About the Reviewers

Richard Dutton started programming the ZX Spectrum when he was 8 years old and his obsession carried him through a confusing array of technologies and roles in the fields of technology and finance.

He has worked with Microsoft, and as a Director at Barclays, his current obsession is a mashup of Python, machine learning, and block chain.

If he's not in front of a computer, he can be found in the gym or at home with a glass of wine while he looks at his iPhone. He calls this balance.

Dave Julian is an IT consultant and teacher with over 15 years of experience. He has worked as a technician, project manager, programmer, and web developer. His current projects include developing a crop analysis tool as part of integrated pest management strategies in greenhouses. He has a strong interest in the intersection of biology and technology with a belief that smart machines can help solve the world's most important problems.

Vahid Mirjalili received his PhD in mechanical engineering from Michigan State University, where he developed novel techniques for protein structure refinement using molecular dynamics simulations. Combining his knowledge from the fields of statistics, data mining, and physics he developed powerful data-driven approaches that helped him and his research group to win two recent worldwide competitions for protein structure prediction and refinement, CASP, in 2012 and 2014.

While working on his doctorate degree, he decided to join the Computer Science and Engineering Department at Michigan State University to specialize in the field of machine learning. His current research projects involve the development of unsupervised machine learning algorithms for the mining of massive datasets. He is also a passionate Python programmer and shares his implementations of clustering algorithms on his personal website at http://vahidmirjalili.com.

Hamidreza Sattari is an IT professional and has been involved in several areas of software engineering, from programming to architecture, as well as management. He holds a master's degree in software engineering from Herriot-Watt University, UK, and a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering (electronics) from Tehran Azad University, Iran. In recent years, his areas of interest have been big data and Machine Learning. He coauthored the book Spring Web Services 2 Cookbook and he maintains his blog at http://justdeveloped-blog.blogspot.com/.

Dmytro Taranovsky is a software engineer with an interest and background in Python, Linux, and machine learning. Originally from Kiev, Ukraine, he moved to the United States in 1996. From an early age, he displayed a passion for science and knowledge, winning mathematics and physics competitions. In 1999, he was chosen to be a member of the U.S. Physics Team. In 2005, he graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, majoring in mathematics. Later, he worked as a software engineer on a text transformation system for computer-assisted medical transcriptions (eScription). Although he originally worked on Perl, he appreciated the power and clarity of Python, and he was able to scale the system to very large data sizes. Afterwards, he worked as a software engineer and analyst for an algorithmic trading firm. He also made significant contributions to the foundation of mathematics, including creating and developing an extension to the language of set theory and its connection to large cardinal axioms, developing a notion of constructive truth, and creating a system of ordinal notations and implementing them in Python. He also enjoys reading, likes to go outdoors, and tries to make the world a better place.

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