Monitoring and troubleshooting

Galera provides a set of status variables, which can be used to monitor the status of each node. Like Galera server variables, each status variable starts with the 'wsrep_' prefix. This allows visualizing all the variables easily with the following query:


There are at least two ways to automate the monitoring of MariaDB Galera Cluster:

  • Using a plugin called Galera Cluster Nagios. It is developed and maintained by FromDual, and can be downloaded from their site: This plugin is not covered by this book. The FromDual's website provides the needed documentation.
  • Using Galera automatic notifications.

Notification scripts

The wsrep_notify_cmd server variable can be set to a shell command or script, which will be automatically called when the node changes its status. Some parameters will be added to the invocation to provide the notification script with all the information it may need. The script can then use this information to perform any desired action, such as logging an event on a file, logging an event in a MariaDB table, or sending a mail to inform the database administrator that a major problem has occurred.

The notification script will be invoked with the following syntax:

<command> --status <new_status> --uuid <state_UUID> --primary [yes|no] --members <members_list> --index <node_index>

Here's an explanation of the parameters:

  • command: This is the command specified in the wsrep_notify_cmd variable
  • new_status: This is the current status of the node
  • state_UUID: This is a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) associated with the last state change
  • --primary: This argument indicates whether the node is a member of a primary cluster
  • members_list: This is a comma-separated list of the nodes connected to the node's cluster partition

The following example is not very useful but it shows how to write a notification script, which does something useful. The following code is a bash script. It simply sends an e-mail to the DBA if Node1 becomes part of a non-primary node. The code is as follows:

#!/bin/sh -eu
while [ $# -gt 0 ]
  case $1 in
    [ "$2" != "yes" ]
    echo "Node1 is not in a primary cluster anymore!"> $EMAILMESSAGE
    /bin/mail -s "Galera Problem" "[email protected]" < $EMAILMESSAGE

To instruct Galera to call this script, we can use a statement similar to the following:

SET @@global.wsrep_notify_cmd = '/path/to/';

Checking the status variables

There are several checks that can be performed periodically to verify the integrity of a cluster. These checks fall into four categories:

  • Cluster health: We want to know whether the cluster is partitioned and, if it is, we want to know whether all the nodes are running
  • Individual node health: For each node, we want to check whether it is running and, if it is not, we need to find out the reason
  • Replication health: Even if all the nodes are running, we want to check that the replication lag is acceptable
  • Network performance: The speed of the network communication

The health of a cluster

A status variable that we may want to periodically check is wsrep_cluster_size. If this value is lower than the expected one, at least one node has crashed or the cluster has been split into multiple partitions. Checking this variable on one node is sufficient. However, if we detect that the size of the cluster is too low, we will want to check other nodes to verify what happened.

In this case, we can check the wsrep_cluster_state_uuid and wsrep_cluster_conf_id variables in each node. These values are UUIDs, which in normal conditions are identical for all nodes. If two nodes have different values for wsrep_cluster_state_uuid, they are not connected to the same cluster. If those values are identical, but the value of wsrep_cluster_conf differs, the cluster has been partitioned.

If the cluster is partitioned, we may want to connect to a node for each partition to check which of them is the primary node. To do this, we can query the wsrep_cluster_status status variable. Checking this variable for each node in the cluster is another way to find out whether the cluster is partitioned; if at least one node does not belong to the primary cluster, more than one partition exists.

Individual node health

If the cluster's size is small, we may want to check each node to find out whether it is running or not.

The best way to check whether a node is properly running is to query the wsrep_ready status variable. If the node is in good health, its value must be true. If not, we must try to find out what is going wrong.

The wsrep_connected status variable indicates whether the wsrep library is running and connected to MariaDB. This probably means that wsrep could not be loaded because of a configuration error. In this case, we will check the correctness of variables like wsrep_cluster_address.

If the value of wsrep_connected is true, we can check the value of wsrep_local_state_comment. If it is 'Joining', 'Waiting for SST', or 'Joined', the node is still connected to the cluster. With big databases and slow connections, the 'Waiting for SST' phase can take a lot of time.

The health of a replication

In synchronous replication, a cluster is not faster than the slower node. This happens because all nodes, after performing a transaction, have to wait until all the other nodes have performed the same transaction. For this reason, it is important to periodically check the wsrep_flow_control_paused status variable in Galera. This value is in the range between 0 and 1 and represents the fraction of time that the node spent waiting until the other nodes completed a transaction. If the value is not very close to 0, we have a latency problem.

In this case, we will need to identify the slow nodes. To do this, we will check two status variables:

  • wsrep_flow_control_sent
  • wsrep_local_recv_queue_avg

Slower nodes have higher values.

If a node is slow, we should try to increase the number of parallel threads used for replication. Do not forget to check common MariaDB performance problems such as bad usage of the buffer pool.

Network performance

If none of the nodes is sensibly slower than the others and we are still not happy with the performance, the bottleneck is probably the network speed. To verify this, we can check the wsrep_local_send_queue_avg status variable. A slow network leads to a high number of queued messages. The trivial but vital ping tool can confirm poor network performance. Or iftop can show us data about the network traffic, confirming whether the bandwidth is saturated.

There are many possible reasons for a slow network and this topic cannot be covered by a book about MariaDB. Some general tips are as follows:

  • Galera needs a dedicated subnetwork. Other communications slow down the replication.
  • Check the configuration of the systems including the firewall software settings.
  • If the cause is hard to find, the network's physical layer should be considered. Sometimes we might find out that a long cable is rolled, or that it is close to a magnetic source. Electro Magnetic Interference is likely to slow down a network or make it unreliable.
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