The hard truth

Being a Prezi advocate, as we're sure you are by now, this news is going to be hard to deal with: PowerPoint is going to be around in your business for a long, long time.

Many people are resistant to change and proper use of Prezi takes some practice. So it would be difficult to introduce Prezi to your business on Monday and have everyone hang up their PowerPoint boots by Friday to fully adopt Prezi as the new presentation tool of choice.

We really want to help you be as realistic as we think you should be. Yes, your business may adopt Prezi but we doubt very much that they'll totally ditch PowerPoint. If you can live with that fact, then you'll save yourself a lot of stress and sleepless nights wondering why no-one else gets it but you.

Fingers can remain crossed that in 25 years from now Prezi will be the number one presentation tool for business, but look at it this way: If some of your colleagues won't adopt Prezi and decide to stick with PowerPoint, whose presentations are going to have more impact?

Pssst, it's "yours", dummy!

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