
Page numbers in bold refer to picture captions


Aardman Animations 24, 42, 142

Chicken Run (Park, with DreamWorks) 24, 423

The Curse of the Were-Rabbit (Park and Box, with DreamWorks) 24

Wallace and Gromit 12

The Wrong Trousers (Park) 24, 50, 143

accuracy issues 41, 44, 45, 678, 71, 72

ActionScript software 92

Adobe programs and software 92, 125, 132, 134, 135, 167, 168

advertising 6, 37, 38, 45, 72, 145, 149, 186 see also commercials

After Effects software (Adobe) 134

Allen, Tim 96, 114

American Museum of Natural History Journey to the Stars exhibition 8

Anderson, Gerry and Sylvia: Thunderbirds 142

Animate Pro (Toon Boom) 134

Animate! Projects 197

animatic reels 76, 93


defined 9

principles 912

significance 6, 79, 26, 48

uses 6, 79, 37, 46, 48, 128

Animation World Network 184, 197

animators and animation teams 29, 54, 185

Animo (Cambridge Systems) 134

anthropomorphism 36, 103

anticipation 11, 78, 96, 978, 119, 126, 147, 149, 168

El Apóstol 19

appeal 12, 15, 16, 101, 102, 110, 158

Apple 223, 24, 57, 125, 156, 162, 167

armatures 60, 82, 84, 1378

aspect ratios 86

Attenborough, Sir David 114

Audition software (Adobe) 125

augmented reality 89, 156

auteurism 1534

Autodesk software 167

Avery, Tex 78, 96

Avid software 125, 162, 163, 167, 169


Back, Frédéric 132

backgrounds 10, 15, 129, 138, 145, 167

Barbera, Joseph 21, 22

Barney Rubble 22, 112

Barré, Raoul (Barré-Nolan Studio) 19

Batchelor, Joy 21, 52

Bauhaus Software 134

Beattie, Zac 69

Betty Boop 20, 78, 133

Bird, Brad

The Incredibles 24, 79

Ratatouille 24

Blackton, J. Stuart: Humorous Phases of Funny Faces 19

Blanc, Mel 112, 113

blogs 7, 51, 175, 175, 186, 194

Blue Sky Studios: Ice Age 24

Blurb 192

book adaptations 21, 34, 42, 52, 79, 80, 114

Box, Steve: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit (with Park) 24

