Chapter 5. Loading and Saving Data in Spark

By this point in the book you have experimented with the Spark shell, figured out how to create a connection to the Spark cluster, and built jobs for deployment. Now to make those jobs useful, you will learn how to load and save data in Spark. Spark's primary unit for data representation is an RDD, which allows for easy parallel operations on the data. Other forms of data, such as counters, have their own representation. Spark can load and save RDDs from a variety of sources.


Spark RDDs can be created from any supported Hadoop source. Native collections in Scala, Java, and Python can also serve as the basis for an RDD. Creating RDDs from a native collection is especially useful for testing.

Before jumping into the details on the supported data sources/sinks, take some time to learn about what RDDs are and what they are not. It is crucial to understand that even though an RDD is defined, it does not actually contain data. This means that when you go to access the data in an RDD it could fail. The computation to create the data in an RDD is only done when the data is referenced; for example, it is created by caching or writing out the RDD. This means that you can chain a large number of operations together, and not have to worry about excessive blocking. It's important to note that during the application development, you can write code, compile it, and even run your job, and unless you materialize the RDD, your code may not have even tried to load the original data.


Each time you materialize an RDD it is re-computed. If we are going to be using something frequently, a performance improvement can be achieved by caching the RDD.

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