
If you've used any slide-based presentation tools, you'll be familiar with animations. They are normally used to slowly reveal certain points as the presenter discusses them with their audience. They help engage a little more and used well enough, they can really help tell your story.

Prezi offers the option to fade in content as a functionality that can be accessed while editing the path. And that's it—users can only fade in as no other animations are available. This can be done from two different locations, either the path thumbnail previews on the left-hand side of the screen, or from the path step displayed on the main canvas. To access the animation features, you need to click on the icon that looks like a shooting star, as seen here:


Now, when you hover over an item, a green shooting star appears. You can click on each element in the order that you want it to fade in. Let's take a look at an example here:


In the preceding example, our character has already been grouped, and I clicked to make him fade in first. You can see the text New Haircut will fade in second, and with one more click, the arrow will fade in last.

If you click on things in the wrong order, you can simply click on the Reset button and start over. To see if the animation works as you planned, you can click on the blue play button in the top-right corner to see a preview. Once you're happy with the animations you created, you can click on Done.

When you're presenting your Prezi in presentation mode, Prezi will move through each path point as normal when you click to advance, but then it will fade in each element one at a time with the click of the advance button. Once all of the elements in that step have been faded in, it will move to the next step of the path when you press the advance button again.


Animating bullet points

If you'd like to animate bullet points, you need to ensure that you create each bullet point in a separate textbox. Then you add an animation effect to each box.

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