Picture credits

The author and Laurence King Publishing Ltd. wish to thank the institutions and individuals who have kindly provided photographic material for use in this book. If sources for illustrations and copyright credits have not been given in the captions or on page 2, then they are given below. While every effort has been made to trace the present copyright holders, the publishers and author apologize in advance for any unintentional omission or error, and will be pleased to insert the appropriate acknowledgment in any subsequent edition.

Numbers in bold refer to pages in the book unless otherwise stated.

T = top, B = bottom, L = left, R = right, C = center

5 Science Museum, produced by Studio AKA, directed by Grant Orchard; 6 © Fischinger Trust, courtesy Center for Visual Music (www.centerforvisualmusic.org); 8T Courtesy American Museum of Natural History; 8B Courtesy BFI; 9 Kevork Djansezian/Getty Images; 10 Characters and images depicted © Otomo Katsuhiro, cel photographs © Joe Peacock and Art of Akia Exhibit; 12 A Close Shave © Aardman Animations Limited / Wallace & Gromit Ltd. 1995; 14, 15 Science Museum, produced by Studio AKA, directed by Grant Orchard; 16 © Chris Shepherd; 17 © Suzie Templeton/BreakThru Peter Ltd.; 18 Courtesy Ottawa Animation Festival; 19L © National Media Museum/SSPL; 19C Courtesy Anne Simon, Lobster Films; 19R, 20L Courtesy Ray Pointer, Inkwell; 20CT Courtesy BFI; 20RT Courtesy BFI; 20RB © Fischinger Trust, courtesy Center for Visual Music (www.centerforvisualmusic.org); 21RT ©1952 National Film Board of Canada. All rights reserved; 21RB Courtesy The Halas & Batchelor Collection; 22C Courtesy Dan Postgate, Smallfilms; 22R Courtesy BFI; 23L Ed Emshwiller. “Sunstone,” 1979. Courtesy Electronic Arts Intermix (EAI), New York; 23R Characters and images depicted © Otomo Katsuhiro, cel photographs © Joe Peacock and Art of Akia Exhibit; 25 © Beryl Productions International Ltd./S4C; 26 © Chris Shepherd; 28T Crew: Guilherme Marcondes, Andrezza Valentin, Cia Stromboli, Trattoria, Cassiano, Joao, Samuel Casal, Birdo Studio, Paulo Beto, Zeroum; 28C, 28B Nexus Productions; 32 Skype, produced by Studio AKA, directed by Grant Orchard, agency: AMV, client: Skype; 33 Courtesy Julia Pott; 34T Courtesy The Halas & Batchelor Collection; 34B BBH Creative Team/Directors: Nick Kidney & Kevin Stark, BBH Producer: Matt Towell, BBH Strategy Director: Simeon Adams, Neil Godber, BBH Team Manager: Polly Knowles, BBH Team Director: Simon Coles, Production Company: Passion Pictures, Director: Chris Curtis, Producer: Belle Buckley, Postproduction/Editing: Passion Pictures, Sound: Factory Studios, Exposure: UK TV, cinema, online; 35 © Chris Shepherd; 38 BBH Creative Team/Directors: Nick Kidney & Kevin Stark, BBH Producer: Matt Towell, BBH Strategy Director: Simeon Adams, Neil Godber, BBH Team Manager: Polly Knowles, BBH Team Director: Simon Coles, Production Company: Passion Pictures, Director: Chris Curtis, Producer: Belle Buckley, Postproduction/Editing: Passion Pictures, Sound: Factory Studios, Exposure: UK TV, cinema, online; 39 Courtesy The Halas & Batchelor Collection; 40 Science Museum, produced by Studio AKA, directed by Grant Orchard; 41 © Beryl Productions International Ltd./S4C; 44 Crew: Guilherme Marcondes, Andrezza Valentin, Cia Stromboli, Trattoria, Cassiano, Joao, Samuel Casal, Birdo Studio, Paulo Beto, Zeroum; 45 LoveSport, produced by Studio AKA, directed by Grant Orchard; 47 Courtesy Johnny Hardstaff (www.johnnyhardsraff.com); 48 © Elizabeth Hobbs; 49 Produced by Studio AKA; 50 The Wrong Trousers © Aardman Animations Limited / Wallace & Gromit Ltd. 1993; 51 Take Me Out, client: Franz Ferdinand, commissioner: John Moule, production company: Nexus Production / Filmtecknarna, producer: Julia Parfitt; 52T Courtesy The Halas & Batchelor Collection; 52B Director: Mr. Ari Folman, Art Director and Illustrator: Mr. David Polonsky; 54 Head Gear Studio; 55T © Elizabeth Hobbs; 55B Back to the Start, client: Chipotle, agency: CAA and