Closing Words

In this chapter, we’ve taken our simple project and added the basic tests needed to prevent regressions as our code is updated and new features are added. With unit tests on the front end that mock the back end and vice versa, we have the makings of a robust, maintainable, and lightning-fast set of tests.

And that’s important, because it’s not enough to just use CoffeeScript to build web applications faster. I think it behooves us, as CoffeeScript devs, to use that time we don’t spend wrangling curly braces to make our apps better—to write web apps with useful features, great design, and solid engineering under it all. Our apps should be malleable in the face of change and tough in the face of attacks.

Congratulations on reaching the end of this book. I hope it’s given you the knowledge and confidence you need to be a successful CoffeeScripter. Now go build something great.

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