

adhesion, relationship to wicks, 17

adhesive tape, keeping in inventor’s workshop, 122

air pressure, relationship to vacuum pump, 109

air-dry clays, sing with covered lamps, 11


Heron of, 48

Jokester of, 3032


measuring with circumferentor, 102104

measuring with Jacob’s staff, 79

measuring with theodolite, 105

triangulating, 100

anvils, described, 59

aqueduct, building of, 30

Archimedes, 8, 4041

assembly diagrams. See also diagrams

bag presses, 24

covered lamp, 13

fishing lure, 89

Jacob’s staff, 75

Magdeburg hemispheres, 111

Oliver hammer, 66, 68


bag, preparing for bag press, 23

bag presses

assembly diagram, 24

bracing triangles, 25

choosing wood for, 23

comparing to oil lamp, 26

completing and operating, 25

explaining, 27

frame and flanges, 25

materials and tools, 22

operation of, 21

band saw, keeping in inventor’s workshop, 121

barbed hooks, using with fishing lures, 92

baseline, measuring, 99

bellows, described, 59

belt sander, keeping in inventor’s workshop, 121

ben Gershon, Levi, 72

Berners, Juliana, 8687, 92


fireplace used by, 69

tools of, 59

block and tackle, mechanics of, 5556

The Boke of Saint Albans, 86

Book about the Lifting of Heavy Things, 55

brushes and files, keeping in inventor’s workshop, 119

Buel, J. T., 88


cake pans

attaching knobs to, 111112

attempting to pull apart, 114

capillary action, 1516

cave-dwellers, 68

cellulose, lipophilic quality of, 17

chain model theory, 31

circle, calculating area of, 110

circumferentor. See also triangulation

block and aiming sights, 104

building, 103104

diagram, 102

materials and tools, 103

clamps, keeping in inventor’s workshop, 119

cleats, attaching for gin pole crane, 51

cloth tube, squeezing ends of, 26

cohesion, relationship to wicks, 17

coiled lamp. See covered lamp

combustion zones in oil lamps, 16

Copernicus, Nicholas, 82

cord or rope, keeping in inventor’s workshop, 122

cordless drill, keeping in inventor’s workshop, 120

cosines, law of, 97

covered lamp

assembly diagram, 13

comparing to saucer lamp, 12

making, 1114

materials, 11

safety note, 14


gin pole, 4950

invention by Heron, 4950

invention of, 48

materials and tools, 50

windlass, 49

cross-staff, invention of, 7273

Ctesibius, 3032, 49

cutters and mat, keeping in inventor’s workshop, 119


Dame Juliana, 8687, 92

dead reckoning, 72

diagrams. See also assembly diagrams

gin pole crane, 51

Wringing Out the Science, 26

diameter of circle, calculating, 110

digital multimeter, keeping in inventor’s workshop, 121

distances, measuring, 9699

drill and drill bits, using with bag press, 22

drill press, keeping in inventor’s workshop, 121

drills, keeping in inventor’s workshop, 120

duct tape, keeping in inventor’s workshop, 122


earth, determining size of, 96


city of Memphis, 20

“Old Kingdom,” 20

electric drill

using with bag press, 22

using with circumferentor, 103

using with Jacob’s staff, 74

using with Tantalus Cup, 33

using with vacuum pump, 110

electrical tape, keeping in inventor’s workshop, 122

engibita, 32

engineers, Heron of Alexandria, 48

ephemeris, using with Jacob’s staff, 80

epoxy, keeping in inventor’s workshop, 122

Eratosthenes, 96


files and brushes

keeping in inventor’s workshop, 119

using with Tantalus Cup, 33

fishing lures, 86

assembling, 91

assembly diagram, 89

barbed hooks, 92

material properties, 92

materials and tools, 88

preparing spoon for, 90

techniques for making, 93

fly lures, explained, 87

forge, described, 59

forged fishing hooks, properties of, 93


Galilei, Galileo, 82

gin pole crane

adding guy lines to, 52

attaching cleats, 51

building, 5054

diagram, 51

hoist attached to, 52

staking, 53

using, 54

glue, keeping in inventor’s workshop, 122