Chipotle, director: Johnny Kelly, producer: Liz Chan; 57 © NFB, courtesy Koji Yamamura; 58 Headgear Sketches; 59 Courtesy Johnny Hardstaff (www.johnnyhardsraff.com); 60 © Joanna Quinn/ TransEuropeFilm; 61 © Beryl Productions International Ltd./ S4C; 63 Courtesy Royal College of Art; 65 Lost and Found, produced by Studio AKA, based on the book by Oliver Jeffers, adapted and directed by Philip Hunt; 66 Courtesy Jason Walker, Clyde Henry Productions, and The National Film Board of Canada; 69 Animation: Sherbet, Animation Director: Jonathan Hodgson, Animation Producer: Jonathan Bairstow, Producer / Director: Zac Beattie, Executive Producer: Nick Mirsky, All Rights BBC; 71 Courtesy Julia Pott; 72 Courtesy Royal College of Art; 74 Courtesy of CalArts; 76 BBH Creative Team/Directors: Nick Kidney & Kevin Stark, BBH Producer: Matt Towell, BBH Strategy Director: Simeon Adams, Neil Godber, BBH Team Manager: Polly Knowles, BBH Team Director: Simon Coles, Production Company: Passion Pictures, Director: Chris Curtis, Producer: Belle Buckley, Postproduction/Editing: Passion Pictures, Sound: Factory Studios, Exposure: UK TV, cinema, online; 77 Varmints, produced by Studio AKA, directed by Marc Craste; 78B Courtesy The Halas & Batchelor Collection; 80 Lost and Found, produced by Studio AKA, based on the book by Oliver Jeffers, adapted and directed by Philip Hunt; 81 © Beryl Productions International Ltd./S4C; 82 BBH Creative Team/Directors: Nick Kidney & Kevin Stark, BBH Producer: Matt Towell, BBH Strategy Director: Simeon Adams, Neil Godber, BBH Team Manager: Polly Knowles, BBH Team Director: Simon Coles, Production Company: Passion Pictures, Director: Chris Curtis, Producer: Belle Buckley, Postproduction/ Editing: Passion Pictures, Sound: Factory Studios, Exposure: UK TV, cinema, online; 83 Science Museum, produced by Studio AKA, directed by Grant Orchard; 84T John Coombes—photography, Liz Walker—puppet maker; 84B © Suzie Templeton/BreakThru Peter Ltd.; 85 Back to the Start, client: Chipotle, agency: CAA and Chipotle, director: Johnny Kelly, producer: Liz Chan; 87 Courtesy Barry Purves; 88 Courtesy Jason Walker, Clyde Henry Productions, and The National Film Board of Canada; 89T © Joanna Quinn/TransEuropeFilm; 89B, 90 Courtesy Royal College of Art; 91 Courtesy Barry Purves; 92T © NFB, courtesy Koji Yamamura; 92B Courtesy Royal College of Art; 93 BBH Creative Team/Directors: Nick Kidney & Kevin Stark, BBH Producer: Matt Towell, BBH Strategy Director: Simeon Adams, Neil Godber, BBH Team Manager: Polly Knowles, BBH Team Director: Simon Coles, Production Company: Passion Pictures, Director: Chris Curtis, Producer: Belle Buckley, Postproduction/Editing: Passion Pictures, Sound: Factory Studios, Exposure: UK TV, cinema, online; 95 Collision, director: Max Hattler, production: Royal College of Art, 2005; 96 Streeter Lecka/ Getty Images; 97T Courtesy BFI; 97B Courtesy Royal College of Art; 99B Creature Comforts © Aardman Animations 1989; 101 Courtesy Library of Congress; 102 BEEP, BEEP and all LOONEY TUNES characters, names, and all related indicia are ™ and © Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved; 105 © Robert Seidel, robertseidel.com; 109 Spin, director: Max Hattler, production: Autour de Minuit, 2010; 110 Courtesy of Jan Svankmeyer; 112 Courtesy Barry Purves; 113 © Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved; 114 © S4C; 115 © UNEP, Isabelle Pierrard: Communication Specialist UNEP, Natasha Serlin: Producer / Director, Shroomstudio— Alexander Hatjoullis, Simon Ansell, Arnau Millet, Christian Krupa, Christos Hatjoullis: Animation Team; 118 Courtesy Royal College of Art; 120 Courtesy The Halas & Batchelor Collection; 121 © Robert Seidel, robertseidel.com; 122 Winter Olympics, produced by Studio AKA, directed by Marc Craste, designed by Jon Klassen, client: BBC, agency: RKCR/Y& 124 Courtesy Jason Walker, Clyde Henry Productions, and The National Film Board of Canada; 127 Courtesy BFI; 128 Lloyds TSB, produced by Studio AKA, directed by Marc Craste, agency: RKCR/Y&R, client: Lloyds TSB; 129 Courtesy Barry Purves; 130 © Chris Shepherd; 131 © National Media Museum/SSPL; 132T © NFB, courtesy Koji Yamamura; 132B Courtesy Royal College of Art; 133B Courtesy Center for Visual Music; 134 Courtesy Toon Boom Animation Inc.