Bradley, Scott 119

Branching Out for a Green Economy 114, 115

Breer, Robert 154

brick animation 1523

briefs 13, 34, 37, 48, 52, 62, 79

Briggs, Raymond

The Snowman (book) 79

When the Wind Blows (book) 52

Broadbent, Jim 80

broadcast formats 9, 75, 165

Brothers Quay: Street of Crocodiles 97, 139, 141

Bugs Bunny 21, 78, 96, 112

Burton, Richard 114

Burton, Tim 23, 24, 89

Alice in Wonderland 42, 103

Corpse Bride 24, 162

The Nightmare Before Christmas 23, 24, 101

Vincent 23


Cakó, Ferenc: Érintés 136

California Institute of the Arts 180

Camberwick Green television series 22

Cambridge Systems software 134

camera shots 85, 88, 94

cinematic thinking 867

in 3D animation 85, 143

and storyboards 75, 81

camera team 29, 30

Cameron, James: Avatar 96

Canemaker, John 75

careers in animation 180, 204

agencies 2023

applications 1978

application forms 1978, 199

cover letters 198, 199

résumés 198, 199, 2001

education and training 1801, 183, 194, 196

evaluating yourself 1823

gaining experience 194, 1967

interviews 2012

job ads and opportunities 197, 1989

promoting yourself 18694, 195

representation 2023

salaries 201, 202

skills and attributes 1812, 184, 185, 203, 204

Carroll, Lewis: Alice in Wonderland (book) 42

cartoons 19, 20, 21, 43, 78, 102, 119, 132

cel animation 10, 84, 86, 92, 1323

CelAction software 134

cell phones 6, 89, 22, 62, 75

CGI (computer-generated imagery) 128

history 23, 24, 79

in live-action films 23, 151

3D animation 24, 148

animating 151

compositing 151

lighting 149, 151

modeling 1489

rendering 151

rigging 149

special effects 150, 151

texturing 23, 149

2D animation 23, 133, 1345

character design

appeal 12, 15, 101, 102, 158

and art 96

characteristics 36, 74, 90, 967, 1012, 189

exaggeration 12, 97, 102, 112

fundamentals 94

heroes and villains 101, 102

lip-synching 16, 989, 112

metamorphosis 103

movement 15, 978, 99100

personality 15, 19, 20, 90, 101, 102

protagonists 101

role and function 967

and storyboards 74, 78

suspension of disbelief 12, 97, 1001

timing 12, 978, 114

Chinese animation 21, 22, 23

Clarke, Joe 87

claymation (clay animation) 23, 99, 137, 142

close-ups 75, 85, 88, 90, 111, 147

Clyde Henry Productions: Madame Tutli-Putli 66, 67, 88, 124, 138, 145, 167

Cohl, Émile: Fantasmagorie 19

color, understanding 166

color correction 17, 165, 167

commercials 6, 46, 77, 99, 101, 158, 173 see also advertising

communication 6, 7, 89, 185

computer games 6, 8, 156

computer-generated imagery see CGI

concepts and ideas 13, 26

capturing 558

conceptual frameworks 523

development 5864

doodles 58, 61

drawing 558

evaluating 624

investing in 4950

pitching 14, 34, 63, 646

research 51, 71

significance 49

starting points 502

studio environment 534

visuals 58, 65, 66, 72

condensation 36, 58, 111

copyright issues 156, 187, 202

Corel Painter 134

The Crab with the Golden Claws 21

Craste, Marc (Studio AKA) 77

Lloyds TSB commercials 77, 128, 149, 158, 189

National Lottery commercials 149

Varmints 77

Winter Olympics 2010 trail (with Klassen) 122

criticism 52, 63, 182

Crusader Rabbit 21

Cuba, Larry 133

cultural issues 7, 27, 52, 67, 101, 152, 190

Curtis, Chris: A Day in the Life of an Audi Driver34, 76, 82, 93


The Daedalum see zoetropes

Daffy Duck 96

Danot, Serge: La Manège Enchanté 22

Dayton, Helena Smith 142

The Debut of Thomas Cat 20

development in preproduction

character design 94, 96103

concept development 5864

development drawings 8993

dope (exposure) sheets 91

layouts and scenes 847, 89

script development 446

story development 14, 32, 37, 3942, 44, 46, 74, 111

storyboards 14, 40, 63, 74

style guides 82, 84

DeWolfe 121

Deygas, Florence (Kuntzel+Deygas) 168

digital photography 56, 57, 62

digital technology 8, 10, 92, 1245, 132, 133, 160, 1629, 172 see also CGI

digital video formats 173, 174

directors 28, 29, 46, 49, 72, 185, 203

