
1. (Cameron 1992).

2. (Orwell 1949).

3. (Frost 2015).

4. (The Joint Commission 2010).

5. (Campbell 2005).

6. Applied Improvisation Network (n.d.).

7. (Spolin 1963).

8. (The Joint Commission 2002).

9. (Quality 2016).

10. (Commission 2008).

11. (Rebold and Mayer 2015).

12. (James 2013).

13. (Institute of Medicine 2000).

14. (Labor, United States Department).

15. (Dekker 2012).

16. (Csikszentmihalyi 2007).

17. (Lupien 2009).

18. (Flavell 1963).

19. (Bloom 1956).

20. (Koppett 2012).

21. (Tuckman 1965).

22. (Peters and Waterman 2006).

23. (Cameron 1992).

24. (Labor, United States Department 2017).

25. (Association of American Medical Colleges 2019).

26. (St. Pierre and Warsame 2020).

27. (The Joint Commission 2008).

28. (Spolin 1963).

29. (Bloom 1956).

30. (Johnstone 1979).

31. (Boal 1993).

32. (Moore 2016).

33. (Sinek 2017).

34. (Spolin 1963).

35. (Adams 2007).

36. (Pew Research Center 2019).

37. (Schaeffer 2021).

38. (Goleman 2005).

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