Part 3. Finishing off the product and wrapping up

Once a product is built, as in part 2, you still have a few things left to do to make the project more successful and to make your future life easier. Previous chapters focused more on what I might call raw results, or results that are good in a statistical sense but may not be polished enough for presenting to the customer.

Part 3 first looks at the advantages of refining and curating the form and content of the product with the express purpose of concisely conveying to the customer the results that most effectively solve problems and achieve goals of the project. This and some other aspects of product delivery are covered in chapter 11. Chapter 12 discusses some of the things that can happen shortly after product delivery, including bug discovery, inefficient use of the product by the customer, and the need to refine or modify the product. Chapter 13 concludes the book with some advice for storing the project cleanly and carrying forward lessons from the project in order to improve your chances of success in future projects.

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