Disney, Walt 7, 19, 20, 22, 77, 94

Disney studios see Walt Disney Studios


The Incredibles (Bird) 24, 79

Ratatouille (Bird) 24

Toy Story (Lasseter) 24

Toy Story 2

(Lasseter) 119

Up (Bird and Peterson) 7, 24, 60, 111

Wall-E 116

distribution see release and distribution

Docter, Peter

Monsters, Inc. 79, 168

Up (with Peterson) 24, 60

Donald Duck 20

Donaldson, Julia: The Gruffalo (book, with Scheffler) 79

doodles 58, 61

dope sheets 91

Doppler software 124

Dragonframe software 148

Dragonslayer 143


composition, placement, and emphasis 901

concepts and ideas 558

development drawings 8993

dope (exposure) sheets 91

drawing classes 183

figure drawing 58, 60, 89

imagination 89

line (pencil) tests 15, 60, 92, 94, 129, 134

and movement 58, 60, 61

observation 8990, 185

story (animatic) reels 76, 93

value 12, 558

DreamWorks studio 24

Antz 24

Chicken Run (with Aardman Animations) 24

The Curse of the Were-Rabbit (with Aardman Animations) 24

Dumala, Piotr: Franz Kafka 110


editing 29, 901, 160, 163

digital technology 160, 1634

music 30, 31, 112, 120

non-linear 1634

picture 16, 129

sound and sound effects 1415, 30, 31, 106, 118, 1212, 1234, 125

education and training 1801, 183, 194, 196

effects see sound effects;special effects

Eisner, Michael 23, 24

Elfman, Danny 42

Emshwiller, Ed 133

Sunstone 23

establishing shots 85, 88, 145

exaggeration 12, 35, 78, 84, 97, 102, 112, 162

exhibition design 8, 40, 83

experimental animation 22, 62, 95, 128, 133, 152, 152

exposure sheets (dope sheets) 91


Feathers McGraw 50, 143

Feline Follies 20

field guides 856

film festivals 7, 155, 1767, 178, 183


Postman Pat 22

The Wombles 22

Final Cut Pro software (Apple) 162, 167

FireWire 125

Firmin, Peter (with Postgate)

The Clangers 22, 137

Ivor the Engine 137

Noggin the Nog 137

Fischinger, Oskar

Fantasia 78

Komposition in Blau (Composition in Blue) 20, 21

Kreise 6

Flash (Adobe) 92, 135

Fleischer, Max 19, 78

Dizzy Dishes 20

Gulliver’s Travels 21

Out of the Inkwell 19

flipbooks 60, 61

foley artists 31, 1212, 162 see also sound effects

follow-through 1112, 97, 98

Folman, Ari: Waltz with Bashir 52

frames 9, 10

composition, placement, and emphasis 901

frame rates 910, 84

in-between frames 15, 92, 129, 151

key frames 15, 58, 75, 76, 78, 81, 92, 129, 151

registering (keying in) 10, 92, 132

in storyboards 75

Franz Ferdinand music video (Odell) 51

Fred Flinstone 22

full animation 11, 94


Gardiner, Bob: Closed Mondays (with Vinton) 142

Gaumont studio 21

genres 423

Giacchino, Michael 111

Gilliam, Terry: Monty Python’s Flying Circus animation 137

Glover, Gavin (Faulty Optic) 154

go-motion animation 137, 143

Godfrey, Bob 22

Gollum 24

graphical user interface (GUI) 8, 23

Groening, Matt 96

The Simpsons 23


Halas, John 21, 52

Halas & Batchelor studio 78

Animal Farm 21, 34, 39, 52, 120

Dustbin Parade 78

Hanks, Tom 96, 114

Hanna, William 21, 22

Hanna-Barbera studio

The Flintstones 22, 112

Tom and Jerry cartoons 21

Hardstaff, Johnny 58, 59

Harryhausen, Ray 139

Jason and the Argonauts 143

Mighty Joe Young (with O’Brien) 139

Hattler, Max

Collision 95

Spin 109

Havoc in Heaven 22

Head Gear 54

Hertzfeldt, Don 180

history of animation 8, 1924, 130, 131

Hobbs, Elizabeth 55

The Old, Old, Very Old Man 48

Hodgson, Jonathan:

The Trouble with Love and Sex 69

Hunt, Philip (Studio AKA) 96

Lost and Found 79, 80, 191

Hurd, Earl 132


ideas see concepts and ideas

illusion 11, 103

of movement 9, 61, 84, 130, 131

sound 36, 37

Illustrator (Adobe) 132, 134, 168

ILM (Industrial Light and Magic) 22, 23, 143, 151

Industrial Light and Magic see ILM

information storage and retrieval 57

inking and painting 16, 129, 132

installations 8, 152, 1556

Invisible Thread 139

iOS software (Apple) 57

iPhones 24, 156

Iwerks, Ub (Walt Disney Studios) 20


Jack Skellington (The Nightmare Before Christmas)


