Affiliation, 51

Affinity, 85-86, 158

Aide-memoire, 113-114

Alpert, Terri, 139, 153

Aristotle, 31

Art of storytelling, the, 18-20

Artifice, 125

Awareness, 54

Bai Brands, 157

Barriers to entry, 147

Beckwith, Henry, 11, 12

Bernbach, Bill, 39, 43, 44, 95

Black Swan, The, 94

Blink, 118

Brain chemistry, 60-61

Brain, stories and the, 11

Brainstorming, 79

Brand DNA, 71-76, 77-87, 155, 196-199

Brand narrative, 16-17, 51-52, 53-67, 72-73, 77-87, 159-164, 196-199

Brand vision myth, 138, 173-177

Brand, 10, 15, 21, 32-33

Brand, video and, 193-194

Bressette, Katja E., 39-40, 64-67

Budget, video, 182

Bullet points, 45-49

Buying In, 44

Campbell, Joseph, 75

Catalyst cannon, 132

Category flexibility, 147

Chandra, Shalini, 84

Change programs, 167-172

Character arc, 99

Character, 115-123

Chemistry, brain, 60-61

Christensen, Clay, 158

Clarity, 99

Clustering, 93

Coca-Cola, 55, 57

Connection, 46

Consideration, 54

Construction of narratives, 35

Context, 96

Cooking Enthusiast, 149

Copas, Kathy, 51-52

Copy, bulleted, 45-49

Debate, emotional, 172

Decision-making, 39

Deep Metaphors, 65

Development process, narrative, 88-103

Dialogue during a presentation, 207-208

Dialogue, 115, 123-125

Diet Pepsi, 92

Different, 162

Differentiation, 54-60, 63, 158

Differentiation, emotional, 55-57, 86-87, 162

Digital age, 16-17

Disengagement, 46

Dove, 96-97

Dramatic problem, 98

Dramatic structure, 31

Driven, 40

Einstein, Albert, 165-166

Emotion, 39, 60, 66-67

Emotional debate, 172

Emotional differentiation, 55-57, 86-87, 162

Ending, 131

Energy Driving Idea (EDI), 163

Engagement, 21, 157

Escape From Alcatraz, 123

Ethnography, online mobile, 66

Experiences, 67

Fallacy, narrative, 94-95

Faulkner, Willian, 214

Flicker, 62

Fox, Michael J., 92

Franklin, Benjamin, 36

Gallo, Carmine, 40

Garlick, Trevor, 167

Gestures, 205-207

Gillette, 156-157

Gladwell, Malcolm, 118

Golden Rule of Storytelling, 49-51

Goleman, Daniel, 38-39

GT’s Kombucha, 37-38

Heinz, 47-48

Hero Journey paradigm, 76

Hero, 73-74, 75, 120

Identity, 10

Imperfect hero, 120

Improvisation, 194

Information stores, 138, 165-172

Innate Releasing Mechanisms (IRMs), 43

Interest, 54

J. Walter Thompson, 27-30, 31

Jokes during a presentation, 208

Khosla, Shekar, 9, 10

Klettke, Joel, 74, 198

Knowledge stories, 138, 165-172

Krevolin, Evelyn, 110-111, 117

L’Oreal, 87

Larson, Jayne Amelia, 202

Laughter during a presentation, 208

Lawrence, Paul R., 41

Leadership, 39

Lego, 86

Lists, stories vs., 36-37, 40

Logline, 97-98

Logo, 78-79

Luntz, Frank, 121, 201

Manipulation, 112

Marketing, 16, 53-55, 66, 159

Meaning, 45

Memory, 23, 39, 41, 44, 93

Metaphor, 150

MetLife Hong Kong, 155-156

Mind, unconscious, 90

Mirror neurons, 61, 210-211

Mirroring, 61-62

Mission statement, 155

Mission stories, 138, 155-164

Montana, Joe, 156-157

Moon, Young Me, 162

Motivated Abilities Pattern Process (MAPP), 87

Mountain Pose, 203

My Dad’s Story, 155-156

Myer, Frank, 174

Myths, 170, 172

Narrative development process, 89-103

Narrative fallacy, 94-95

Narratives, construction of, 35

Nasal resonance, 205

Nike, 55

Nisbett, Richard, 93

Nohria, Nitin, 41

NutriBullet, 173-174

Olson Zaltman Associates, 39

Online mobile ethnography, 66

Origin stories, 137-153

Outline, step, 99-100

Palahniuk, Chuck, 93

Panera Bread, 37

Paranjo, Suchitra, 84

Passion, 59

Passion, preference and, 63-64

Pepperidge Farm, 161-162

Pepsi, 55, 57, 92, 196

Perfect hero, 120

Pirozzoli, Al, 85, 87

Pond’s Flawless White, 100-102

PowerPoint, 38, 45-46, 48-49, 168

Preference, passion and, 63-64

Presenting your story, 201-211

Problem, dramatic, 98

Process, narrative development, 89-103

Product vision myth, 138, 173-177

Professional Cutlery Direct (PCD), 144-149

Programs, change, 167-172

Proprietary product, 147

Pureffic Gourmet Foods, 81-85

Purpose stories, 138, 155-164

Relationship, transaction vs., 160

Resonance, nasal, 205

Revision, 80, 127-133

Rizzolatti, Dr. Giacomo, 61

Rules, 30-31

Sarnoff Squeeze, the, 209

Sarnoff, Dorothy, 209

Scenes, 106-107

Scooby Doo, 131

Script, 182-194

Signorelli, Jim, 160

Simon, Michael, 157

Sinek, Simon, 160

Social media, 9, 17, 51, 52, 195-199

Southwest Airlines, 158

Stage fright, 208-210

Standing, 202-204

Start With Why, 160

Statistics, 20, 22

Statistics, 44, 75

Step outline, 99-100

Stories, lists vs., 36-37, 40

Stories, religion and, 11

Stories, the brain and, 11

Story testing, 80

Story vision, 15-22

StoryBranding, 160

Stranger Than Fiction, 93

Strangers to Ourselves, 94

Structure, 105

Structure, dramatic, 31

Tabasco, 29

Taleb, Nassim Nicholas, 94

Talk Like TED, 41

Target market, 15

Testing, story, 80

Theme, 99

Transaction, relationship vs., 160

Transformation, 15, 22

Transparency, 9

Unconscious mind, 90

United States Automobile Association (USAA), 138-139

Uno Alla Volta, 139-142, 148-153

V8, 117

Values stories, 138, 155-164

Values, 76

Values-based differentiation, 63

Van Cleef, Lee, 116

Video, 181-194

Video, brand and, 193-194

Voice during a presentation, 204-205

Walker, Rob, 44

Wild & Organic, 182-192

Wild, Allison, 182-192

Wilde, Oscar, 127

Wilder, Billy, 105

Wilson, Timothy, 93-94

Wizard of Oz, The, 113

Word emphasis during a presentation, 207

Words That Work, 121

Zacks, Jeffrey, 62

Zaltman, Jerry, 65

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