How to write a multithreaded Pong game

To further illustrate how to use the features of CMSIS-RTOS that we've introduced in this chapter, we'll return to the Pong program that we first introduced in Chapter 2, C Language Programming. We'll call this recipe: RTOS_Pong_v8v0. Due to space limitations, we're only showing those parts of the code that are relevant to the RTOS implementation. Refer to Chapter 2, C Language Programming for details of helper functions defined in the pong_utils.c file.

How to do it…

To create a multithreaded pong game, follow the steps given:

  1. Create a new project (new folder) called RTOS_Pong. Set the RTE to include board support for the ADC and GLCD. Include CMSIS-RTOS.
  2. Create a file named RTOS_Pong.c and add a task to handle the GLCD:
    void taskGLCD (void const *argument) {
      BallInfo init_pstn = thisGame.ball;
      for (;;) {
        osEvent evt = osMailGet(mail_box, osWaitForever);
        if (evt.status == osEventMail) {
          mail_t *mail = (mail_t*)evt.value.p;
          thisGame.p1.y = mail->pdl;            
          osMailFree(mail_box, mail);
          osMutexWait(mut_GLCD, osWaitForever);   
          if (thisGame.ball.x<BAR_W) {    /* reset pstn */       
            thisGame.ball = init_pstn;
          osSignalSet(tid_taskBall, 0x0001);
  3. Add a task to update the ball and check for collisions:
    void taskBall (void const *argument) {
       for (;;) {
        osSignalWait(0x0001, osWaitForever);
        osSignalSet(tid_taskGLCD, 0x0001);
  4. Add a task to handle the ADC:
    void taskADC (void const *argument) {
    uint32_t adcValue;
      for (;;) {
        mail_t *mail = (mail_t*)osMailAlloc(mail_box, 
        adcValue = ADC_GetValue ();
        mail->pdl = (adcValue >> 4) * (HEIGHT-BAR_H)/256;
        osMailPut(mail_box, mail);
  5. Add main(), save RTOS_Pong.c, and add the file to the project:
    int main (void) {
      HAL_Init ( );
      SystemClock_Config ( );
      GLCD_Initialize ();
      GLCD_Clear (White);             /* Clear the GLCD */
      GLCD_SetBackColor (White);  /* Set the Back Color */
      GLCD_SetTextColor (Blue);   /* Set the Text Color */
      mail_box = osMailCreate(osMailQ(mail_box), NULL);
      mut_GLCD = osMutexCreate(osMutex(mut_GLCD));
      tid_taskGLCD = osThreadCreate(osThread(taskGLCD), NULL);
      tid_taskBall = osThreadCreate(osThread(taskBall), NULL);
      tid_taskADC = osThreadCreate(osThread(taskADC), NULL);
  6. Create an appropriate header file named RTOS_Pong.h:
    #ifndef _RTOS_PONG_H
    #define _RTOS_PONG_H
    #include "cmsis_os.h"
    #define __FI    1               /* Font index 16x24 */
    /* Mailbox */
    typedef struct {
      uint32_t pdl; /* paddle position */
    } mail_t;
    osMailQDef(mail_box, 1, mail_t);
    osMailQId  mail_box;
    /* Mutex */
    osMutexId mut_GLCD; /* Mutex to control GLCD access */
    /* Function Prototypes for Tasks */
    void taskGLCD (void const *argument);
    void taskBall (void const *argument);
    void taskADC (void const *argument);
    /* Declare Task IDs */
    osThreadId tid_taskGLCD;  /* id of thread: taskGLCD */
    osThreadId tid_taskBall;  /* id of thread: taskGreq */
    osThreadId tid_taskADC;  /* id of thread: taskMotor */
    /* Define Threads */
    osThreadDef(taskGLCD, osPriorityNormal, __FI, 0);
    osThreadDef(taskBall, osPriorityNormal, __FI, 0);
    osThreadDef(taskADC, osPriorityNormal, __FI, 0);
    #endif /* _RTOS_PONG_H */
  7. Copy the pong_utils.c and pong_utils.h files (refer to Chapter 2, C Language Programming.) and add these to the project.
  8. Build, download, and run the program.

How it works…

The tasks named taskGLCD( ) and taskBall( ) are synchronized using a flag so the ball position is updated every time the screen is refreshed. The task named taskADC( ) sends the position of the paddle to a mailbox; taskGLCD( ) receives this value and uses it to render the paddle. The tasks are illustrated in the following diagram:

How it works…

The tasks are loosely coupled and can be independently tested. For example, during debuging, the taskADC( ) function and statements within taskGLCD( ), which read the mailbox and render the paddle, can be "commented out," leaving a simpler program that just moves the ball around the screen. The mailbox has only one slot. This is a key design decision that ensures that the paddle is rendered each time the ADC is read, so everything is synchronized to taskADC().

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