Jackson, Dianne: The Snowman 79

Japanese animation 22, 23, 94

Jeffers, Oliver: Lost and Found (book) 79, 80

job roles in animation 27, 28, 2931, 34, 445

jobs in animation see careers

Johnston, Ollie 11

The Illusion of Life: Disney Animation (with Thomas) 11

Jones, Chuck 21, 78, 96


kaleidoscopes 131

Katzenberg, Jeffrey 23, 24

kinetoscopes 19

Klassen, Jon: Winter Olympics 2010 trail (with Craste) 122

Kovalyov, Igor 132

KPM 121

Kricfalusi, John: The Ren and Stimpy Show 23

Kuntzel, Olivier (Kuntzel+Deygas) 168

Kuntzel+Deygas: titles for Catch Me If You

Can 168


Lang, Max: The Gruffalo (with Schuh) 79

Lasseter, John

Luxo Jr. 23

Toy Story 24

Toy Story 119

Lavis, Chris (Clyde Henry Productions): Madame

Tutli-Putli (with Szczerbowski) 67

layers and layering 10, 86, 91, 129, 132, 137, 167

layout team 2930, 84

layouts and scenes 84

cinematic thinking 867, 88

in 2D animation 84, 85, 129

in 3D animation 84, 85

field guides 856

layers and layering 10, 86, 91, 129, 132, 137, 167

planning and formulation 85

in stop-motion animation 84, 85

Leaf, Caroline 55

The Street 23

legal issues 27, 51, 70, 156, 187, 196, 202

The Legend of the White Serpent 22

LicenseMusic 121

light boxes 92

lighting 16, 85, 129, 144, 145, 149, 151

limited animation 94, 95, 135, 136

line tests 60, 92, 94, 134

Linnett, John Barnes 61

lip-synching 16, 989, 112, 190

live-action films

animation compared 7, 8, 26, 32

animation sequences 20, 23, 35, 93, 96, 110, 130, 143, 168

CGI 23, 151

live-action hybrids 23, 152, 154, 155, 158

Logic Audio software (Apple) 125

Lord, Peter 89

LoveSport advertisement (Orchard) 45

Lustre (Autodesk) 167

Lye, Len 154


Machinema 156

Mackinnon and Saunders puppets 140

magic lanterns and slides 131

The Magic Roundabout television series 22

Maher, Laurie 166

Mancini, Henry 120

Marcondes, Guilherme: Tyger 44, 141, 147

marketing and publicity 1745

McCay, Winsor 19, 154

Gertie the Dinosaur 19, 154

Little Nemo in Slumberland 19

The Sinking of the Lusitania 20

McKee, Robert: Substance, Structure, Style, and the Principles of Screenwriting 39

McLachlan, Sarah 119

McLaren, Norman 9, 43

A Chairy Tale 152

Neighbours 21, 152

McNish, Allan 93

Media Composer software (Avid) 167

Méliès, Georges 19

Le Voyage dans la Lune (Voyage to the Moon) 8

metamorphosis 36, 64, 103, 136

Mickey Mouse 20, 75

microphones 57, 116, 117, 118, 123

Microsoft 22, 23

Microsoft Windows Media Player 125, 190

MIDI technology 125

Mighty Atom 22

Mirage software (Bauhaus Software) 134

mixing 31, 157, 161, 169, 171

final mixes 124, 1701, 172

multichannel mixing 171

premixes 170

mixing desks 125

Miyazaki, Hayao

Heidi (with Takahata) 22

Spirited Away 24

modeling team 29, 30

models and modeling 16, 60, 82, 129, 137, 143, 1489 see also armatures; claymation

