
Grouping is a great feature that allows you to move or edit several different elements of your presentation at once. This can be especially useful if you're trying to reorganize the layout of your Prezi after it's been created, or to add animations to several elements at once. Let's go back to the drawing we created earlier to see how this might work:


The first way to group items is to hold down the Ctrl key (Command on Mac OS) and to left-click on each element you want to group individually. In this case, I need to click on each individual line that makes up the flat top hair in the preceding image. This might be necessary if I only want to group the hair, for example:


Another method for grouping is to hold down the Shift key while dragging your mouse to select multiple items at once. In the preceding screenshot, I've selected my entire person at once. Now, I can easily rotate, resize, or move the entire person at once, without having to move each individual line or shape.


If you select a group of objects, move them, and then realize that a piece is missing because it didn't get selected, just press the Ctrl+Z (Command+Z on Mac OS) keys on your keyboard to undo the move. Then, broaden your selection and try again. Alternatively, you can hold down the Shift key and simply click on the piece you missed to add it to the group.

If we want to keep these elements grouped together instead of having to reselect them each time we decide to make a change, we can click on the Group button that appears with this change. Now these items will stay grouped unless we click on the new Ungroup button, now located in the same place as the Group button previously was:



You can also use frames to group material together. If you already created frames as part of your layout, this might make the grouping process even easier.

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