Developing your intuition for backpropagation

Although backpropagation was rediscovered and popularized almost 30 years ago, it still remains one of the most widely used algorithms to train artificial neural networks very efficiently. In this section, we'll see a more intuitive summary and the bigger picture of how this fascinating algorithm works.

In essence, backpropagation is just a very computationally efficient approach to compute the derivatives of a complex cost function. Our goal is to use those derivatives to learn the weight coefficients for parameterizing a multi-layer artificial neural network. The challenge in the parameterization of neural networks is that we are typically dealing with a very large number of weight coefficients in a high-dimensional feature space. In contrast to other cost functions that we have seen in previous chapters, the error surface of a neural network cost function is not convex or smooth. There are many bumps in this high-dimensional cost surface (local minima) that we have to overcome in order to find the global minimum of the cost function.

You may recall the concept of the chain rule from your introductory calculus classes. The chain rule is an approach to deriving a complex, nested function, for example, Developing your intuition for backpropagation that is broken down into basic components:

Developing your intuition for backpropagation

In the context of computer algebra, a set of techniques has been developed to solve such problems very efficiently, which is also known as automatic differentiation. If you are interested in learning more about automatic differentiation in machine learning applications, I recommend you to refer to the following resource: A. G. Baydin and B. A. Pearlmutter. Automatic Differentiation of Algorithms for Machine Learning. arXiv preprint arXiv:1404.7456, 2014, which is freely available on arXiv at

Automatic differentiation comes with two modes, the forward and the reverse mode, respectively. Backpropagation is simply just a special case of the reverse-mode automatic differentiation. The key point is that applying the chain rule in the forward mode can be quite expensive since we would have to multiply large matrices for each layer (Jacobians) that we eventually multiply by a vector to obtain the output. The trick of the reverse mode is that we start from right to left: we multiply a matrix by a vector, which yields another vector that is multiplied by the next matrix and so on. Matrix-vector multiplication is computationally much cheaper than matrix-matrix multiplication, which is why backpropagation is one of the most popular algorithms used in neural network training.

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