moral issues 51, 53, 101

motion-capture technology 24, 62, 100, 152


in character design 15, 978, 99100

and figure drawing 58, 60

illusion of 9, 61, 84, 130, 131

key movements 92

timing 978

walk cycles 16, 99100

Murakami, Jimmy: When the Wind Blows 52

museum and gallery guides 8, 9, 40, 83

music 14, 106, 119

delivery 11920

editing 30, 31, 112, 120

importance of 109, 111, 122

in postproduction 31

in preproduction 30, 11921

scores and scoring 14, 74, 82, 106, 111, 119, 1201, 122

timing 112

music team 31

music videos 51

Muybridge, Eadweard 100

MyPublisher 192



constructing 37, 39, 41, 44, 46, 103, 111

visual 14, 37, 43, 74, 78, 7981, 162

Newman, Randy 119, 120

Nexus Productions 28, 195

Nezha Conquers the Dragon King 23

Noe, Justin 87

Nolan, Bill (Barré-Nolan Studio) 19

Norstein, Yuri: Hedgehog in the Fog 137

Nuendo software (Steinberg) 125


object animation 137, 143

O’Brien, Willis 139

King Kong 20

Mighty Joe Young (with Harryhausen) 139

Odell, Jonas: Franz Ferdinand music video 51

Orchard, Grant

LoveSport advertisement 45

A Morning Stroll 119

Science Museum, London exhibition design 40, 83

Skype advertisement 32

Orton, Les: Under Milk Wood 114

Orwell, George: Animal Farm (book) 21, 34, 52

Otomo, Katsuhiro: Akira 10, 23

Ottawa International Animation Festival 18, 176, 177, 183


Pal, George 138

Panda and the White Serpent 22

Pannónia Filmstúdió: Hugo the Hippo 22

paper cut-outs 137

Paramount Pictures 20

Park, Nick (Aardman Animations) 96

Creature Comforts 99

The Curse of the Were-Rabbit (with Box) 24

The Wrong Trousers 24, 50, 143

pencil tests 15, 60, 92, 94, 129, 134

penetration 35, 36, 37, 38

performance animation 8, 96, 154, 155

Petersen, Bob: Up (with Docter) 60

Petrov, Aleksandr: The Old Man and the Sea 24

phantasmagoria shows 19

phenakistoscopes 19, 131

Photoshop (Adobe) 132, 134, 167, 168

picture fields 79, 81, 85

Pink Panther series 120

pipelines 1317, 267, 74, 106, 129, 160

Pixar 24, 53, 135

A Bug’s Life 24

Monsters, Inc. (Docter) 79, 168 see also Disney•Pixar

pixilation 21, 152

placements (internships) 180, 194, 1967

Plasticine 99, 142

Plateau, Joseph 131

Platform Animation Festival, Portland, Oregon (2007) 155

Plympton, Bill 132

Porky Pig 112

Porter, Edwin Stanton: The Teddy Bears 19

postproduction process 1601, 178

digital technology 160, 1629, 172

editing 160, 1634

evaluation 178

managing 1612

pipeline 17, 160

release and distribution 17, 31, 1735

rendering 160

software 1624, 167, 168, 169

sound 17, 16972

special effects 17

spotting sessions 161, 162

visuals 17, 1629, 170

postproduction team 31, 1612

Postgate, Oliver (with Firmin)

