I absolutely love to draw. I have been drawing for as long as I can remember. I am one of those people who, from a young age, people often referred to as talented. I have been told how lucky I am to have been gifted a natural ability to draw. But my drawings from early childhood do not suggest any special abilities or talent. They don’t stand out from any other little kid’s drawings. The difference is that when other children stopped drawing and moved on to other things, I didn’t. I drew nearly every day. I haven’t stopped yet.

Do you want to know the secret to talent? Here it is: Practice. A lot. More than what seems rational. Practice to the detriment of other aspects of your life. The more you practice, the more talented you will become in the eyes of others. But you will know that drawing is a skill you worked to develop, not a talent that is granted to a lucky few.

In this book, I have introduced you to the fundamental skills and concepts that are at the root of all good drawing. But no single book can teach you everything you need to know. This book is designed to serve as a jumping off point for anyone who wants to learn to draw for any reason. Whether you want to illustrate children’s books, draw comics, paint, design, or just experience the joy of creative expression, this book will provide you with a strong foundation upon which you can build further skills.

Knowledge and an intellectual understanding of drawing are essential, but they are not enough to master the craft. You can memorize every word, drawing, and diagram in this book, but without consistent practice, your drawings will not improve. To excel at drawing you must make it a regular experience in your life.

Learning to draw comes with some unexpected benefits. In addition to gaining a skill, drawing deepens how you see the world. Drawing students often report that colors seem more vivid, lights appear brighter, and shadows seem deeper. Their surroundings seem to become more detailed. Learning to draw will reveal the vibrant intensity of the world around you. Drawing is more than a skill: It is a way of being in the world.

It’s been an honor and a privilege to share my love of drawing with you. Now go draw, and let it change your life.


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