
A.1The Workflow Pipeline

The following diagram shows the complete workflow pipeline in detail, with two exceptions:

  1. 1.Because they can be applied at any stage in the workflow, the Lens Correction tools are not included. They can be applied as necessary depending on the task at hand and the availability of appropriate lens or LCC profiles.
  2. 2.Metadata can also be assigned at any stage in the workflow—during image import, image processing, application of Styles, or shortly before output—which is why the Metadata tools are not included in this overview.



A.2Other Sources

There is relatively little dedicated information about Capture One available. The following are sources I have found helpful in the context of the topics discussed in this book.

This is Capture One’s online “mothership.” The website contains new and legacy versions of the program for download, and the support area includes a knowledge base, a user-to-user forum, documentation, and other training and tutorial resources. This is also where you can open a support case. The forum is ideal for discussing techniques, bugs, and other issues with Capture One users. The blog ( publishes tips from Phase One staff and real-world case studies written by working photographers.

Capture Integration provides consulting, sales, training, and support for high-end digital photographic applications, and the company’s blog includes a wealth of tips and tricks for Capture One users. CI tests new Capture One releases with every imaginable combination of hard- and software, and offers advice on whether and how to update your installation.

AppleScript 1-2-3, by Sal Soghoian and Bill Cheeseman (Peachpit Press, 2009)

This is the reference book in the official Apple Training series and is probably the most accessible book around for AppleScript beginners or experienced users. The text is easy to understand and goes into detail where necessary, but never loses sight of the real objectives or its sense of humor! Visit to review excerpts from the book and for more information on AppleScript in general.

The DAM Book: Digital Asset Management for Photographers, 2nd Edition, by Peter Krogh (O’Reilly Media, 2009)

Peter Krogh is an Alpha Tester for Adobe and one of the world’s leading experts on digital asset management and digital imaging in general. This book is regarded as a reference for building workflows around image databases and DAM systems. It is essential reading for anyone interested in DAM, image management, and metadata handling.

Color Management & Quality Output: Working with Color from Camera to Display to Print, by Tom P. Ashe (Focal Press, 2014)

From calibrating your screen to using RIPs, Tom’s book will get you up to speed in both theory and real-world use of color management. The book is mostly aimed at Photoshop and Lightroom users, but as the concepts of color management have been with us for decades now, they also apply (mostly) to Capture One.

Professional photographer and fellow Phase One Ambassador/Evangelist Alexander Svet’s blog collects bits and pieces about Capture One and provides readers with tutorials, background articles, and so on. Alexander’s News section, especially, is among the best to be found in the Capture-One-WWW.

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