The Clangers 22, 137

Ivor the Engine 137

Noggin the Nog 137

Pott, Julia: Belly 33, 71, 188

praxinoscopes 19, 61, 128, 130, 131

preproduction process 26, 46, 48, 72, 74, 104, 106, 1256

animation tools 55, 56, 57, 116

briefing 13

concepts and ideas 13, 26, 4866

development 14, 37, 3942, 446, 5864, 74104

digital technology 92, 1245

editing 13, 16, 29, 901 see also music; sound design

pipeline 1315, 267, 74, 106

planning 26, 27

research 1314, 51, 65, 6672

scripts and scriptwriting 13, 26, 3246

software 57, 92, 1244

sound 1415, 26, 10626

3D animation 84, 87, 97

2D animation 84, 86, 92, 97

preproduction team 28, 2930, 34, 445

prescreenings 63, 158, 175

Pro Tools software (Avid) 125, 163, 169

producers 29, 72, 134

production process 128, 130, 158

CGI 14851

compositing 16, 123, 129, 133, 148, 151

digital technology 132, 133

editing 129, 158

pipeline 1516, 129

rendering 16, 129, 151

software 15, 16, 132, 1335, 148, 153

sound design 157

stop-motion animation 13548

3D animation 16, 129, 13751

2D animation 1516, 12935, 1357

unorthodox animation 1526

production schedules 26, 27, 74

production team 30

promoting and promotional material 1867

portfolios 187, 189

print-based material 1902

showreels 18990

social media platforms 186, 194, 195

websites 1923

propaganda 20, 22, 51, 78, 110, 112

props 29, 84, 1467

Pseudopod (from The Abyss) 23

Puppetoons (Paramount) 138

puppets 20, 21, 22, 128, 13842

Purves, Barry 129, 139, 140

Plume 84

Tchaikovsky 87, 140


Qoop 192

Quay,Stephen and Timothy see Brothers Quay

QuickTime Player 125, 190

Quinn, Joanna 41, 55, 61, 89, 132

Elles 60

Family Ties 81


racial issues 52, 67

Reiniger, Lotte 153, 154

The Adventures of Prince Achmed 20, 153

release and distribution 17, 31, 1735

religious issues 7, 52, 67

Renderman (Pixar) 135

research 183, 186

collecting 1314, 65, 678, 71

in concept development 51, 71

defined 13, 667

methodology 68, 70

permissions 70

reviewing 712

researchers 29, 667, 185

residencies 197

Rice, Sir Tim 119

Richter, Max 80

Ridley Scott Associates 203

rigging 16, 129, 149

Road Runner 21, 102

Robber’s Dog studio 135

Roobarb television series 22

rotoscoping 19, 133

Royal College of Art, London 89

Ruhemann, Andrew: The Lost Thing 24


sand and oil-paint animation 1356

Sazae-San television series 22

scale issues 60, 84, 85, 142, 1467

scanning 9, 60, 92, 132

Scarfe, Gerald: The Wall 97

scenes see layouts and scenes

Scheffler, Axel: The Gruffalo (book, with Donaldson) 79

Schuh, Jakob: The Gruffalo (with Lang) 79

Science Museum, London exhibition design (Orchard) 40, 83

scripts and scriptwriting 13, 26, 33, 34

analyzing a script 46

approaches 334, 3742

defined 323

event analyses 445

genres 423

key stages 75

prose briefs 44

script development 14, 34, 446

step outlines 44

story development 37, 3942

synopses 14, 45

treatments 14, 34, 456

vocabulary and language 26, 357, 116

scriptwriters and scriptwriting teams 334, 37, 445, 185

Seiber, Mátyás 120

Seidel, Robert 164

Black Mirror 121

“living painting,” Phyletic Museum, Jena, Germany 155

Selick, Henry 23

Coraline 24, 79

set design team 2930, 143

sets and set design 2930, 84, 85, 137, 143, 144, 1456

Shakespeare: the Animated Tales (S4C) 23

Shepherd, Chris: Dad’s Dead 35, 130

silhouettes 20, 138, 153

Silly Symphonies 20

Skillset 184

skin, texturing 23, 149

slow in and slow out 12, 98, 147

Small, Steve: Sing Up short 172

Smith, Webb 133

SMPTE time codes 165

social media platforms 7, 183, 186, 194, 195

Sony 22, 24, 167

sound design 1415, 26, 106

dialogue 14, 106, 112, 114, 116

digital technology 1245, 172

editing 30, 118, 125

formatting 157, 172

grammar of 11112

in history of animation 20, 21, 22

and illusion 36, 37

importance 108, 109, 11012

mastering 17, 172

mixing 31, 124, 125, 157, 161, 169, 1701, 172

narration 14, 106, 112, 114

panning 17, 110, 170, 171, 172

perception of 106, 1078, 110

in postproduction process 17, 16972

in preproduction process 1415, 26, 10626

principles 1068

in production process 157

recordings 11618, 123

sound stems 14, 17, 106, 108, 112, 114, 11624, 125, 169

sound studios 1245

soundtracks 15, 22, 91, 106, 111, 16970, 172

and space 11011

and story (animatic) reels 76, 93

synchronizing 124, 170, 171, 173

and time 111

voice-overs 22, 46, 93, 94, 96, 106, 114, 116

see also music; sound effects

Sound Dogs 122

sound effects 1415, 31, 74, 106, 1214, 162, 170, 171

