Chapter 1. Creating Interactive User eXperiences

In this chapter, we will cover the following recipes:

  • Creating a cloze with pictures
  • Designing a True/False quiz
  • Developing a quandary maze activity with images
  • Designing matching activities with pictures
  • Ordering paragraphs with related scenes
  • Creating storyboards
  • Embedding the story in Moodle
  • Embedding the Fakebook of William Shakespeare


There are many ways to build or create rich interactive user experiences to enhance our Moodle course. Therefore, we will learn how to design them using a combination of technologies, free and open source software, and services available on the Web.

The chapter explains how to create rich activities for Moodle courses. We are also going to work with graphics to create engaging activities for our students. Also, note that images tend to be an important asset to bear in mind when designing an activity.

The aim of this chapter is to insert in our Moodle course the available applications in Web 2.0 in order to enrich our activities. Some of the software that we will use are Hot Potatoes, JClic, and Quandary 2; these are visually rich free software available on the Web. We can design activities using interactive websites as well.

There are also websites where we can design resources in order to embed them in our Moodle courses. Therefore, when we add them into the Moodle course we add a great ingredient to our activities. We have to take advantage of it in order to facilitate our work.

In this book we will create course materials, which deal with the subject of general knowledge. The topics will be different for each chapter. This chapter deals with Nobel Prize winners and people of achievement. We can find Nobel Prize winners on the website

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