
In this chapter, we discussed how to set up and manage a cluster of MariaDB servers.

We discussed how to install, configure, and start individual nodes by connecting them together. We learned how to use a Galera arbitrator to deal with situations where one group of nodes loses the connection to the rest of the cluster.

We discussed how to monitor the cluster and find out the causes of performance problems.

Despite MariaDB Galera Cluster nodes being very similar to normal MariaDB servers, we learned the most important limitations of a cluster. For example, now we know that we must avoid using the query cache or XA transactions with Galera.

Finally, we learned about Galera Load Balancer, which can be used to distribute the workload among the nodes.

In this book, we covered several advanced topics concerning MariaDB optimization, administration, and setup. Now we should master the necessary knowledge to solve all the common problems that can arise during a server activity, as well as implement a backup plan and set up a replication environment or cluster. Of course, the knowledge is not enough; the reader needs to put the theory into practice and accumulate experience. This can be the hardest part, but with the help of this book and online documentation, we should be able to find the information we need from time to time.

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