Sound Ideas 122

sound production team 30, 31, 169

special effects 9, 16, 17, 110, 121, 138, 150, 151

Speedy Gonzales 112

Spinifex: Winter Olympics (2010) opening ceremony, Vancouver 9, 96

Stalling, Carl 119

Starevich, Vladislav 139

Piekna Lukanida (The Beautiful Lukanida) 19

Le Roman de Renard (The Tale of the Fox) 20

Stehura, John 133

Cibernetik 5.3 22, 133

Steinberg software 125

stop-motion animation 10, 128, 135

checking filming 1478

history 19, 20, 22, 23, 24

layouts and scenes 84, 85

lighting 144, 145

3D animation 84, 85, 13748

armatures 60, 82, 84, 1378

claymation 23, 99, 137, 142

models and modeling 16, 60, 82, 129, 137, 143

object animation 137, 143

puppets 20, 21, 22, 128, 13842

sets and set design 137, 143, 144, 1456

2D animation 84, 85, 1357

paper cut-outs 137 sand and oil-paint animation 1356

see also go-motion animation

story arcs 41

story development 14, 37

key stages 75

plot 26, 32, 40, 412, 74

premise 37, 39, 40, 44, 45, 111

story arcs (storylines) 41, 46

themes 42

see also storyboards

story ladders and friezes 40

story reels 76, 93

story team 29, 323

storyboard artists 29, 185

storyboards 14, 20, 40, 63, 74, 7581, 84, 85, 93

storylines 41, 46

Studio AKA 49, 77, 80, 135, 186, 203

studios and studio environment 14, 26, 28, 534, 123, 194, 196

style guides 82, 84

Supermarionation 142

suspension of disbelief 12, 50, 97, 1001

Svankmajer, Jan 139

The Death of Stalinism 110

symbolism 35, 36, 37, 45, 58, 101, 119

Szczerbowski, Maciek (Clyde Henry Productions): Madame Tutli-Putli (with Lavis) 67, 145


Takahata, Isao: Heidi (with Miyazaki) 22

Tan, Shaun 24

Tandem Films 203

Technicolor 20, 21

television series 6, 21, 22, 23, 94, 112, 137, 142

Templeton, Suzie 17, 84

Peter and the Wolf 24

thaumatropes 131

Thomas, Dylan: Under Milk Wood (poem) 114

Thomas, Frank 11, 94

The Illusion of Life: Disney Animation (with Johnston) 11

3D animation 9

camera work 85, 143

CGI animation 23, 24, 14851 history 23, 24

layouts and scenes 84, 85

preproduction process 84, 87, 97

production process 16, 129

rigging and animating 16, 129, 149

sets and set design 2930, 84, 85, 137, 143, 144, 1456

stop-motion animation 84, 85, 13748

see also armatures; claymation; models and modeling; puppets

time-lapse imagery 152

timing 12, 14, 74, 76, 978, 112, 114

Tintin 21

Tom and Jerry 21, 50, 102, 111, 119

tools and toolkits 55, 56, 57, 116

Toon Boom 134

training see education and training

Trnka, Jirí 138

The Emperor’s Nightingale 21

Ruka (The Hand) 22, 138

Tweety Bird 112

2D animation CGI animation 133, 1345

drawn cel animation 10, 84, 86, 92, 1323

layouts 84, 85, 129

preproduction process 84, 86, 92, 97

production process 1516, 129

stop-motion animation 84, 85, 1357


unorthodox animation 34, 1526 see also experimental animation

UPA (United Productions of America) studio 7, 21, 94


variable-speed cinematography 152

Vegas (Sony) 167

video formats 173, 174

video games 22, 96

Vinton, Will

Closed Mondays (with Gardiner) 142

Mark Twain 23

visual narrative in animation 14, 37, 43, 74, 78, 7981, 162


color correction 17, 165, 167

concepts and ideas 58, 65, 66, 72

motion-tracking 166, 167

non-linear editing 1634

synchronicity 165, 169, 170, 173

titles and credits 17, 31, 1689


Walker, Liz (Invisible Thread and Faulty Optic) 139, 154

Plucked 155

Wallace and Gromit (Aardman Animations) 12

Walt Disney Studios 7, 11, 24, 75, 778, 94, 132

The Lion King 119

Alice in Wonderland (Burton) 42, 103

Alice’s Wonderland 20

Bambi 21

Cinderella 21

Fantasia 7, 21, 78, 119

Flowers and Trees 20

Pinocchio 21, 78

Plane Crazy 75

The Skeleton Dance 20

Sleeping Beauty 22

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs 21, 52, 133

Song of the South 21

Steamboat Willie 20, 75, 110, 112

The Three Little Pigs 20, 75, 94

Tron 23, 789

Vincent (Burton) 23

The Wise Little Hen 20

Wan Guchan and Laiming: Princes Iron Fan 21

Warner Bros. 7, 21, 78

Duck Amuck 21, 78

Fast and Furry-ous 21

What’s Opera, Doc? 21, 78

websites 6, 8, 75, 94, 135, 1923

Wells, Paul

The Fundamentals of Animation 7

Scriptwriting 33

Wile E. Coyote 21, 102

Wood, Ivor 22

workflow see pipelines

workprints 16, 129, 158

writing as a skill 183, 185 see also scripts and scriptwriting


Yamamura, Koji 57, 132

Muybridge’s Strings92


Zimmer, Hans 119

zoetropes 19, 61, 128, 130, 131

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