

Durable expenditures (DUR), 4

Econometric model, 102

Empirical research paper writing abstract, 100

conclusion, 104

econometric model, 102

estimation method and data, 102103

introduction, 100101

literature review, 101102

references, 104105

results, 103104


correction, 1114

data analyses, 1519

detection, 911

lagged-dependent model, 8

measurement error, 89

omitted variables, 78

random-regressor problem, 67

simultaneous equation bias, 9

Fixed effect, 7273

Foreign direct investment (FDI), 2627

Fuzzy regression discontinuity (RD), 8789

Generalized ARCH (GARCH) model, 5152

Generalized least squares (GLS) estimators, 30, 103

Generalized method of moments (GMM) procedure, 72

Grade point average (GPA), 65

Graduated licensing system, 87

Hausman test, 10

Instrumental variable (IV) estimators, 1112

Integrated Public Use Microdata Series (IPUMS), 106

Interaction of continuous variables, 2526

of qualitative factors, 2324

International Monetary Fund (IMF), 106

Irrelevant variables, 45

Lagged-dependent model, 8

Lagrange multiplier (LM) tests, 44

Law of Large Number (LLN), 6667

Least Squares Dummy Variable (LSDV) technique, 23

Linear probability model, 2930

Linear spline models, 33

Logarithmic models, 108

Logit model, 3031

Log-linear models, 2729

Method of Moments (MM), 1112

Minimum driving age (MDA), 8788

Missing observations, 108109

Modeling issues data scaling effect, 5

irrelevant variables, 45

nonsample information, 6

omitted variables, 34

Multinomial logit model, 30

Multiplicative dummy variables, 2223

National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), 105

Nonlinear models

choice models, 29

continuous variable interaction, 2526

data analysis, 3337

foreign direct investment, 2627

linear probability model, 2930

log-linear models, 2729

piecewise and linear spline models, 3233

polynomial model, 3132

probit and logit models, 3031

Nonsample information, 6, 1415

Nonstationarity ARDL model, 3941

trend stationarity, 4142

Omitted variables, 34

Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) procedure, 4, 7, 36, 40, 42, 4649, 103

Panel Survey of Income Dynamics (PSID), 106

Piecewise-downward approach, 45

Piecewise model, 3233

Pitfalls in empirical research being careless on literature review, 109

failing to ask questions, 109

giving up too early, 110111

perfect dataset, 109110

too complicated model, 110

Polynomial model, 3132

Probability model, 29, 35, 36

Probit model, 3031

Quadratic spline regression, 33

Randomized-trial experiments, 6668

Random-regressor problem, 67

Random walk process, 3940

Regression discontinuity (RD) data analyses, 9294

fuzzy RD, 8788

school system, 83

specifics, 8687

Tohoku earthquake and tsunami direct damage, 85, 86

emergency events database website, 85

Japanese tourists, 84

multiple-regression inference, 84

Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), 14

Running variable, 85

Scaling the data, 5

Selection bias apple-to-apple comparing process, 6364

balanced data, 67, 68

community college vs. university Cobb–Douglas production function, 71

conservative approach, 70

earning by education attainment, 69

earning comparison, 70

new growth model, 71

nonregression approach, 69

selective-group dummies, 75

VIF tests, 72

data analyses, 7578

Law of Large Numbers, 6667

multiple regression method, 68

randomized results, 6768

randomized-trial experiments, 66

two-student scenario, 65

Selective-group dummy, 73, 75, 7779

Slope dummy variables cross sectional dummies, 2223

interaction of qualitative factors, 2324

time control, 25

two regressions equivalence testing, 2425

Tau-statistics, 4344

Treatment variable, 85, 9091

Trend stationarity, 4142

Two-stage least squares (2SLS) estimation

for fuzzy RD, 8889

single equation model, 1213

system of equations, 1314

Unit-root tests cointegration test augmented, 45

critical values, 46

error term, 45

OLS procedure, 46

data analysis, 5354

Dickey–Fuller test augmented, 4445

constant term, 43

LM test, 44

Tau-statistics, 4344

τ-critical values, 44

Variance Inflation Factors (VIF) tests, 72

Vector autoregressive (VAR) model, 4647

Vector error correction (VEC) model advantages, 47

error term, 49

OLS procedure, 4748

World Bank (WB), 106

World Trade Organization (WTO), 106

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