Chapter 4. Lightning Concepts

If you've not come across it yet, you're sure to soon hear all about Salesforce Lightning. Lightning is an umbrella term covering at least four distinct technologies. This has led to a bit of confusion about what Lightning is. These technologies can be used in conjunction with one another, and they all share one thing in common—they help you build applications at Lightening speed. In this chapter, we'll talk about each of the following four technologies independently so that you'll be able to adopt them in your organization and deliver apps quickly:

  • Lightning Process Builder
  • Lightning Connect
  • Lightning Components
  • Lightning App Builder

The Lightning Process Builder

Workflow rules and actions are the bread and butter of Salesforce1 platform developers. When developing applications, declarative tools such as workflow rules allow fairly complex logic to be executed without writing code. There are, however, a number of limitations with workflow rules. The most frustrating limitation is that you cannot see an entire process of workflow rules on a single screen. Process Builder is easily the most powerful upgrade of the platform technology since s-controls were deprecated. While it's easy to consider Process Builder as a replacement for workflow rules (and it may get there), right now it can replace some but not all of your workflow rules. Process Builder encourages you to consider the entire process your data works through. Process Builder uses a UI that shows a series of criteria diamonds and action squares. A simple process might look something like this:

The Lightning Process Builder

As you can imagine, diagrams for more complex processes can be daunting at first glance. However, reading them couldn't be easier. Reading a Process Builder process starts from the upper-left side of the screen. After the START icon, the next icon displayed is the object on which this process will act. In our case, the object in the preceding diagram is Case. Just like triggers and workflow rules, Process Builder processes are built with a single object in mind. You can define processes on most sObjects, including custom ones. Some objects, like SaveResult or BatchableContext, are not Process Builder-enabled. After the initial object icon, look for one or more diamonds. Each diamond represents a set of criteria. When those criteria are met, the actions defined in the squares to the right of that diamond are executed. You can define multiple criteria steps; this allows you to define one process that handles many different possible input criteria. For instance, you could have one process on a Case with three criteria diamonds matching record types X, Y, or Z; each with their own sets of actions.

There are two types of action that can be taken: immediate actions and scheduled actions. Scheduled actions allow you to schedule some bit of work for the future. For instance, you can create a process on a Case that sends a follow-up e-mail to the client 10 days after the case is created. Or, you might create a series of onboarding e-mails, each firing one day after the previous for the first 5 days after a contact is created. It's worth noting that due to UI constraints, only the first couple of immediate or scheduled actions are listed. Rest assured that the rest of your actions are present, but they are hidden behind the more actions text.

Perhaps the single most powerful feature of Process Builder is its ability to be extended with custom Apex code. Writing Apex classes with methods conforming to and using the @invocableMethod annotation allows you, the developer, to create custom actions that your administrators can use over and over without your involvement. Additionally, this allows your administrators to modify the conditions that records must meet before the action is run without developers having to rewrite the class or trigger code. This means many, if not the vast majority of triggers can actually be developed as processes and a few custom Process Builder actions.

The @InvocableActions interface

Invocable actions are methods annotated with @invocableAction. This annotation accepts two named parameters: Label and Description. Label is the word or phrase the process builder will associate with your method. Description is the friendly what does this do text that appears in the Process Builder alongside the label.

The @InvocableActions interface

In practice, this looks as follows:

Public class myInvocableAction {
@invocableAction(label='BestActionEver' description='Seriously, it's the best action ever')
  public void bestActionEver(List<Account> accountsOfDoom){
    // do stuff

As an astute reader, you've no doubt noticed that our method accepted a list of accounts as a parameter. The good news is that invocableAction annotated methods can accept a single parameter; the bad news is that there are some constraints. Primitive Objects, such as Integer, String, and Double, concrete sObjects, such as Account, Contact, Opportunity, and custom sObjects, such as MyCustomSObject__c, can all be passed into invocableAction annotated methods. Additionally, Lists, including lists of lists can be passed in, so long as each list contains concrete sObject types. However, lists of generic sObjects (List<sObject>) tag or even the generic Object cannot be passed in.