graphite lubricant, keeping in inventor’s workshop, 122


keeping in inventor’s workshop, 121

using with fishing lure, 88

Grok and Thagg, 68

guy lines, attaching to gin pole, 52



keeping in inventor’s workshop, 118

using with fishing lure, 88

using with Tantalus Cup, 33

hammers. See also lift hammer; Oliver hammer

described, 59

keeping in inventor’s workshop, 118

using with gin pole, 50

handsaw, keeping in inventor’s workshop, 118

heat-shrink tubing, keeping in inventor’s workshop, 122

heavy things, lifting, 4849, 5556

Heron of Alexandria, 48

books by, 55

contrasting to Ctesibius, 49

invention of crane, 4950

hoist, attaching to gin pole crane, 52

Holland, triangulation of, 97

horses pulling against vacuum, 109110

hydraulic inventions, 32


Index Librorum Prohibitorum, 82

ink markers, keeping in inventor’s workshop, 122

inventor’s workshop

supplies, 122

tools, 117121

workbench, 117


Jacob’s staff

assembled version of, 77

assembling, 7477

invention of, 7273

marking latitude scale, 76

materials and tools, 74

using, 7879

using ephemeris with, 80

jig lures, explained, 87

Jokester of Alexandria, 3032

juice, extraction from grapes, 21


lamps. See also wicks

African and Middle Eastern types, 8

components of, 15

importance to cave-dwellers, 7

Roman type, 8

Lascaux cave painting, 6

latitude scale, marking for Jacob’s staff, 76

lift hammer, invention of, 6263. See also hammers; Oliver hammer

lifting device, invention of, 48

lifting heavy things, 5556

lipophilic quality of cellulose, 17

liquid cohesion, 31


fly type, 87

jigs, 87

making, 87

plugs, 87

spoons, 8789

types, 87


machine, defined, 26

Magdeburg hemispheres, 108. See also vacuum pump

assembly diagram, 111

attaching knobs to cake pans, 111112

paper sealing gasket, 112

re-creating, 110114

magnifying lens, keeping in inventor’s workshop, 120

mapmaking. See triangulation

markers, keeping in inventor’s workshop, 122


bag presses, 22

circumferentor, 103

covered lamp, 11

cranes, 50

fishing lures, 88

Jacob’s staff, 74

olive oil lamps, 9

Oliver hammer, 65

Tantalus Cup, 33

vacuum pump, 110

water screws, 43


Archimedes, 40

Snell, Willebrord, 9697

The Maxims of Ptah-Hotep, 20

measuring tools, keeping in inventor’s workshop, 119

Memphis, Egypt, 20

mixing equipment, keeping in inventor’s workshop, 119

molecules, attraction in liquids, 1617

multimeter, keeping in inventor’s workshop, 121


nails, medieval versus contemporary, 62


cross-staff used for, 73

dead reckoning, 72

Newton, Isaac, 82

Nile River, 20

North Star, 78

NPT (National Pipe Thread taper), 22



early sources of, 7

keeping in inventor’s workshop, 122

oil lamps

combustion zones, 16

comparing to bag presses, 26

flame and wick, 16

improving finish of, 15

lighting, 14

pyrolizing zone, 16

“Old Kingdom” of Egypt, 20

olive oil lamps

covered type, 1114

materials, 9

saucer type, 910

uses of, 8

olive trees, cultivation of, 78

Oliver hammer. See also hammers

assembly diagrams, 65, 68

building, 6569

invention of, 6263

materials, 65

mechanics of, 6364

pipe threads, 65

records of, 64

replica, 69


pencils, keeping in inventor’s workshop, 122

petroleum, early use of, 7

pipe threads, using with Oliver hammer, 65

pipe wrenches, using with Oliver hammer, 65

pliers, keeping in inventor’s workshop, 119

plug lures, explained, 87

pneumatics, explained, 30

Polaris, 78

Polo, Marco, 7

press, making for bag press, 2425

propane torches, safety notes, 37

protractor, using with Jacob’s staff, 74


mastaba of, 20

scenes on tomb of, 2021

wine making in time of, 21

pump, using water screw with, 4245

PVC pipe, using with water screw pump, 43

pyrolizing zone in oil lamps, 16

Pythagoras Cup, 3334


Rabbi Gershon, 7273

radius of circle, calculating, 110

