Reports with multiple views in Power View

When using Power View in SharePoint, you can create a single report with multiple views, where all the views in the report are based on the same data model (see the following screenshot). You can click on each view while giving a presentation, much like you can in Microsoft Office PowerPoint. You are able to copy and paste from one view to another as well as duplicate whole views. You can do something similar for Power View in Excel by creating an Excel workbook with multiple Power View sheets. So in Power View in SharePoint, a report can have multiple views, and in Power View in Excel, a report can have multiple sheets.

Reports with multiple views in Power View

Multiple views in Power View

Adding multiple views

To add a new view to a report, perform the following steps:

  1. Open the report that you want to add the new view to.
  2. On the HOME tab, click on New View, and then from the drop-down menu, select New View. The new view will be displayed in the left-hand side pane.

To add a duplicate view to a report, follow these steps:

  1. Open the report that you want to add the duplicate view to.
  2. On the HOME tab, click on New View, and from the drop-down menu, select Duplicate View. The duplicate view will be displayed in the left-hand side pane. This second view is the default view and is the one displayed in the canvas.

Navigating among views

In any presentation mode (design, reading, or fullscreen), you can use the up and down arrow keys to switch to any of the views in the report. In design mode, you can click on any of the views in the left-hand side pane. In reading and fullscreen modes, in the lower left, there is a View Chooser button that you can use to show a row of the views in the report. This button will activate the story board view in which you will see a tab strip with images of all the views that are included in the report; the tab strip is at the bottom of the screen below the existing view. If you hover over an image, you will see a much larger representation of the view. You can also click on the image that is on the strip, making it the active view.

View filters

Each view has its own filter; however, the filter area is of the same size for all views. If you adjust the size for one view, it will be adjusted for all views. The filter choices for each view persist as you switch from one view to another. So if you set a filter on a view, leave, and then come back, the filter will be as you left it. When you duplicate a view, the filter and the filter choices will be duplicated too. When you save a report, the filter choices are saved too.

View preview images

As mentioned in the Deploy and share reports section, if you save the preview images when saving the report, they will be displayed in the View pane in the design mode.

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