
In this chapter, we have learned what Browserify is and how you can organize your projects into Node modules to manage your code and dependencies in a cleaner way. To make the Contacts project compatible with npm, we had to alter the code of the project; however, the changes are minimal.

There are other alternatives to Browserify, too; require.js and the AMD module definition are good to work with. However testing with require.js could be very difficult; I don't recommend you use require.js if you want to test isolated modules (unit testing).

Webpack is another popular choice to bundle and organize your code base. Its main purpose is to work with frontend dependencies; it can load CommonJS modules and AMD modules. However, webpack is more complicated to configure and manage.

Browserify is the most popular choice for bundling JavaScript projects and is easier to configure and maintain than webpack; it is useful to use the same tools that Node uses to manage its dependencies and it does a great job.

In the next chapter, we will explore how to deal with files in a Backbone project; handling files over a RESTful API is a common issue, so we will discover what the common patterns and strategies are.

In Chapter 7, we will explore how to build applications with automation tools; instead of manually running the Browserify command each time we change the code, we will create the necessary scripts that will do it for us.

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