At first glance, this can seem like an excruciating limitation. After all, if we cannot pass in a generic sObject, we have to duplicate the action for every sObject type in our system. However, there are two methods to overcome this, which should be pointed out. If at all possible, utilize a List<Id> for input. Regardless of the type of object referenced, the ID type will match the reference. This allows you to send multiple object references into the method at once. Note that even though lists are ordered, you should still be using the ID instance method getSObjectType() to verify the IDs passed in. The code looks something like this:

Map<Schema.SObjectType,List<Id>> InputObjectsByType = new Map<Schema.SObjectType,List<Id>>();
For(Id i:InputIds){
  Schema.SObjectType t = i.getSObjectType();
  } else {
    InputObjectsByType.put(t, new List<Id>{i});

Dropping the input values into a map by their sObjectType tokens allows you to grab objects by their token names, facilitating easy access to multiple kinds of input objects.

If, however, you'd like to avoid doing more SOQL queries, it is possible to construct custom objects annotated with @invocableVariable and utilize these in your InvocableMethod. Like invocableMethods, invocableVariables are created via an Apex annotation, @invocableVariable, that accepts three optional parameters: Label, Description, and Required. The first two function identically to their invocableMethod counterparts. The Required parameter allows you to force a value to be passed in. The invocableVariables object can exist in inner or child classes of a class containing invocableMethods. You can utilize these inner classes as the input type for your invocableMethod method. Consider the following example:

public class IM_EasyCalc {

  public class additionInput {
    @invocableVariable(Required = true Label = 'First Number' Description = 'First number to add')
    public Integer first;
    @invocableVariable(Required = true Label = 'Second Number' Description = 'Second number to add')
    public Integer second;

  public class additionResult {
    public Integer result;
    public AdditionResult(Integer a, Integer b) {
      this.result = a + b;

  @invocableMethod(Label = 'Add' Description = 'Add Two Numbers')
  public static List<AdditionResult> addTwoNumbers(List<AdditionInput> requests) {
    List<AdditionResult> results = new List<AdditionResult>();
    for (AdditionInput request : requests) {
      results.add(new AdditionResult(request.first, request.second));
    return results;

In this case, we're using an inner class AdditionInput as the list type for the invocableMethod input. In Process Builder, this allows us to dictate the input for the type that is passed in. While our invocableAction method can only accept a single parameter, parameter that can be a list of custom classes whose inputs are set by the Process Builder selected by the admin! The output of the preceding code will be as shown in the following screenshot:

The @InvocableActions interface

Other caveats

Invocable actions are called via the REST API, and this is both a blessing and a curse. Because they are invoked as API calls, each Invocable action executes in its own Apex transaction, meaning that your code isn't competing for the same CPU governor limit time as other triggers or managed package code. On the other hand, it does utilize REST API calls, which are governed on a 24-hour rotating basis. Heavily executed processes may incur significant API usage; which developers must be aware of. Additionally, there are a few caveats around the actual invocableMethod annotation. Only one method in any given class can be annotated as invocableMethod. Because of this, you should utilize a consistent naming convention that clearly indicates which classes only exist to wrap the singular invocableMethod. For instance, I use IM_ActionName. Furthermore, you need to establish an architecture consisting of libraries and objects that contain small but efficient methods that can be composed together with other methods to facilitate complex logic.

Finally, Invocable actions can not only receive a singular input parameter, but they can also return a value to the process. This value must be a list, however, and cannot contain generic sObjects or its primitive cousin object. Any other user-defined sObject, standard Object, or primitive is allowed. While the action can return a value, using the returned value is not entirely intuitive. In order to utilize return values, you have to call the invocableMethod from Flow, not from process. The good news is you can trigger a UI-less flow directly from the Process Builder by selecting an action type Flows. This allows you to select any predefined autolaunched or headless flow that you've created.

Process Builder wrap up

Process builder allows administrators and nondevelopers to not only execute workflow style actions but also call Apex code and flows without ever developing a single line of code. Additionally, Process Builder processes can be modified without changing the code. Administrators can call Apex methods directly by choosing the Apex action type; or for more complex logic, administrators can start autolaunched or headless flows that can utilize values returned by InvocableMethod annotated methods. Developers writing InvocableMethods should keep in mind two key things. First, the process or flow calling the InvocableMethod, and not the InvocableMethod itself, is responsible for determining whether or not the action should run. Secondly, while InvocableMethods can accept only a single input parameter, that input parameter can be a list of a custom type defined by variables that are annotated as @invocableVariable, some or all of which can be defined as required.

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