Debouncing Events

There comes a time when several events fire in a row, and we don’t want to do something on every event, but rather, when the events stop firing for a specified period. In the typeahead case, we only want to make requests when the user stops typing. A function set up in this way is known as a debounced function. To create such a debounced function, you pass a function into debounce, which then returns another function that wraps the original function:

 let​ logPause = () => console.log(​'There was a pause in the typing'​);
 // This won't work, it will log on every keystroke
 // input.addEventListener('keydown', logPause);
 // Instead, we debounce logPause
 let​ logPauseDebounced = debounce(logPause);
 input.addEventListener(​'keydown'​, logPauseDebounced);

You can even write your own helper to wrap a regular function into a debounced function:

 function​ debounce(fn, delay=333) {
 let​ time;
 return​ ​function​ (...args) {
 if​ (time) {
  time = setTimeout(() => fn(...args), delay);
images/aside-icons/note.png Choosing a duration to wait in a debounce is more of an art than a science. A default of 333 ms usually works when waiting for a user to stop typing.

Debounce can be a bit confusing at first. Let’s put our debounce function through an example and watch what goes on:

 let​ f = debounce((num) => console.log(​'debounced! Arg:'​, num));
 // Call synchronously
 // Call several times in a short interval
 let​ i = 0;
 let​ interval = setInterval(() => {
 }, 100);
 setTimeout(() => clearInterval(interval), 1000);

Throttling Events

Sometimes a debounce is more complicated than what you really need. The throttle operator acts as a time-based filter. After it allows a value through, it won’t allow a new value, until a preset amount of time has passed. All other values are thrown away. This can be useful when you connect to a noisy websocket that sends a lot more data than you need. For instance, you might be building a dashboard to keep the ops folks informed about all of their systems, and the monitoring backend sends updates on CPU usage several dozen times a second. DOM updates are slow, and that level of granularity isn’t helpful anyway. Here, we just update the page every half-second.

 .subscribe(cpuVal => {
  cpuPercentElement.innerText = cpuVal;

debounce wouldn’t work in this scenario; it would be left eternally waiting for a time when there is a pause in the updates around CPU usage. In the typeahead case, we do want to wait for a pause in activity, so we’ll use debounce instead of throttle.

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