—toonboom.com; 136 TOUCH created by Ferenc Cakó (writer, animator, director, producer), C.A.K.Ó. Studio Ltd.; 137 Courtesy Dan Postgate, Smallfilms; 138 Courtesy Jason Walker, Clyde Henry Productions, and The National Film Board of Canada; 139T Courtesy BFI; 139B John Coombes— photography, Liz Walker—puppet maker; 140 Courtesy Barry Purves; 141 Crew: Guilherme Marcondes, Andrezza Valentin, Cia Stromboli, Trattoria, Cassiano, Joao, Samuel Casal, Birdo Studio, Paulo Beto, Zeroum; 142 Courtesy Jason Walker, Clyde Henry Productions, and The National Film Board of Canada; 143T The Wrong Trousers © Aardman Animations Limited / Wallace & Gromit Ltd. 1993; 143B Headgear set; 144 Holy Flying Circus, client: BBC, production company: Nexus Productions, director: Jim Le Fevre, producer: Luke Youngman; 145 Courtesy Jason Walker, Clyde Henry Productions, and The National Film Board of Canada; 146T Courtesy Barry Purves; 146B © Suzie Templeton/BreakThru Peter Ltd.; 147 Crew: Guilherme Marcondes, Andrezza Valentin, Cia Stromboli, Trattoria, Cassiano, Joao, Samuel Casal, Birdo Studio, Paulo Beto, Zeroum; 149T Lloyds TSB, produced by Studio AKA, directed by Marc Craste, agency: RKCR/Y&R, client: Lloyds TSB; 149B The Big Win, produced by Studio AKA, directed by Marc Craste, client: The National Lottery, agency: AMV; 150 Courtesy Jason Walker, Clyde Henry Productions, and The National Film Board of Canada; 152 © 1957 National Film Board of Canada, All Rights Reserved; 153 Courtesy BFI; 154 Courtesy Ray Pointer, Inkwell; 155T John Coombes—photography, Liz Walker— puppet maker; 155B © Robert Seidel, robertseidel.com; 157 LoveSport, produced by Studio AKA, directed by Grant Orchard; 158 Lloyds TSB, produced by Studio AKA, directed by Marc Craste, agency: RKCR/Y&R, client: Lloyds TSB; 159 Courtesy Jason Walker, Clyde Henry Productions, and The National Film Board of Canada; 160T Courtesy of CalArts; 160B Courtesy Royal College of Art; 164 © Robert Seidel, robertseidel.com; 166 Courtesy Jason Walker, Clyde Henry Productions, and The National Film Board of Canada; 168 Courtesy of CalArts; 170 Avid MC6 Surround Mixer U1; 172 Sing Up, produced by Studio AKA, directed by Steve Small, agency: AMV, client: Sing Up; 173 LoveSport, produced by Studio AKA, directed by Grant Orchard; 175 Nexus Productions; 177 Courtesy Ottawa Animation Festival; 179 Lost and Found, produced by Studio AKA, based on the book by Oliver Jeffers, adapted and directed by Philip Hunt; 180T Courtesy of CalArts; 180B Courtesy Ottawa Animation Festival; 181T Courtesy Royal College of Art; 181B Courtesy Jason Walker, Clyde Henry Productions, and The National Film Board of Canada; 182 Courtesy Royal College of Art; 183 Courtesy Ottawa Animation Festival; 184 Courtesy Royal College of Art; 185 Courtesy of CalArts; 186 Lost and Found, produced by Studio AKA, based on the book by Oliver Jeffers, adapted and directed by Philip Hunt; 187 Nexus Productions; 188 Courtesy Julia Pott; 189T Lloyds TSB, produced by Studio AKA, directed by Marc Craste, agency: RKCR/Y&R, client: Lloyds TSB; 189B Nexus Productions; 191 Lost and Found, produced by Studio AKA, based on the book by Oliver Jeffers, adapted and directed by Philip Hunt; 195 Nexus Productions; 196 Courtesy of CalArts; 197 Lost and Found, produced by Studio AKA, based on the book by Oliver Jeffers, adapted and directed by Philip Hunt; 198 Courtesy Jason Walker, Clyde Henry Productions, and The National Film Board of Canada; 201T Nexus Productions; 201B Lloyds TSB, produced by Studio AKA, directed by Marc Craste, agency: RKCR/Y&R, client: Lloyds TSB; 203 Courtesy Royal College of Art; 205 John Coombes—photography, Liz Walker—puppet maker

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