Ideas for games using sound and graphics

The scope to develop games for the MCBSTM32F400 evaluation board is unlimited; however, the restricted memory image imposed by the evaluation version of the MDK constrains their complexity and the size of bitmaps that can be used (we address this issue in Chapter 9, Embedded Toolchain). A number of general introductory texts on game development can inspire new ideas. While we used the topic of generating audio mainly to introduce the audio codec, it is a topic in its own right and those who wish to create a really professional gaming experience should refer to the book, The essential guide to game audio: The theory and practice of sound for games ( Screenshots of a few examples of games developed by students studying embedded systems are shown in the following screenshot:

Ideas for games using sound and graphics

The board lends itself to single-player games but two-player scenarios can be accommodated by designing an Artificial Intelligence (AI) opponent. Two (human) players can compete either by taking turns or linking two boards together using the RS232 COM port.

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