Ruby-Talk: The Ruby Mailing List

Even with irb and the PickAxe, sometimes you still can’t figure it out. Or perhaps you want to know whether someone already created whatever it is you are working on and want to see whether you could use it instead of writing your own. In these cases, the place to go is ruby-talk, the Ruby mailing list. It’s full of friendly, smart, helpful people. People like…you know, me. To learn more about it, or to subscribe, have a look at

WARNING: There’s a lot of mail on the mailing list every day. I have mine automatically sent to a specific mail folder so it doesn’t get in my way. If you don’t want to deal with all that mail, though, you don’t have to; the ruby-talk mailing list is mirrored to the newsgroup comp.lang.ruby, and vice versa, so you can see the same messages there.

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