Chapter 12. Online Collaboration

Prezi offers several different ways in which you can collaborate or interact with colleagues and others online. As businesses continue to expand globally, this ability to work from a distance becomes more necessary than ever. With Prezi, you can create together, present remotely, and share your work across an organization.

In this chapter, we will explain how Prezi can be used to collaborate and present online, and offer some tips on how to make all of this work smoothly.

We'll cover the following topics:

  • Shared folders
  • Cocreating Prezis
  • Avatars
  • Presenting remotely
  • Tips for presenting remotely
  • Creating and sharing videos based on presentations

Shared folders

At their most basic, Prezi folders represent an organizational strategy similar to the traditional file management system that you're used to on your computer You can create and name any number of folders to hold and organize the Prezi's that you create. To see how this works, let's try to create one to get started.


If you've been added to a multi-license group, you'll already be part of, and have access to, a shared folder with the name of the company.

Creating a folder

In the Your Prezis section of, you'll see the New folder… option in the menu on the left:

Creating a folder

From there, you will see you can now rename your new folder, which will be called Untitled folder by default:

Creating a folder

We'll name ours as Collaborations to get started. You'll see this name change reflected on the left-hand side of the screen. If you ever want to change it, just hover over the name of the folder at the top and then click on the pencil icon to edit:

Creating a folder

Now that we have created a folder, there are two different ways we can add Prezis.

First, we can simply drag and drop a Prezi by left-clicking and holding that click while we move the Prezi on top of the folder we'd like to move it to. Releasing the mouse button will then drop it into the folder:

Creating a folder

Second, click on the folder icon on any of your Prezis. A drop-down menu will appear that allows you to select the folder that you'd like to move this Prezi to:

Creating a folder


You can add any Prezi to a folder, it doesn't have to be the one that you created. However, you should be aware that when you add a Prezi, everyone else who has access to that folder will receive an e-mail notification and gain access to the Prezi, even if it was previously marked as private! If you're worried about the privacy settings of your Prezis, you'll want to be particularly careful working with folders.

Managing folders

Once you've created folders, you can then choose to share access to those folders with others. This makes it easy to create folders for many different areas and keep things easily organized. For example, you might create folders for:

  • A sales team to create sales pitch presentations
  • Sales reports created for the management team
  • Public Prezis created by the communication team

Adding viewers

If you want to add a viewer, you'll first need to navigate to the folder you'd like to share. Then, you'll look for the Add viewer button near the top-right corner of the screen.

Adding viewers

This will bring up the Manage folder dialogue box where you can add other viewers by entering their e-mail addresses:

Adding viewers

Once you've typed in the e-mail address, click on Add; you can continue adding as many viewers as you would like. Once you're finished, click on the Done button.


You will not be able to add someone as a viewer if they have not already created an account on Prezi with that e-mail address. They will not need to have a business account, as any type of Prezi account will work.

Once you've successfully added someone, you'll see an e-mail sent notification appear, as well as the person's name below yours in the list of people who have access to the folder, as seen in the following screenshot:

Adding viewers

Removing viewers

Removing someone's view permission from a folder is also easy. Once you share the folder with someone, the previous Add viewer button will read Shared with 1 viewers. Clicking on this will again bring up the Manage folder dialogue box:

Removing viewers

If you hover over any of the viewers, a small trash can will appear to the right. Clicking on this trash can will remove them from the shared folder.

Removing viewers


If you are added to a folder that someone else owns, you can remove yourself from the folder by following this method.

Deleting a folder

From the main folder page, click on the gear icon that appears at the top right of the screen. From this drop-down menu, click on Delete folder… and remove the entire folder. The Prezis that were part of the folder will still exist, but no longer remain organized in the folder.

Deleting a folder
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