
I am extremely grateful to everyone who has helped me along my journey to get me where I am today. I am very thankful to people who have shared their ideas, thinking, and questions with me. Your generous sharing inspired me and enabled my learnings and growth. I appreciate all the great people whom I have worked with to put their trust in me to help them. In return, I have gained new knowledge and experience. I am very lucky to have known great leaders, key thinkers, and thought leaders in my field. All of you are amazing!

I want to thank my beta readers. I appreciate all the feedback you have given to me which shaped this book. Your input has helped me improve the book, making it more relevant to the readers.

I also want to take the chance to thank my spouse, Anthony, for his support and patience. For months I have been spending my afterwork hours and weekends to complete this book. I am very grateful for having a spouse who encourages me to dream big and believes that I can do anything.

Finally, I want to thank the team of Business Expert Publishing for all of their support. Your team is very professional and I am glad about the trusted relationship that we have built.

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