A Few More Things to Try

  • Expanded english_number. First, put in thousands; it should return 'one thousand' instead of (the sad) 'ten hundred' and 'ten thousand' instead of 'one hundred hundred'.

    Now expand upon english_number some more. For example, put in millions so you get 'one million' instead of 'one thousand thousand'. Then try adding billions, trillions, and so on.

  • Wedding number. How about wedding_number? It should work almost the same as english_number, except it should insert the word and all over the place, returning things like 'nineteen hundred and seventy and two', or however wedding invitations are supposed to look. I’d give you more examples, but I don’t fully understand it myself. You might need to contact a wedding coordinator to help you. (I’m really just kidding. You don’t have to do this one. I didn’t even do this one.)

  • “Ninety-nine Bottles of Beer on the Wall.” Using english_number and your old program here, write out the lyrics to this song the right way this time. Punish your computer: have it start at 9999. (Don’t pick a number too large, though, because writing all of that to the screen takes your computer quite a while. A hundred thousand bottles of beer takes some time; and if you pick a million, you’ll be punishing yourself as well!)

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