SQL queries against the example database

Now, let's list all the items from both the automobiles and motorcycles table. Because we have a long list of items, to save page space we will limit the output to only the top five items, as follows:

[Hadoop.testdomain:21000] > select * from automobiles limit 5;
Query finished, fetching results ...
| make      | model      | autoyear | fueltype | numofdoors | design | autotype | cylinders | horsepower | city_hwy_mpg | price  |
| Audi      | A4         | 2011     | gas      | 4          | sedan  | casual   | 6         | 476        | 22-30        | 45000  |
| Jeep      | Compass    | 2007     | gas      | 3          | suv    | sport    | 6         | 170        | 24-32        | 22000  |
| Dodge     | Challenger | 2013     | gas      | 4          | coupe  | casual   | 6         | 210        | 20-30        | 28000  |
| Chevrolet | Volt       | 2014     | electric | 4          | sedan  | casual   | 0         | 180        | 35-40        | 35000  |
| Toyota    | Prius      | 2013     | hybrid   | 4          | sedan  | casual   | 4         | 134        | 51-48        | 32000  |
Returned 5 row(s) in 1.77s

In the next step, we will use the same select statement with a variation to list only those motorcycles that have autoyear above 2010, as shown in the following code snippet:

[Hadoop.testdomain:21000] > select * from motorcycles where year > 2010;
Query finished, fetching results ...
| make    | model         | year | fueltype | wheels | body   | style  | cc_rpm | highspeed | automatic | price |
| Harley  | Tri Glide     | 2012 | gas      | 3      | deluxe | luxury | 1600   | 180       | false     | 35000 |
| Harley  | Iron          | 2012 | gas      | NULL   | luxury | 1500   | 200    | NULL      | NULL      | NULL  |
| Bramo   | Icon          | 2012 | electric | 2      | casual | sport  | 4500   | 80        | false     | 20000 |
| Zero    | Police        | 2013 | electric | 2      | casual | sport  | 4300   | 95        | false     | 25000 |
| Can-am  | spider        | 2014 | gas      | 3      | deluxe | luxury | 998    | 120       | false     | 22000 |
Returned 5 row(s) in 0.61s

Now, we will try to get a list of unique automakers from both the automobiles and motorcycles tables by using the distinct command as follows:

[Hadoop.testdomain:21000] > select distinct(make) from automobiles;
Query finished, fetching results ...
| make      |
| Mercedes  |
| Audi      |
| Nissan    |
| Dodge     |
| BMW       |
| Toyota    |
| Fisker    |
| Honda     |
| Chevrolet |
| Jeep      |
Returned 10 row(s) in 0.68s

And for the motorcycles table, we will use the distinct command as follows:

[Hadoop.testdomain:21000] > select distinct(make) from motorcycles;
Query finished, fetching results ...
| make    |
| Can-am  |
| Suzuki  |
| BMW     |
| Zero    |
| KTM     |
| Bramo   |
| Honda   |
| Triumph |
| Ducati  |
| Harley  |
Returned 10 row(s) in 0.48s
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