Chapter 11
Reading and Writing,
Saving and Loading,
Yin and…Something Else

Now if you were sitting here next to me, you’d probably ask why I didn’t put on any clothes before you came over. (Well, I didn’t know you were coming; you weren’t here like ten seconds ago.) But if you had given more warning and I was wearing clothes, you’d be more likely to say something like, “Chris” (and it’s a good thing you started with my name, because as anyone near and dear to me will tell you, it’s best to make sure you have my attention before striking up a conversation, lest I interrupt you 45 seconds later with, “You aren’t talking to me, are you? Uh…eel paste in your chair…what?”). “Chris,” you might say, “I still can’t write a program that really does anything.”

And I’d say, “Yep.”

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