061 Participatory Design

A human-centered approach advocating codesign engagement with users and stakeholders

• Participatory design has its roots in Scandinavia in the 1970s, where computer professionals worked with unions to integrate new technology into the workplace.

• Participatory design encompasses several methods, unified by face-to-face contact in activity-based codesign engagements.

• Methods include cultural probes, diary studies, photo studies, collage, flexible modeling, role-playing, creative tool kits, and design workshops.

• Participatory design respects the creative insight of participants to inspire and help guide the design process and to respond to design outcomes.

• A framework of participatory design describes the form of method or technique (making, telling, and enacting) and purpose.

• Purposes are probing participants for self-discovery, priming for further participation, understanding current experience, and generation of future scenarios and concepts.

See also   Creative ToolkitsDesign Workshops


In this participatory design project on appliance design for the aging population, participants use creative toolkits for design input and offer feedback on prototypes.

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