
Throughout this book, you’ve been on a journey. You’ve started at the very basics and foundations of WebAssembly, learning what it is, what it isn’t, and what you can do with it even at the lowest levels writing wat code directly.

From there you learned about how WebAssembly and JavaScript can interact, from the foundational levels of low-level interop to the use of high-level code generation tools that do everything from wrap the JavaScript APIs to expose full-featured, React-like web application development frameworks.

You then took the next step in that journey, learning how to host WebAssembly modules within Rust itself for everything from running a checkers game in the console to controlling LEDs on a Raspberry Pi. And now, you’ve put every ounce of that journey to work for you in order to create a reusable game engine capable of allocating dedicated threads to WebAssembly modules as their internal code navigates the hazards of a virtual battlefield that can be hosted in a console, on the web, in the cloud, or anywhere else.

Hopefully the next step in this journey will involve you continuing to explore, experiment with, and learn from, the combination of the Rust programming language and the emerging and game-changing WebAssembly standard. Nothing would make me happier than hearing about all of the great projects started after being inspired by this book. You should take what you’ve learned in this book and explore, fail, learn, and find the next amazing thing to build, no matter how big or small.

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