Quotations from the book

“From Risk-Free Interest to Interest-Free Risk.”

“Bubbles and anti-bubbles represent a distorted view of the world—artificially inflated and artificially deflated valuations respectively—supported by misconceptions. In that sense, anti-bubbles provide investors with an effective defense against bubbles, just like anti-viruses protect against viruses, or anti-missiles protect against missiles.”

—Diego Parrilla

Blurbs endorsing
“The Anti-bubbles”

“Sound money is coming, like it or not. There is a new dawn for gold as a wealth preservation tool and the anti-bubble thesis and the “smart gold” strategy outlined by Diego Parrilla are worth reading. The illusion of growth by central planning is over. Time to prepare. Anti-Bubble.”

—Daniel Lacalle, Fund Manager and Best-Selling Author

“Diego is one of the most original thinkers in the industry. His thesis for The Energy World is Flat literally changed my entire framework on oil, and commodities in general. The Anti-Bubbles is equally profound and equally important.”

—Raoul Pal, Author, Global Macro Investor Newsletter

“Anti-Bubbles” is a very timely and succinct book describing, in terms anyone can understand, how the world’s central banks have totally warped the world’s financial markets on an epic scale. When this bubble, that the central banks created, unwinds it will impact everyone and everything, just as 2008 did, only differently. Read this book to get prepared.”

—Bill Fleckenstein, Chief Investment Officer Fleckenstein Capital

“As the world lurches from one dangerous, central bank-engineered bubble to the next, the stakes are raised each time. Diego does a masterful job of not only explaining how reckless monetary policy and credit expansion are setting the world on course for disaster, but also identifies solutions that can help investors protect their wealth and take advantage of the opportunities ahead of the upcoming crisis.”

—Grant Williams, Co-Founder of Real Vision Television

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