
To wrap up, in this chapter, we reviewed some basic Python skills, variables, functions, and parameters; saw how to import libraries and how to install libraries on multiple IDEs; and generated PNG graphics using the Python Imaging Library, a common Python library.

We took a moment to understand paths and file I/O in Python, reading and writing to files and variables in our Python code. We also learned about SVG graphics: how to work with them and generate them in Python using the svgwrite library.

Now that we have done some basic generation of graphics with Python and worked with some basic imaging libraries, we are ready to start the data visualization part of this book.

As you now know, building graphics, let alone charts, can be a monumental task to perform without some helper libraries. Fortunately, Python provides library after library of tested and great-looking charting tools that are ready for your Python projects.

In the next chapter, we will start with a very easy-to-use, almost turnkey library for building SVG charts that is ready with high-end multimedia content: pygal!

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