rags, keeping in inventor’s workshop, 122

rope or cord, keeping in inventor’s workshop, 122

“running down a latitude,” 7273


safety equipment, keeping in inventor’s workshop, 119120

safety glasses, using with fishing lure, 88

safety notes

covered lamp, 14

propane torches, 37

sailing. See navigation

sandpaper, using with fishing lure, 88

sandpaper, keeping in inventor’s workshop, 122

Saqqara, 20

saucer lamp

comparing to covered lamp, 12

making, 910


using with gin pole, 50

using with Jacob’s staff, 74

scale, keeping in inventor’s workshop, 120


using with oil lamp, 9, 11

using with vacuum pump, 110


keeping in inventor’s workshop, 118

using with Jacob’s staff, 74

using with Oliver hammer, 65

using with water screw pump, 43

scroll saw, keeping in inventor’s workshop, 121

sea navigation. See navigation

shadouf lifting device, 48

shooting an angle, explained, 99100

shovel, using with gin pole, 50

sines, law of, 97, 100101

siphon. See also Tantalus Cup

cup assembly, 35

filing opening for, 35

glass tube method, 36

invention of, 30

making for Tantalus Cup, 3436

mechanics of, 31

plastic bottle method, 34

plastic tube method, 36

sledgehammer, using with gin pole, 50

smith, defined, 59

smithy, explained, 69

Snell, Willebrord, 9697, 105

socket and wrench set, keeping in inventor’s workshop, 119

Socrates, 8

soldering iron, keeping in inventor’s workshop, 120

Sophocles, 8

spoon lures

explained, 8789

preparing for use, 90

steel punch, using with fishing lure, 88

Stone Age, 6

string or twine, keeping in inventor’s workshop, 122

supplies, keeping in inventor’s workshop, 122

surface tension, relationship to wicks, 1617

swages, described, 59

swape lifting device, 48


table saw, keeping in inventor’s workshop, 121

Tantalus Cup. See also siphon

legend, 37

materials and tools, 33

preparing, 3334

tape, keeping in inventor’s workshop, 122

Thagg and Grok, 68

theodolite, 105

tongs, described, 59


bag presses, 22

band saw, 121

belt sander, 121

clamps, 119

cranes, 50

cutters and mat, 119

digital multimeter, 121

drills and drill presses, 120121

files and brushes, 119

grinder, 121

hacksaw, 118

hammers, 118

handsaw, 118

Jacob’s staff, 74

magnifying lens, 120

measuring tools, 119

mixing equipment, 119

pliers, 119

safety equipment, 119120

scale, 120

screwdrivers, 118

scroll saw, 121

socket and wrench set, 119

soldering iron, 120

table saw, 121

Tantalus Cup, 33

volume measuring equipment, 119

torsional force, explained, 26

towels, keeping in inventor’s workshop, 122

Treatyse of Fysshynge with an Angle, 8586

triangulation. See also circumferentor

explained, 97

invention of, 9697

trigonometry, meaning of, 97

twine or string, keeping in inventor’s workshop, 122

twisting, effect of, 2627



pulling, 113

releasing, 114

vacuum pump. See also Magdeburg hemispheres

invention of, 108

materials and tools, 110

testing, 113114

use of, 114115

vending machine, invention of, 49

Vitruvius, Marcus, 45

volume measuring equipment, keeping in inventor’s workshop, 119

von Guericke, Otto, 108


water screws

assembling, 4345

explorimenting with, 45

invention of, 40

materials, 43

mechanics of, 4142

operating, 45

using with pumps, 4245

whale blubber, use as fuel, 7

wicks. See also lamps

adhesion, 17

capillary action, 1516

chemical processes, 1516

cohesion, 17

surface tension, 1617

windlass, use with cranes, 49

wine, early making of, 21

wipes, keeping in inventor’s workshop, 122

workbench, using in inventor’s workshop, 117

wrench and socket set, keeping in inventor’s workshop, 119

Wringing Out the Science diagram, 26

“wringing the cloth,” 21


zip ties, keeping in inventor’s workshop, 122

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