Chapter 15
Beyond This Fine Book

Well, that’s about all you’re going to learn from this book. Congratulations, programmer! You’ve learned a lot! Maybe you don’t feel like you remember everything, or you skipped over some parts…really, that’s just fine. Programming isn’t about what you know; it’s about what you can figure out. As long as you know where to find out the things you forgot, you’re doing just fine. (I was looking stuff up constantly as I was writing this.)

Where do you look stuff up (besides here)? If there’s something strange and it don’t look good…who you gonna call?

I look for help with Ruby in three main places. If it’s a small question, and I think I can experiment on my own to find the answer, I use irb. If it’s a bigger question, I look it up in my PickAxe. And if I just can’t figure it out on my own, then I ask for help on ruby-talk.

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