Stringy Superpowers

I’d really feel like I was doing you a disservice if I didn’t show you at least a little more of what strings can do (in Ruby, at least). Plus, if I do, I can give you more interesting exercises. Mind you, I’m still not going to show you even half, but I’ve just got to show you a little more.

Remember back here when I said a lot of the string methods also work on arrays? Well, it goes both ways: some of the array methods you’ve learned also work on strings.

Perhaps the most important and versatile is the […] method. The first thing you can do with it is pass in a number and get the character at that position in the string:

da_man = ​'Mr. T'
big_T = da_man[4]
puts big_T

And then you can do fun stuff like this:

puts ​"Hello. My name is Julian."
puts ​"I'm extremely perceptive."
puts ​"What's your name?"
name = gets.chomp
puts ​"Hi, ​#{name}​."
if​ name[0] == ​'C'
puts ​'You have excellent taste in footwear.'
puts ​'I can just tell.'
<= Hello. My name is Julian.
 I'm extremely perceptive.
 What's your name?
=> Chris
<= Hi, Chris.
 You have excellent taste in footwear.
 I can just tell.

This is just the beginning of our friend, the […] method. Instead of picking out only one character, we can pick out substrings in two ways. One way is to pass in two numbers: the first tells us where to start the substring, and the second tells us how long of a substring we are looking for.

The second way, though, is quite possibly too sexy for your car: just pass in a range.

And both of these ways have a little twist. If you pass in a negative index, it counts from the end of the string. Dude!

prof = ​'We tore the universe a new space-hole, alright!'
puts prof[12, 8]
puts prof[12..19] ​# 8 characters total
def​ is_avi? filename
filename.downcase[-4..-1] == ​'.avi'
# Vicarious embarrassment.
puts is_avi?(​'DANCEMONKEYBOY.AVI'​)
# Hey, I wasn't even 2 at the time...
puts is_avi?(​'toilet_paper_fiasco.jpg'​)
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